package d2records const ( numMonEquippedItems = 3 fmtLocation = "loc%d" fmtQuality = "mod%d" fmtCode = "item%d" ) // MonsterEquipment stores the MonsterEquipmentRecords type MonsterEquipment map[string][]*MonsterEquipmentRecord // MonsterEquipmentRecord represents a single line in monequip.txt // Information gathered from [] type MonsterEquipmentRecord struct { // Name of monster, pointer to MonStats.txt Name string // If true, monster is created by level, otherwise created by skill OnInit bool // Not written in description, only appear on monsters with OnInit false, // Level of skill for which this equipment row can be used? Level int Equipment []*monEquip } type monEquip struct { // Code of item, probably from ItemCommonRecords Code string // Location the body location of the item Location string // Quality of the item Quality int }