package d2player import ( "image/color" "log" "math" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) type Panel interface { IsOpen() bool Toggle() Open() Close() } // ID of missile to create when user right clicks. var missileID = 59 var expBarWidth = 120.0 var staminaBarWidth = 102.0 var globeHeight = 80 var globeWidth = 80 var leftMenuRect = d2common.Rectangle{Left: 0, Top: 0, Width: 400, Height: 600} var rightMenuRect = d2common.Rectangle{Left: 400, Top: 0, Width: 400, Height: 600} var bottomMenuRect = d2common.Rectangle{Left: 0, Top: 550, Width: 800, Height: 50} type GameControls struct { hero *d2mapentity.Player mapEngine *d2mapengine.MapEngine mapRenderer *d2maprenderer.MapRenderer inventory *Inventory heroStatsPanel *HeroStatsPanel inputListener InputCallbackListener FreeCam bool lastMouseX int lastMouseY int lastHealthPercent float64 lastManaPercent float64 // UI globeSprite *d2ui.Sprite hpManaStatusSprite *d2ui.Sprite hpStatusBar d2render.Surface manaStatusBar d2render.Surface mainPanel *d2ui.Sprite menuButton *d2ui.Sprite skillIcon *d2ui.Sprite zoneChangeText *d2ui.Label nameLabel *d2ui.Label runButton d2ui.Button isZoneTextShown bool actionableRegions []ActionableRegion } type ActionableType int type ActionableRegion struct { ActionableTypeId ActionableType Rect d2common.Rectangle } const ( // Since they require special handling, not considering (1) globes, (2) content of the mini panel, (3) belt leftSkill = ActionableType(iota) leftSelec = ActionableType(iota) xp = ActionableType(iota) walkRun = ActionableType(iota) stamina = ActionableType(iota) miniPanel = ActionableType(iota) rightSelec = ActionableType(iota) rightSkill = ActionableType(iota) ) func NewGameControls(hero *d2mapentity.Player, mapEngine *d2mapengine.MapEngine, mapRenderer *d2maprenderer.MapRenderer, inputListener InputCallbackListener) *GameControls { d2term.BindAction("setmissile", "set missile id to summon on right click", func(id int) { missileID = id }) zoneLabel := d2ui.CreateLabel(d2resource.Font30, d2resource.PaletteUnits) zoneLabel.Color = color.RGBA{R: 255, G: 88, B: 82, A: 255} zoneLabel.Alignment = d2ui.LabelAlignCenter nameLabel := d2ui.CreateLabel(d2resource.FontFormal11, d2resource.PaletteStatic) nameLabel.Alignment = d2ui.LabelAlignCenter nameLabel.SetText("") nameLabel.Color = color.White gc := &GameControls{ hero: hero, mapEngine: mapEngine, inputListener: inputListener, mapRenderer: mapRenderer, inventory: NewInventory(), heroStatsPanel: NewHeroStatsPanel(hero.Name(), hero.Class, hero.Stats), nameLabel: &nameLabel, zoneChangeText: &zoneLabel, actionableRegions: []ActionableRegion{ {leftSkill, d2common.Rectangle{Left: 115, Top: 550, Width: 50, Height: 50}}, {leftSelec, d2common.Rectangle{Left: 206, Top: 563, Width: 30, Height: 30}}, {xp, d2common.Rectangle{Left: 253, Top: 560, Width: 125, Height: 5}}, {walkRun, d2common.Rectangle{Left: 255, Top: 573, Width: 17, Height: 20}}, {stamina, d2common.Rectangle{Left: 273, Top: 573, Width: 105, Height: 20}}, {miniPanel, d2common.Rectangle{Left: 393, Top: 563, Width: 12, Height: 23}}, {rightSelec, d2common.Rectangle{Left: 562, Top: 563, Width: 30, Height: 30}}, {rightSkill, d2common.Rectangle{Left: 634, Top: 550, Width: 50, Height: 50}}, }, } d2term.BindAction("freecam", "toggle free camera movement", func() { gc.FreeCam = !gc.FreeCam }) return gc } func (g *GameControls) OnKeyRepeat(event d2input.KeyEvent) bool { if g.FreeCam { var moveSpeed float64 = 8 if event.KeyMod == d2input.KeyModShift { moveSpeed *= 2 } if event.Key == d2input.KeyDown { g.mapRenderer.MoveCameraBy(0, moveSpeed) return true } if event.Key == d2input.KeyUp { g.mapRenderer.MoveCameraBy(0, -moveSpeed) return true } if event.Key == d2input.KeyRight { g.mapRenderer.MoveCameraBy(moveSpeed, 0) return true } if event.Key == d2input.KeyLeft { g.mapRenderer.MoveCameraBy(-moveSpeed, 0) return true } } return false } func (g *GameControls) OnKeyDown(event d2input.KeyEvent) bool { switch event.Key { case d2input.KeyEscape: if g.inventory.IsOpen() || g.heroStatsPanel.IsOpen() { g.inventory.Close() g.heroStatsPanel.Close() g.updateLayout() break } case d2input.KeyI: g.inventory.Toggle() g.updateLayout() case d2input.KeyC: g.heroStatsPanel.Toggle() g.updateLayout() case d2input.KeyR: g.onToggleRunButton() default: return false } return false } var lastLeftBtnActionTime float64 = 0 var lastRightBtnActionTime float64 = 0 var mouseBtnActionsTreshhold = 0.25 func (g *GameControls) OnMouseButtonRepeat(event d2input.MouseEvent) bool { px, py := g.mapRenderer.ScreenToWorld(event.X, event.Y) px = float64(int(px*10)) / 10.0 py = float64(int(py*10)) / 10.0 now := d2common.Now() if event.Button == d2input.MouseButtonLeft && now-lastLeftBtnActionTime >= mouseBtnActionsTreshhold && !g.isInActiveMenusRect(event.X, event.Y) { lastLeftBtnActionTime = now g.inputListener.OnPlayerMove(px, py) return true } if event.Button == d2input.MouseButtonRight && now-lastRightBtnActionTime >= mouseBtnActionsTreshhold && !g.isInActiveMenusRect(event.X, event.Y) { lastRightBtnActionTime = now g.inputListener.OnPlayerCast(missileID, px, py) return true } return true } func (g *GameControls) OnMouseMove(event d2input.MouseMoveEvent) bool { mx, my := event.X, event.Y g.lastMouseX = mx g.lastMouseY = my for i := range g.actionableRegions { // Mouse over a game control element if g.actionableRegions[i].Rect.IsInRect(mx, my) { g.onHoverActionable(g.actionableRegions[i].ActionableTypeId) } } return false } func (g *GameControls) OnMouseButtonDown(event d2input.MouseEvent) bool { mx, my := event.X, event.Y for i := range g.actionableRegions { // If click is on a game control element if g.actionableRegions[i].Rect.IsInRect(mx, my) { g.onClickActionable(g.actionableRegions[i].ActionableTypeId) return false } } px, py := g.mapRenderer.ScreenToWorld(mx, my) px = float64(int(px*10)) / 10.0 py = float64(int(py*10)) / 10.0 if event.Button == d2input.MouseButtonLeft && !g.isInActiveMenusRect(mx, my) { lastLeftBtnActionTime = d2common.Now() g.inputListener.OnPlayerMove(px, py) return true } if event.Button == d2input.MouseButtonRight && !g.isInActiveMenusRect(mx, my) { lastRightBtnActionTime = d2common.Now() g.inputListener.OnPlayerCast(missileID, px, py) return true } return false } func (g *GameControls) Load() { animation, _ := d2asset.LoadAnimation(d2resource.GameGlobeOverlap, d2resource.PaletteSky) g.globeSprite, _ = d2ui.LoadSprite(animation) animation, _ = d2asset.LoadAnimation(d2resource.HealthManaIndicator, d2resource.PaletteSky) g.hpManaStatusSprite, _ = d2ui.LoadSprite(animation) g.hpStatusBar, _ = d2render.NewSurface(globeWidth, globeHeight, d2render.FilterNearest) animation, _ = d2asset.LoadAnimation(d2resource.GamePanels, d2resource.PaletteSky) g.mainPanel, _ = d2ui.LoadSprite(animation) animation, _ = d2asset.LoadAnimation(d2resource.MenuButton, d2resource.PaletteSky) g.menuButton, _ = d2ui.LoadSprite(animation) animation, _ = d2asset.LoadAnimation(d2resource.GenericSkills, d2resource.PaletteSky) g.skillIcon, _ = d2ui.LoadSprite(animation) g.loadUIButtons() g.inventory.Load() g.heroStatsPanel.Load() } func (g *GameControls) loadUIButtons() { // Run button g.runButton = d2ui.CreateButton(d2ui.ButtonTypeRun, "") g.runButton.SetPosition(255, 570) g.runButton.OnActivated(func() { g.onToggleRunButton() }) if g.hero.IsRunToggled() { g.runButton.Toggle() } d2ui.AddWidget(&g.runButton) } func (g *GameControls) onToggleRunButton() { g.runButton.Toggle() g.hero.ToggleRunWalk() // TODO: change the running menu icon g.hero.SetIsRunning(g.hero.IsRunToggled()) } // ScreenAdvanceHandler func (g *GameControls) Advance(elapsed float64) error { return nil } func (g *GameControls) updateLayout() { isRightPanelOpen := g.isLeftPanelOpen() isLeftPanelOpen := g.isRightPanelOpen() if isRightPanelOpen == isLeftPanelOpen { g.mapRenderer.ViewportDefault() } else if isRightPanelOpen { g.mapRenderer.ViewportToLeft() } else { g.mapRenderer.ViewportToRight() } } func (g *GameControls) isLeftPanelOpen() bool { // TODO: add quest log panel return g.heroStatsPanel.IsOpen() } func (g *GameControls) isRightPanelOpen() bool { // TODO: add skills tree panel return g.inventory.IsOpen() } func (g *GameControls) isInActiveMenusRect(px int, py int) bool { if bottomMenuRect.IsInRect(px, py) { return true } if g.isLeftPanelOpen() && leftMenuRect.IsInRect(px, py) { return true } if g.isRightPanelOpen() && rightMenuRect.IsInRect(px, py) { return true } return false } // TODO: consider caching the panels to single image that is reused. func (g *GameControls) Render(target d2render.Surface) { for entityIdx := range *g.mapEngine.Entities() { entity := (*g.mapEngine.Entities())[entityIdx] if !entity.Selectable() { continue } entScreenXf, entScreenYf := g.mapRenderer.WorldToScreenF(entity.GetPositionF()) entScreenX := int(math.Floor(entScreenXf)) entScreenY := int(math.Floor(entScreenYf)) if ((entScreenX - 20) <= g.lastMouseX) && ((entScreenX + 20) >= g.lastMouseX) && ((entScreenY - 80) <= g.lastMouseY) && (entScreenY >= g.lastMouseY) { g.nameLabel.SetText(entity.Name()) g.nameLabel.SetPosition(entScreenX, entScreenY-100) g.nameLabel.Render(target) entity.Highlight() break } } g.inventory.Render(target) g.heroStatsPanel.Render(target) width, height := target.GetSize() offset := 0 // Left globe holder g.mainPanel.SetCurrentFrame(0) w, _ := g.mainPanel.GetCurrentFrameSize() g.mainPanel.SetPosition(offset, height) g.mainPanel.Render(target) // Left globe g.globeSprite.SetCurrentFrame(0) g.globeSprite.SetPosition(offset+28, height-5) g.globeSprite.Render(target) // Health status bar healthPercent := float64(g.hero.Stats.Health) / float64(g.hero.Stats.MaxHealth) hpBarHeight := int(healthPercent * float64(globeHeight)) if g.lastHealthPercent != healthPercent { g.hpStatusBar, _ = d2render.NewSurface(globeWidth, hpBarHeight, d2render.FilterNearest) g.hpManaStatusSprite.SetCurrentFrame(0) g.hpStatusBar.PushTranslation(0, hpBarHeight) g.hpManaStatusSprite.Render(g.hpStatusBar) g.hpStatusBar.Pop() g.lastHealthPercent = healthPercent } target.PushTranslation(30, 508+(globeHeight-hpBarHeight)) target.Render(g.hpStatusBar) target.Pop() offset += w // Left skill g.skillIcon.SetCurrentFrame(2) w, _ = g.skillIcon.GetCurrentFrameSize() g.skillIcon.SetPosition(offset, height) g.skillIcon.Render(target) offset += w // Left skill selector g.mainPanel.SetCurrentFrame(1) w, _ = g.mainPanel.GetCurrentFrameSize() g.mainPanel.SetPosition(offset, height) g.mainPanel.Render(target) offset += w // Stamina g.mainPanel.SetCurrentFrame(2) w, _ = g.mainPanel.GetCurrentFrameSize() g.mainPanel.SetPosition(offset, height) g.mainPanel.Render(target) offset += w // Stamina status bar target.PushTranslation(273, 572) target.PushCompositeMode(d2render.CompositeModeLighter) staminaPercent := float64(g.hero.Stats.Stamina) / float64(g.hero.Stats.MaxStamina) target.DrawRect(int(staminaPercent*staminaBarWidth), 19, color.RGBA{R: 175, G: 136, B: 72, A: 200}) target.PopN(2) // Experience status bar target.PushTranslation(256, 561) expPercent := float64(g.hero.Stats.Experience) / float64(g.hero.Stats.NextLevelExp) target.DrawRect(int(expPercent*expBarWidth), 2, color.RGBA{R: 255, G: 255, B: 255, A: 255}) target.Pop() // Center menu button g.menuButton.SetCurrentFrame(0) w, _ = g.mainPanel.GetCurrentFrameSize() g.menuButton.SetPosition((width/2)-8, height-16) g.menuButton.Render(target) // Potions g.mainPanel.SetCurrentFrame(3) w, _ = g.mainPanel.GetCurrentFrameSize() g.mainPanel.SetPosition(offset, height) g.mainPanel.Render(target) offset += w // Right skill selector g.mainPanel.SetCurrentFrame(4) w, _ = g.mainPanel.GetCurrentFrameSize() g.mainPanel.SetPosition(offset, height) g.mainPanel.Render(target) offset += w // Right skill g.skillIcon.SetCurrentFrame(2) w, _ = g.skillIcon.GetCurrentFrameSize() g.skillIcon.SetPosition(offset, height) g.skillIcon.Render(target) offset += w // Right globe holder g.mainPanel.SetCurrentFrame(5) w, _ = g.mainPanel.GetCurrentFrameSize() g.mainPanel.SetPosition(offset, height) g.mainPanel.Render(target) // Right globe g.globeSprite.SetCurrentFrame(1) g.globeSprite.SetPosition(offset+8, height-8) g.globeSprite.Render(target) g.globeSprite.Render(target) // Mana status bar manaPercent := float64(g.hero.Stats.Mana) / float64(g.hero.Stats.MaxMana) manaBarHeight := int(manaPercent * float64(globeHeight)) if manaPercent != g.lastManaPercent { g.manaStatusBar, _ = d2render.NewSurface(globeWidth, manaBarHeight, d2render.FilterNearest) g.hpManaStatusSprite.SetCurrentFrame(1) g.manaStatusBar.PushTranslation(0, manaBarHeight) g.hpManaStatusSprite.Render(g.manaStatusBar) g.manaStatusBar.Pop() g.lastManaPercent = manaPercent } target.PushTranslation(offset+8, 508+(globeHeight-manaBarHeight)) target.Render(g.manaStatusBar) target.Pop() if g.isZoneTextShown { g.zoneChangeText.SetPosition(width/2, height/4) g.zoneChangeText.Render(target) } } func (g *GameControls) SetZoneChangeText(text string) { g.zoneChangeText.SetText(text) } func (g *GameControls) ShowZoneChangeText() { g.isZoneTextShown = true } func (g *GameControls) HideZoneChangeTextAfter(delay float64) { time.AfterFunc(time.Duration(delay)*time.Second, func() { g.isZoneTextShown = false }) } // Handles what to do when an actionable is hovered func (g *GameControls) onHoverActionable(item ActionableType) { switch item { case leftSkill: return case leftSelec: return case xp: return case walkRun: return case stamina: return case miniPanel: return case rightSelec: return case rightSkill: return default: log.Printf("Unrecognized ActionableType(%d) being hovered\n", item) } } // Handles what to do when an actionable is clicked func (g *GameControls) onClickActionable(item ActionableType) { switch item { case leftSkill: log.Println("Left Skill Action Pressed") case leftSelec: log.Println("Left Skill Selector Action Pressed") case xp: log.Println("XP Action Pressed") case walkRun: log.Println("Walk/Run Action Pressed") case stamina: log.Println("Stamina Action Pressed") case miniPanel: log.Println("Mini Panel Action Pressed") case rightSelec: log.Println("Right Skill Selector Action Pressed") case rightSkill: log.Println("Right Skill Action Pressed") default: log.Printf("Unrecognized ActionableType(%d) being clicked\n", item) } }