mpd={} mpd.pause_between_songs=tonumber(minetest.settings:get("mpd_pause_between_songs")) or 30 --end config mpd.modpath=minetest.get_modpath("mpd") if not mpd.modpath then error("mpd mod folder has to be named 'mpd'!") end --{name, length, gain~1} mpd.songs = {} local sfile,"songs.txt") if not sfile then error("Error opening songs.txt: "..sfileerr) end for linent in sfile:lines() do -- trim leading and trailing spaces away local line = string.match(linent, "^%s*(.-)%s*$") if line~="" and string.sub(line,1,1)~="#" then local name, timeMinsStr, timeSecsStr, gainStr, title = string.match(line, "^(%S+)%s+(%d+):([%d%.]+)%s+([%d%.]+)%s*(.*)$") local timeMins, timeSecs, gain = tonumber(timeMinsStr), tonumber(timeSecsStr), tonumber(gainStr) if title=="" then title = name end if name and timeMins and timeSecs and gain then mpd.songs[#mpd.songs+1]={name=name, length=timeMins*60+timeSecs, lengthhr=timeMinsStr..":"..timeSecsStr, gain=gain, title=title} else minetest.log("warning", "[mpd] Misformatted song entry in songs.txt: "..line) end end end sfile:close() if #mpd.songs==0 then print("[mpd]no songs registered, not doing anything") return end = minetest.get_mod_storage() mpd.handles={} mpd.playing=false mpd.id_playing=nil mpd.song_time_left=nil mpd.time_next=10 --sekunden mpd.id_last_played=nil minetest.register_globalstep(function(dtime) if mpd.playing then if mpd.song_time_left<=0 then mpd.stop_song() mpd.time_next=mpd.pause_between_songs else mpd.song_time_left=mpd.song_time_left-dtime end elseif mpd.time_next then if mpd.time_next<=0 then mpd.next_song() else mpd.time_next=mpd.time_next-dtime end end end) mpd.play_song=function(id) if mpd.playing then mpd.stop_song() end local song=mpd.songs[id] if not song then return end for _,player in ipairs(minetest.get_connected_players()) do local pname=player:get_player_name() local pvolume=tonumber("vol_"..pname)) if not pvolume then pvolume=1 end if pvolume>0 then local handle = minetest.sound_play(, {to_player=pname, gain=song.gain*pvolume}) if handle then mpd.handles[pname]=handle end end end mpd.playing=id --adding 2 seconds as security mpd.song_time_left = song.length + 2 end mpd.stop_song=function() for pname, handle in pairs(mpd.handles) do minetest.sound_stop(handle) end mpd.id_last_played=mpd.playing mpd.playing=nil mpd.handles={} mpd.time_next=nil end mpd.next_song=function() local next repeat next=math.random(1,#mpd.songs) until #mpd.songs==1 or next~=mpd.id_last_played mpd.play_song(next) end mpd.song_human_readable=function(id) if not tonumber(id) then return "" end local song=mpd.songs[id] if not song then return "" end return id..": "" [""]" end minetest.register_privilege("mpd", "may control the music player daemon (mpd) mod") minetest.register_chatcommand("mpd_stop", { params = "", description = "Stop the song currently playing", privs = {mpd=true}, func = function(name, param) mpd.stop_song() end, }) minetest.register_chatcommand("mpd_list", { params = "", description = "List all available songs and their IDs", privs = {mpd=true}, func = function(name, param) for k,v in ipairs(mpd.songs) do minetest.chat_send_player(name, mpd.song_human_readable(k)) end end, }) minetest.register_chatcommand("mpd_play", { params = "", description = "Play the songs with the given ID (see ids with /mpd_list)", privs = {mpd=true}, func = function(name, param) if param=="" then mpd.next_song() return true,"Playing: "..mpd.song_human_readable(mpd.playing) end id=tonumber(param) if id and id>0 and id<=#mpd.songs then mpd.play_song(id) return true,"Playing: "..mpd.song_human_readable(id) end return false, "Invalid song ID!" end, }) minetest.register_chatcommand("mpd_what", { params = "", description = "Display the currently played song.", privs = {mpd=true}, func = function(name, param) if not mpd.playing then if mpd.time_next and mpd.time_next~=0 then return true,"Nothing playing, "..math.floor(mpd.time_next or 0).." sec. left until next song." else return true,"Nothing playing." end end return true,"Playing: "..mpd.song_human_readable(mpd.playing).."\nTime Left: "..math.floor(mpd.song_time_left or 0).." sec." end, }) minetest.register_chatcommand("mpd_next", { params = "[seconds]", description = "Start the next song, either immediately (no parameters) or after n seconds.", privs = {mpd=true}, func = function(name, param) mpd.stop_song() if param and tonumber(param) then mpd.time_next=tonumber(param) return true,"Next song in "..param.." seconds!" else mpd.next_song() return true,"Next song started!" end end, }) minetest.register_chatcommand("mvolume", { params = "[volume level (0-1)]", description = "Set your background music volume. Use /mvolume 0 to turn off background music for you. Without parameters, show your current setting.", privs = {}, func = function(pname, param) if not param or param=="" then local pvolume=tonumber("vol_"..pname)) if not pvolume then pvolume=0.5 end if pvolume>0 then return true, "Your music volume is set to "..pvolume.."." else if mpd.handles[pname] then minetest.sound_stop(mpd.handles[pname]) end return true, "Background music is disabled for you. Use '/mvolume 1' to enable it again." end end local pvolume=tonumber(param) if not pvolume then return false, "Invalid usage: /mvolume [volume level (0-1)]" end pvolume = math.min(pvolume, 1) pvolume = math.max(pvolume, 0)"vol_"..pname, pvolume) if pvolume>0 then return true, "Music volume set to "..pvolume..". Change will take effect when the next song starts." else if mpd.handles[pname] then minetest.sound_stop(mpd.handles[pname]) end return true, "Disabled background music for you. Use /mvolume to enable it again." end end, }) if vote then dofile(mpd.modpath..DIR_DELIM.."vote.lua") end