package d2player import ( "fmt" "image/color" "log" "sort" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( skillIconWidth = 48 screenWidth = 800 screenHeight = 600 skillIconHeight = 48 rightPanelEndX = 720 leftPanelStartX = 90 skillPanelOffsetY = 465 skillListsLength = 5 // 0 to 4. 0 - General Skills, 1 to 3 - Class-specific skills(based on the 3 different skill trees), 4 - Other skills tooltipPadLeft = 3 tooltipPadRight = 3 tooltipPadBottom = 5 ) // SkillPanel represents a skill select menu popup that is displayed when the player left clicks on his active left/right skill. type SkillPanel struct { asset *d2asset.AssetManager activeSkill *d2hero.HeroSkill isOpen bool regenerateImageCache bool hero *d2mapentity.Player ListRows []*SkillListRow isLeftPanel bool renderer d2interface.Renderer ui *d2ui.UIManager hoveredSkill *d2hero.HeroSkill hoverTooltipRect *d2geom.Rectangle hoverTooltipText *d2ui.Label } // NewHeroSkillsPanel creates a new hero status panel func NewHeroSkillsPanel(asset *d2asset.AssetManager, ui *d2ui.UIManager, hero *d2mapentity.Player, isLeftPanel bool) *SkillPanel { var activeSkill *d2hero.HeroSkill if isLeftPanel { activeSkill = hero.LeftSkill } else { activeSkill = hero.RightSkill } hoverTooltipText := ui.NewLabel(d2resource.Font16, d2resource.PaletteStatic) hoverTooltipText.Alignment = d2gui.HorizontalAlignCenter return &SkillPanel{ asset: asset, activeSkill: activeSkill, ui: ui, isOpen: false, ListRows: make([]*SkillListRow, skillListsLength), renderer: ui.Renderer(), isLeftPanel: isLeftPanel, hero: hero, hoverTooltipText: hoverTooltipText, } } // Open opens the hero skills panel func (s *SkillPanel) Open() { s.isOpen = true s.regenerateImageCache = true } // Close the hero skills panel func (s *SkillPanel) Close() { s.isOpen = false } // IsInRect returns whether the X Y coordinates are in some of the list rows of the panel. func (s *SkillPanel) IsInRect(X int, Y int) bool { for _, listRow := range s.ListRows { // TODO: investigate why listRow can be nil if listRow != nil && listRow.IsInRect(X, Y) { return true } } return false } // GetListRowByPos returns the skill list row for a given X and Y, based on the width and height of the skills list. func (s *SkillPanel) GetListRowByPos(X int, Y int) *SkillListRow { for _, listRow := range s.ListRows { if listRow.IsInRect(X, Y) { return listRow } } return nil } // Render gets called on every tick func (s *SkillPanel) Render(target d2interface.Surface) error { if !s.isOpen { return nil } if s.regenerateImageCache { s.generateSkillRowImageCache(target) s.regenerateImageCache = false } renderedRows := 0 for _, skillListRow := range s.ListRows { if len(skillListRow.Skills) == 0 { continue } startX := s.getRowStartX(skillListRow) rowOffsetY := skillPanelOffsetY - (renderedRows * skillIconHeight) target.PushTranslation(startX, rowOffsetY) target.Render(skillListRow.cachedImage) target.Pop() renderedRows++ } if s.hoveredSkill != nil { target.PushTranslation(s.hoverTooltipRect.Left, s.hoverTooltipRect.Top) target.DrawRect(s.hoverTooltipRect.Width, s.hoverTooltipRect.Height, color.RGBA{0, 0, 0, uint8(200)}) // the text should be centered horizontally in the tooltip rect target.PushTranslation(s.hoverTooltipRect.Width/2, 0) s.hoverTooltipText.Render(target) target.PopN(2) } return nil } // RegenerateImageCache will force re-generating the cached menu image on next Render. // Somewhat expensive operation, should not be called often. Currently called every time the panel is opened or when the player learns a new skill. func (s *SkillPanel) RegenerateImageCache() { s.regenerateImageCache = true } // IsOpen returns true if the hero skills panel is open func (s *SkillPanel) IsOpen() bool { return s.isOpen } // Toggle toggles the visibility of the hero status panel func (s *SkillPanel) Toggle() { if s.isOpen { s.Close() } else { s.Open() } } func (s *SkillPanel) generateSkillRowImageCache(target d2interface.Surface) error { for idx := range s.ListRows { s.ListRows[idx] = &SkillListRow{Skills: make([]*d2hero.HeroSkill, 0), Rectangle: d2geom.Rectangle{Height: 0, Width: 0}} } for _, skill := range s.hero.Skills { // left panel with an incompatible skill(e.g. Paladin auras cant be used as a left skill) if s.isLeftPanel && !skill.Leftskill { continue } // ListRow is -1 for other skills that should not be shown in the panel(e.g. Kick) if skill.ListRow == -1 || skill.Passive { continue } s.ListRows[skill.ListRow].AddSkill(skill) } visibleRows := 0 for idx, skillListRow := range s.ListRows { // row won't be considered as visible if len(skillListRow.Skills) == 0 { continue } skillListRow.Rectangle = d2geom.Rectangle{ Height: skillIconHeight, Width: skillListRow.GetWidth(), Left: s.getRowStartX(skillListRow), Top: skillPanelOffsetY - (visibleRows * skillIconHeight), } sort.SliceStable(skillListRow.Skills, func(a, b int) bool { // left panel skills are aligned by ID (low to high), right panel is the opposite if s.isLeftPanel { return skillListRow.Skills[a].ID < skillListRow.Skills[b].ID } return skillListRow.Skills[a].ID > skillListRow.Skills[b].ID }) cachedImage, err := s.createSkillListImage(skillListRow) if err != nil { log.Println(err) return err } s.ListRows[idx].cachedImage = cachedImage visibleRows++ } return nil } func (s *SkillPanel) createSkillListImage(skillsListRow *SkillListRow) (d2interface.Surface, error) { surface, err := s.renderer.NewSurface(len(skillsListRow.Skills)*skillIconWidth, skillIconHeight, d2enum.FilterNearest) if err != nil { return nil, err } lastSkillResourcePath := d2resource.GenericSkills skillSprite, _ := s.ui.NewSprite(s.getSkillResourceByClass(""), d2resource.PaletteSky) for idx, skill := range skillsListRow.Skills { currentResourcePath := s.getSkillResourceByClass(skill.Charclass) // only load a new sprite if the DCC file path changed if currentResourcePath != lastSkillResourcePath { lastSkillResourcePath = currentResourcePath skillSprite, _ = s.ui.NewSprite(currentResourcePath, d2resource.PaletteSky) } if skillSprite.GetFrameCount() <= skill.IconCel { // happens for non-player skills, since they do not have an icon log.Printf("Invalid IconCel(sprite frame index) [%d] - Skill name: %s, skipping.", skill.IconCel, skill.Name) continue } if err := skillSprite.SetCurrentFrame(skill.IconCel); err != nil { return nil, err } surface.PushTranslation(idx*skillIconWidth, 50) if err := skillSprite.Render(surface); err != nil { return nil, err } surface.Pop() } return surface, nil } func (s *SkillPanel) getRowStartX(skillRow *SkillListRow) int { if s.isLeftPanel { return leftPanelStartX } // for the right panel, we only know where it should end, so we calculate the start based on the width of the list row return rightPanelEndX - skillRow.GetWidth() } func (s *SkillPanel) getSkillAtPos(X int, Y int) *d2hero.HeroSkill { listRow := s.GetListRowByPos(X, Y) if listRow == nil { return nil } skillIndex := (X - s.getRowStartX(listRow)) / skillIconWidth skill := listRow.Skills[skillIndex] return skill } func (s *SkillPanel) getSkillIdxAtPos(X int, Y int) int { listRow := s.GetListRowByPos(X, Y) if listRow == nil { return -1 } skillIndex := (X - s.getRowStartX(listRow)) / skillIconWidth return skillIndex } // HandleClick will change the hero's active(left or right) skill and return true. Returns false if the given X, Y is out of panel boundaries. func (s *SkillPanel) HandleClick(X int, Y int) bool { if !s.isOpen || !s.IsInRect(X, Y) { return false } clickedSkill := s.getSkillAtPos(X, Y) if clickedSkill == nil { return false } if s.isLeftPanel { s.hero.LeftSkill = clickedSkill } else { s.hero.RightSkill = clickedSkill } return true } // HandleMouseMove will process a mouse move event, if inside the panel. func (s *SkillPanel) HandleMouseMove(X int, Y int) bool { if !s.isOpen { return false } if !s.IsInRect(X, Y) { // panel still open but player hovered outside panel - hide the previously hovered skill(if any) s.hoveredSkill = nil return false } previousHovered := s.hoveredSkill s.hoveredSkill = s.getSkillAtPos(X, Y) if previousHovered != s.hoveredSkill && s.hoveredSkill != nil { skillDescription := d2tbl.TranslateString(s.hoveredSkill.ShortKey) s.hoverTooltipText.SetText(fmt.Sprintf("%s\n%s", s.hoveredSkill.Skill, skillDescription)) listRow := s.GetListRowByPos(X, Y) textWidth, textHeight := s.hoverTooltipText.GetSize() tooltipX := (s.getSkillIdxAtPos(X, Y) * skillIconWidth) + s.getRowStartX(listRow) tooltipWidth := textWidth + tooltipPadLeft + tooltipPadRight if tooltipX+tooltipWidth >= screenWidth { tooltipX = screenWidth - tooltipWidth } tooltipY := listRow.Rectangle.Top + listRow.Rectangle.Height tooltipHeight := textHeight + tooltipPadBottom s.hoverTooltipRect = &d2geom.Rectangle{ Left: tooltipX, Top: tooltipY, Width: tooltipWidth, Height: tooltipHeight} } return true } func (s *SkillPanel) getSkillResourceByClass(class string) string { resource := "" switch class { case "": resource = d2resource.GenericSkills case "bar": resource = d2resource.BarbarianSkills case "nec": resource = d2resource.NecromancerSkills case "pal": resource = d2resource.PaladinSkills case "ass": resource = d2resource.AssassinSkills case "sor": resource = d2resource.SorcererSkills case "ama": resource = d2resource.AmazonSkills case "dru": resource = d2resource.DruidSkills default: log.Fatalf("Unknown class token: '%s'", class) } return resource }