diff --git a/data/stk_config.xml b/data/stk_config.xml
index f691b6175..d04fc1cd4 100644
--- a/data/stk_config.xml
+++ b/data/stk_config.xml
@@ -36,6 +36,10 @@
        Penalty: Penalty time if a kart accelerates before GO. -->
   <startup penalty="1" />
+  <!-- How often a news message is going to be displayed before
+       it will be ignored. -->
+  <news max-display="10"/>
   <!-- If the normals (for wheel raycasts) should be smoothened -->
   <physics smooth-normals="false"/>
diff --git a/src/addons/network_http.cpp b/src/addons/network_http.cpp
index 8dfe106cd..5c6705e98 100644
--- a/src/addons/network_http.cpp
+++ b/src/addons/network_http.cpp
@@ -236,12 +236,20 @@ void NetworkHttp::updateNews(const XMLNode *xml, const std::string &filename)
         if(node->getName()!="message") continue;
         std::string news;
         node->get("content", &news);
+        int id=-1;
+        node->get("id", &id);
-            NewsMessage n(core::stringw(news.c_str()),
-                          m_news.getData().size());
-            m_news.getData().push_back(n);
+            // While the xml file does not have an id:
+            if(id==-1)
+                id = m_news.getData().size();
+            // Only add the news if it's not supposed to be ignored.
+            if(id>UserConfigParams::m_ignore_message_id)
+            {
+                NewsMessage n(core::stringw(news.c_str()), id);
+                m_news.getData().push_back(n);
+            }
@@ -260,6 +268,8 @@ void NetworkHttp::updateNews(const XMLNode *xml, const std::string &filename)
+    else
+        updateMessageDisplayCount();
 }   // updateNews
@@ -315,12 +325,31 @@ const core::stringw NetworkHttp::getNextNewsMessage()
     core::stringw m("");
+        // Check if we have a message that was finished being
+        // displayed --> increase display count.
-            // Now we have a message that was finished being
-            // displayed --> increase display count.
-            m_news.getData()[m_current_news_message].increaseDisplayCount();
+            NewsMessage &n = m_news.getData()[m_current_news_message];
+            n.increaseDisplayCount();
+            // If the message is being displayed often enough,
+            // ignore it from now on.
+            if(n.getDisplayCount()>stk_config->m_max_display_news)
+            {
+                // Messages have sequential numbers, so we only store
+                // the latest message id (which is the current one)
+                UserConfigParams::m_ignore_message_id = n.getMessageId();
+                m_news.getData().erase(m_news.getData().begin()
+                                       +m_current_news_message  );
+            }
+            // 
+            if(m_news.getData().size()==0)
+            {
+                m_news.unlock();
+                return "";
+            }
         if(m_current_news_message >= (int)m_news.getData().size())
@@ -334,7 +363,9 @@ const core::stringw NetworkHttp::getNextNewsMessage()
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 /** Saves the information about which message was being displayed how often
- *  to the user config file.
+ *  to the user config file. It dnoes not actually save the user config
+ *  file, this is left to the main program (user config is saved at
+ *  the exit of the program).
  *  Note that this function assumes that m_news is already locked!
 void NetworkHttp::updateUserConfigFile() const
@@ -346,9 +377,38 @@ void NetworkHttp::updateUserConfigFile() const
         o << n.getMessageId()    << ":"
           << n.getDisplayCount() << " ";
     UserConfigParams::m_display_count = o.str();
 }   // updateUserConfigFile
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+/** Reads the information about which message was dislpayed how often from
+ *  the user config file.
+ */
+void NetworkHttp::updateMessageDisplayCount()
+    m_news.lock();
+    std::vector<std::string> pairs = 
+        StringUtils::split(UserConfigParams::m_display_count,' ');
+    for(unsigned int i=0; i<pairs.size(); i++)
+    {
+        std::vector<std::string> v = StringUtils::split(pairs[i], ':');
+        int id, count;
+        StringUtils::fromString(v[0], id);
+        StringUtils::fromString(v[1], count);
+        // Search all downloaded messages for this id. 
+        for(unsigned int j=0; j<m_news.getData().size(); j++)
+        {
+            if(m_news.getData()[j].getMessageId()!=id)
+                continue;
+            m_news.getData()[j].setDisplayCount(count);
+            if(count>stk_config->m_max_display_news)
+                m_news.getData().erase(m_news.getData().begin()+j);
+            break;
+        }   // for j <m_news.getData().size()
+    }
+    m_news.unlock();
+}   // updateMessageDisplayCount
 // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 size_t NetworkHttp::writeStr(char ptr [], size_t size, size_t nb_char, 
diff --git a/src/addons/network_http.hpp b/src/addons/network_http.hpp
index 5c895e96c..76349f62a 100644
--- a/src/addons/network_http.hpp
+++ b/src/addons/network_http.hpp
@@ -74,6 +74,8 @@ private:
         int  getMessageId() const {return m_message_id;}
         /** Returns the display count. */
         int getDisplayCount() const {return m_display_count; }
+        /** Sets the display count for this message. */
+        void setDisplayCount(int n) {m_display_count = n; }
     };   // NewsMessage
     mutable Synchronised< std::vector<NewsMessage> > m_news;
@@ -81,6 +83,10 @@ private:
     /** Index of the current news message that is being displayed. */
     int             m_current_news_message;
+    /** Stores the news message display count from the user config file. 
+    */
+    std::vector<int> m_saved_display_count;
     /** Which command to execute next. Access to this variable is guarded
      *  by m_mutex_command and m_cond_command. */
     HttpCommands    m_command;
@@ -116,6 +122,7 @@ private:
     void          loadAddonsList(const XMLNode *xml,
                                  const std::string &filename);
     std::string   downloadToStrInternal(std::string url);
+    void          updateMessageDisplayCount();
     bool          downloadFileInternal(const std::string &file,
                                        const std::string &save_filename,
                                        bool is_asynchron);
diff --git a/src/config/stk_config.cpp b/src/config/stk_config.cpp
index 406eddcd8..143591b4d 100644
--- a/src/config/stk_config.cpp
+++ b/src/config/stk_config.cpp
@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@ void STKConfig::load(const std::string &filename)
     CHECK_NEG(m_music_credit_time,         "music-credit-time"          );
     CHECK_NEG(m_leader_time_per_kart,      "leader time-per-kart"       );
     CHECK_NEG(m_penalty_time,              "penalty-time"               );
+    CHECK_NEG(m_max_display_news,          "max-display-news"           );
 }   // load
@@ -156,6 +157,7 @@ void STKConfig::init_defaults()
     m_max_kart_version         = -100;
     m_min_track_version        = -100;
     m_max_track_version        = -100;
+    m_max_display_news         = -100;
     m_title_music              = NULL;
     m_enable_networking        = true;
     m_smooth_normals           = false;
@@ -233,6 +235,11 @@ void STKConfig::getAllData(const XMLNode * root)
         startup_node->get("penalty", &m_penalty_time );
+    if (const XMLNode *news_node= root->getNode("news"))
+    {
+        news_node->get("max-display", &m_max_display_news);
+    }
     if (const XMLNode *music_node = root->getNode("music"))
         std::string title_music;
diff --git a/src/config/stk_config.hpp b/src/config/stk_config.hpp
index 749471da5..ac48c8f1f 100644
--- a/src/config/stk_config.hpp
+++ b/src/config/stk_config.hpp
@@ -95,6 +95,8 @@ public:
           m_max_kart_version;        /**<version supported by this binary.   */
     int   m_min_track_version,       /**<The minimum and maximum .track file */
           m_max_track_version;       /**<version supported by this binary.   */
+    int   m_max_display_news;        /**<How often a news message is displayed
+                                         before it is ignored. */
     bool  m_enable_networking;
diff --git a/src/config/user_config.hpp b/src/config/user_config.hpp
index 0418bd7e3..8bbe61516 100644
--- a/src/config/user_config.hpp
+++ b/src/config/user_config.hpp
@@ -412,7 +412,7 @@ namespace UserConfigParams
             PARAM_DEFAULT(  StringUserConfigParam("Peach.stkskin", "skin_file", "Name of the skin to use") );
     // ---- Addon server related entries
-    PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam        m_addon_group
+    PARAM_PREFIX GroupUserConfigParam       m_addon_group
         PARAM_DEFAULT( GroupUserConfigParam("AddonAndNews", 
                                             "Addon and news related settings") );
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ namespace UserConfigParams
                                                   "The server used for addon.") );
-    PARAM_PREFIX TimeUserConfigParam         m_news_last_updated
+    PARAM_PREFIX TimeUserConfigParam        m_news_last_updated
             PARAM_DEFAULT(  TimeUserConfigParam(0, "news_last_updated",
                                                 "Time news was updated last.") );
@@ -437,22 +437,31 @@ namespace UserConfigParams
                                                "How often all news messages have been displayed") );
-    PARAM_PREFIX TimeUserConfigParam         m_addons_last_updated
+    PARAM_PREFIX IntUserConfigParam         m_ignore_message_id
+            PARAM_DEFAULT(  IntUserConfigParam(-1, "ignore_message_id", 
+                                               &m_addon_group,
+                                               "Ignore all messages with this id and lower") );
+    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_enable_internet
+            PARAM_DEFAULT(  BoolUserConfigParam(true, "enable_internet",
+                                               &m_addon_group,
+                                               "Enable news and addons server") );
+    PARAM_PREFIX TimeUserConfigParam        m_addons_last_updated
             PARAM_DEFAULT(  TimeUserConfigParam(0, "addon_last_updated",
                                                 "Time addon-list was updated last.") );
-    PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam     m_language
+    PARAM_PREFIX StringUserConfigParam      m_language
             PARAM_DEFAULT( StringUserConfigParam("system", "language", "Which language to use (language code or 'system')") );
-    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam       m_artist_debug_mode
+    PARAM_PREFIX BoolUserConfigParam        m_artist_debug_mode
             PARAM_DEFAULT( BoolUserConfigParam(false, "artist_debug_mode", "Whether to enable track debugging features") );
     // TODO? implement blacklist for new irrlicht device and GUI
     PARAM_PREFIX std::vector<std::string>   m_blacklist_res;
-    PARAM_PREFIX PtrVector<PlayerProfile>  m_all_players;
+    PARAM_PREFIX PtrVector<PlayerProfile>   m_all_players;