using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Drawing; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using OpenDiablo2.Common; using OpenDiablo2.Common.Interfaces; namespace OpenDiablo2.Core.Map_Engine { public sealed class MapEngine : IMapEngine { private readonly IGameState gameState; private readonly IRenderWindow renderWindow; private readonly IResourceManager resourceManager; private PointF cameraLocation = new PointF(); public PointF CameraLocation { get => cameraLocation; set { if (cameraLocation == value) return; cameraLocation = value; cOffX = (int)((cameraLocation.X - cameraLocation.Y) * (cellSizeX / 2)); cOffY = (int)((cameraLocation.X + cameraLocation.Y) * (cellSizeY / 2)); } } private ISprite loadingSprite; private int cOffX, cOffY; //private ISprite[] tempMapCell; private const int cellSizeX = 160, cellSizeY = 80, renderCellsX = (800 / cellSizeX) + 1, renderCellsY = (600 / cellSizeY) + 1; public MapEngine( IGameState gameState, IRenderWindow renderWindow, IResourceManager resourceManager ) { this.gameState = gameState; this.renderWindow = renderWindow; this.resourceManager = resourceManager; loadingSprite = renderWindow.LoadSprite(ResourcePaths.LoadingScreen, Palettes.Loading, new Point(300, 400)); } public void NotifyMapChanged() { PurgeAllMapData(); LoadNewMapData(); CameraLocation = new PointF(gameState.MapData.Width / 2, gameState.MapData.Height / 2); } private void LoadNewMapData() { } public void Render() { // Lower Walls, Floors, and Shadows // Shadows of objects // Objects with OrderFlag = 1 // Upper Walls and objects with ORderFlag = 0 or 2 // Roofs for (int y = 0; y < gameState.MapData.Width; y++) for (int x = 0; x < gameState.MapData.Height; x++) { var visualX = ((x - y) * (cellSizeX / 2)) - cOffX; var visualY = ((x + y) * (cellSizeY / 2)) - cOffY; if (visualX < -160 || visualX > 800 || visualY < -120 || visualY > 650) continue; // Render the floor foreach (var floorLayer in gameState.MapData.FloorLayers) { var idx = x + (y * gameState.MapData.Width); if (idx >= floorLayer.Props.Length) break; var floor = floorLayer.Props[idx]; if (floor.Prop1 == 0) continue; var sub_index = floor.Prop2; var main_index = (floor.Prop3 >> 4) + ((floor.Prop4 & 0x03) << 4); renderWindow.DrawMapCell(x, y, ((x - y) * 80) - cOffX, ((x + y) * 40) - cOffY, gameState.MapData, main_index, sub_index, gameState.CurrentPalette, null); } } /* // Render the walls foreach (var wallLayer in gameState.MapData.WallLayers) { for (int y = 0; y < gameState.MapData.Width; y++) for (int x = 0; x < gameState.MapData.Height; x++) { var visualX = ((x - y) * (cellSizeX / 2)) - cOffX; var visualY = ((x + y) * (cellSizeY / 2)) - cOffY; if (visualX < -160 || visualX > 800 || visualY < -120 || visualY > 650) continue; var idx = x + (y * gameState.MapData.Width); if (idx >= wallLayer.Props.Length) continue; var wall = wallLayer.Props[idx]; if (wall.Prop1 == 0) continue; var sub_index = wall.Prop2; var main_index = (wall.Prop3 >> 4) + ((wall.Prop4 & 0x03) << 4); var orientation = wallLayer.Orientations[x + (y * gameState.MapData.Width)]; renderWindow.DrawMapCell(x, y, ((x - y) * 80) - cOffX, ((x + y) * 40) - cOffY + 80, gameState.MapData, main_index, sub_index, gameState.CurrentPalette, orientation); } } */ } public void Update(long ms) { } private void PurgeAllMapData() { } } }