package d2player import ( "fmt" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) const ( frameInventoryTopLeft = 4 frameInventoryTopRight = 5 frameInventoryBottomLeft = 6 frameInventoryBottomRight = 7 ) const ( invCloseButtonX, invCloseButtonY = 419, 449 invGoldButtonX, invGoldButtonY = 485, 455 invGoldLabelX, invGoldLabelY = 510, 455 ) // NewInventory creates an inventory instance and returns a pointer to it func NewInventory(asset *d2asset.AssetManager, ui *d2ui.UIManager, l d2util.LogLevel, gold int, record *d2records.InventoryRecord) (*Inventory, error) { itemTooltip := ui.NewTooltip(d2resource.FontFormal11, d2resource.PaletteStatic, d2ui.TooltipXCenter, d2ui.TooltipYBottom) itemFactory, err := diablo2item.NewItemFactory(asset) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("during creating new item factory: %s", err) } mgp := NewMoveGoldPanel(asset, ui, gold, l) inventory := &Inventory{ asset: asset, uiManager: ui, item: itemFactory, grid: NewItemGrid(asset, ui, l, record), originX: record.Panel.Left, itemTooltip: itemTooltip, // originY: record.Panel.Top, originY: 0, // expansion data has these all offset by +60 ... gold: gold, moveGoldPanel: mgp, } inventory.moveGoldPanel.SetOnCloseCb(func() { inventory.onCloseGoldPanel() }) inventory.Logger = d2util.NewLogger() inventory.Logger.SetLevel(l) inventory.Logger.SetPrefix(logPrefix) return inventory, nil } // Inventory represents the inventory type Inventory struct { asset *d2asset.AssetManager item *diablo2item.ItemFactory uiManager *d2ui.UIManager panel *d2ui.Sprite goldLabel *d2ui.Label grid *ItemGrid itemTooltip *d2ui.Tooltip panelGroup *d2ui.WidgetGroup hoverX int hoverY int originX int originY int lastMouseX int lastMouseY int hovering bool isOpen bool onCloseCb func() gold int moveGoldPanel *MoveGoldPanel *d2util.Logger } // Toggle negates the open state of the inventory func (g *Inventory) Toggle() { if g.isOpen { g.Close() } else { g.Open() } } // Load the resources required by the inventory func (g *Inventory) Load() { var err error g.panelGroup = g.uiManager.NewWidgetGroup(d2ui.RenderPriorityInventory) frame := d2ui.NewUIFrame(g.asset, g.uiManager, d2ui.FrameRight) g.panelGroup.AddWidget(frame) g.panel, err = g.uiManager.NewSprite(d2resource.InventoryCharacterPanel, d2resource.PaletteSky) if err != nil { g.Error(err.Error()) } closeButton := g.uiManager.NewButton(d2ui.ButtonTypeSquareClose, "") closeButton.SetVisible(false) closeButton.SetPosition(invCloseButtonX, invCloseButtonY) closeButton.OnActivated(func() { g.Close() }) g.panelGroup.AddWidget(closeButton) goldButton := g.uiManager.NewButton(d2ui.ButtonTypeGoldCoin, "") goldButton.SetVisible(false) goldButton.SetPosition(invGoldButtonX, invGoldButtonY) goldButton.OnActivated(func() { g.onGoldClicked() }) // nolint:gocritic // this variable will be used in future // deposite := g.asset.TranslateString("strGoldDeposit") drop := g.asset.TranslateString("strGoldDrop") // nolint:gocritic // this variable will be used in future // withdraw := g.asset.TranslateString("strGoldWithdraw") tooltip := g.uiManager.NewTooltip(d2resource.Font16, d2resource.PaletteSky, d2ui.TooltipXCenter, d2ui.TooltipYBottom) // here should be switch-case statement for each of move-gold button descr tooltip.SetText(drop) tooltip.SetPosition(invGoldButtonX, invGoldButtonY) goldButton.SetTooltip(tooltip) g.panelGroup.AddWidget(goldButton) g.goldLabel = g.uiManager.NewLabel(d2resource.Font16, d2resource.PaletteStatic) g.goldLabel.Alignment = d2ui.HorizontalAlignLeft g.goldLabel.SetText(fmt.Sprintln( g.goldLabel.SetPosition(invGoldLabelX, invGoldLabelY) g.panelGroup.AddWidget(g.goldLabel) // testInventoryCodes := [][]string{ {"kit", "Crimson", "of the Bat", "of Frost"}, {"rin", "Steel", "of Shock"}, {"jav"}, {"buc"}, } inventoryItems := make([]InventoryItem, 0) for idx := range testInventoryCodes { item, itemErr := g.item.NewItem(testInventoryCodes[idx]...) if itemErr != nil { continue } item.Identify() inventoryItems = append(inventoryItems, item) } // testEquippedItemCodes := map[d2enum.EquippedSlot][]string{ d2enum.EquippedSlotLeftArm: {"wnd"}, d2enum.EquippedSlotRightArm: {"buc"}, d2enum.EquippedSlotHead: {"crn"}, d2enum.EquippedSlotTorso: {"plt"}, d2enum.EquippedSlotLegs: {"vbt"}, d2enum.EquippedSlotBelt: {"vbl"}, d2enum.EquippedSlotGloves: {"lgl"}, d2enum.EquippedSlotLeftHand: {"rin"}, d2enum.EquippedSlotRightHand: {"rin"}, d2enum.EquippedSlotNeck: {"amu"}, } for slot := range testEquippedItemCodes { item, itemErr := g.item.NewItem(testEquippedItemCodes[slot]...) if itemErr != nil { continue } g.grid.ChangeEquippedSlot(slot, item) } _, err = g.grid.Add(inventoryItems...) if err != nil { g.Errorf("could not add items to the inventory, err: %v", err.Error()) } g.moveGoldPanel.Load() g.panelGroup.SetVisible(false) } // Open opens the inventory func (g *Inventory) Open() { g.isOpen = true g.panelGroup.SetVisible(true) } // Close closes the inventory func (g *Inventory) Close() { g.isOpen = false g.moveGoldPanel.Close() g.panelGroup.SetVisible(false) g.onCloseCb() } // SetOnCloseCb the callback run on closing the inventory func (g *Inventory) SetOnCloseCb(cb func()) { g.onCloseCb = cb } func (g *Inventory) onGoldClicked() { g.Info("Move gold action clicked") g.toggleMoveGoldPanel() } func (g *Inventory) toggleMoveGoldPanel() { g.moveGoldPanel.Toggle() } func (g *Inventory) onCloseGoldPanel() { } // IsOpen returns true if the inventory is open func (g *Inventory) IsOpen() bool { return g.isOpen } // Advance advances the state of the Inventory func (g *Inventory) Advance(_ float64) { if !g.IsOpen() { return } g.goldLabel.SetText(fmt.Sprintln( } // Render draws the inventory onto the given surface func (g *Inventory) Render(target d2interface.Surface) { if !g.isOpen { return } g.renderFrame(target) g.grid.Render(target) g.renderItemHover(target) } func (g *Inventory) renderFrame(target d2interface.Surface) { frames := []int{ frameInventoryTopLeft, frameInventoryTopRight, frameInventoryBottomRight, frameInventoryBottomLeft, } x, y := g.originX+1, g.originY y += 64 for _, frame := range frames { if err := g.panel.SetCurrentFrame(frame); err != nil { g.Error(err.Error()) return } w, h := g.panel.GetCurrentFrameSize() g.panel.SetPosition(x, y+h) g.panel.Render(target) switch frame { case frameInventoryTopLeft: x += w case frameInventoryTopRight: y += h case frameInventoryBottomRight: x = g.originX + 1 } } } func (g *Inventory) renderItemHover(target d2interface.Surface) { hovering := false for idx := range g.grid.items { item := g.grid.items[idx] ix, iy := g.grid.SlotToScreen(item.InventoryGridSlot()) iw, ih := g.grid.sprites[item.GetItemCode()].GetCurrentFrameSize() mx, my := g.lastMouseX, g.lastMouseY hovering = hovering || ((mx > ix) && (mx < ix+iw) && (my > iy) && (my < iy+ih)) if hovering { if !g.hovering { // set the initial hover coordinates // this is so that moving mouse doesnt move the description g.hoverX, g.hoverY = mx, my } g.renderItemDescription(target, item) break } } g.hovering = hovering } func (g *Inventory) renderItemDescription(target d2interface.Surface, i InventoryItem) { if !g.moveGoldPanel.IsOpen() { lines := i.GetItemDescription() g.itemTooltip.SetTextLines(lines) _, y := g.grid.SlotToScreen(i.InventoryGridSlot()) g.itemTooltip.SetPosition(g.hoverX, y) g.itemTooltip.Render(target) } }