# Install OpenDiablo2 We currently provide binaries only for [Patreon supporters](https://www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=37261055) to [download and auto-update](https://www.patreon.com/posts/thanks-for-38407582). If you are not one of those, you need to follow the developer documentation for building the project using Go. Once you have an executable/binary of OpenDiablo2 (either provided via Patreon or building your own), then just launch it. ### Error? It's expected! In case there is an error, it's most likely related to MPQ files. You need to modify `config.json`. Run the binary once; it should let your know where the location of this file is. For example: ![Error is expected](./expectederror.png) In this specific case (MacOS) the file is located at: `~/Library/Application\ Support/OpenDiablo2/config.json` Make sure the file looks like this: ```json { "MpqLoadOrder": [ "patch_d2.mpq", "d2exp.mpq", "d2xmusic.mpq", "d2xtalk.mpq", "d2xvideo.mpq", "d2data.mpq", "d2char.mpq", "d2music.mpq", "d2sfx.mpq", "d2video.mpq", "d2speech.mpq" ], "MpqPath": "/Applications/Diablo II/", "TicksPerSecond": -1, "FpsCap": 0, "SfxVolume": 1, "BgmVolume": 0.3, "FullScreen": false, "RunInBackground": true, "VsyncEnabled": true, "Backend": "Ebiten" } ``` Pay attention to the `MpqPath` directory (you can also change this to whatever location your like). Now copy-and-paste the MPQ files from you Windows PC into that directory. Make sure the filenames are matching the ones from `config.json`, Now, launch OpenDiablo2 again and this time it should work!