module Types exposing (..) import Autocomplete import Mastodon.Http exposing (Response, Links) import Mastodon.Model exposing (..) import Navigation import Time exposing (Time) type alias Flags = { clients : List Client , registration : Maybe AppRegistration } type DraftMsg = ClearDraft | CloseAutocomplete | RemoveMedia Int | ResetAutocomplete Bool | SelectAccount String | SetAutoState Autocomplete.Msg | ToggleSpoiler Bool | UpdateInputInformation InputInformation | UpdateSensitive Bool | UpdateSpoiler String | UpdateVisibility String | UpdateReplyTo Status | UploadError String | UploadMedia String | UploadResult String type ViewerMsg = CloseViewer | OpenViewer (List Attachment) Attachment type alias MastodonResult a = Result Error (Response a) type MastodonMsg = AccessToken (MastodonResult AccessTokenResult) | AccountFollowed Account (MastodonResult Relationship) | AccountFollowers Bool (MastodonResult (List Account)) | AccountFollowing Bool (MastodonResult (List Account)) | AccountReceived (MastodonResult Account) | AccountRelationship (MastodonResult (List Relationship)) | AccountRelationships (MastodonResult (List Relationship)) | AccountTimeline Bool (MastodonResult (List Status)) | AccountUnfollowed Account (MastodonResult Relationship) | AppRegistered (MastodonResult AppRegistration) | AutoSearch (MastodonResult (List Account)) | ContextLoaded Status (MastodonResult Context) | CurrentUser (MastodonResult Account) | FavoriteAdded (MastodonResult Status) | FavoriteRemoved (MastodonResult Status) | FavoriteTimeline Bool (MastodonResult (List Status)) | GlobalTimeline Bool (MastodonResult (List Status)) | HomeTimeline Bool (MastodonResult (List Status)) | LocalTimeline Bool (MastodonResult (List Status)) | Notifications Bool (MastodonResult (List Notification)) | Reblogged (MastodonResult Status) | StatusDeleted (MastodonResult Int) | StatusPosted (MastodonResult Status) | Unreblogged (MastodonResult Status) type WebSocketMsg = NewWebsocketGlobalMessage String | NewWebsocketLocalMessage String | NewWebsocketUserMessage String type Msg = AddFavorite Status | AskConfirm String Msg Msg | ClearError Int | CloseAccount | CloseAccountSelector | CloseThread | ConfirmCancelled Msg | Confirmed Msg | DeleteStatus Int | DraftEvent DraftMsg | FilterNotifications NotificationFilter | FollowAccount Account | LoadAccount Int | LogoutClient Client | TimelineLoadNext String String | MastodonEvent MastodonMsg | NoOp | OpenThread Status | ReblogStatus Status | Register | RemoveFavorite Status | ScrollColumn ScrollDirection String | ServerChange String | SetView CurrentView | SubmitDraft | SwitchClient Client | Tick Time | UnfollowAccount Account | UrlChange Navigation.Location | UnreblogStatus Status | ViewAccountFollowing Account | ViewAccountFollowers Account | ViewAccountStatuses Account | ViewerEvent ViewerMsg | WebSocketEvent WebSocketMsg type alias Confirm = { message : String , onConfirm : Msg , onCancel : Msg } type CurrentView = -- Basically, what we should be displaying in the fourth column AccountFollowersView Account (Timeline Account) | AccountFollowingView Account (Timeline Account) | AccountView Account | AccountSelectorView | FavoriteTimelineView | GlobalTimelineView | LocalTimelineView | ThreadView Thread type alias Draft = { status : String , inReplyTo : Maybe Status , spoilerText : Maybe String , sensitive : Bool , visibility : String , attachments : List Attachment , mediaUploading : Bool , statusLength : Int -- Autocomplete values , autoState : Autocomplete.State , autoCursorPosition : Int , autoAtPosition : Maybe Int , autoQuery : String , autoMaxResults : Int , autoAccounts : List Account , showAutoMenu : Bool } type NotificationFilter = NotificationAll | NotificationOnlyMentions | NotificationOnlyDirect | NotificationOnlyBoosts | NotificationOnlyFavourites | NotificationOnlyFollows type ScrollDirection = ScrollTop | ScrollBottom type alias Thread = { status : Status , context : Context } type alias Viewer = { attachments : List Attachment , attachment : Attachment } type alias Timeline a = { id : String , entries : List a , links : Links , loading : Bool } type alias ErrorNotification = { message : String , time : Time } type alias Model = { server : String , currentTime : Time , registration : Maybe AppRegistration , clients : List Client , homeTimeline : Timeline Status , localTimeline : Timeline Status , globalTimeline : Timeline Status , favoriteTimeline : Timeline Status , accountTimeline : Timeline Status , accountFollowers : Timeline Account , accountFollowing : Timeline Account , accountRelationships : List Relationship , accountRelationship : Maybe Relationship , notifications : Timeline NotificationAggregate , draft : Draft , errors : List ErrorNotification , location : Navigation.Location , viewer : Maybe Viewer , currentUser : Maybe Account , currentView : CurrentView , notificationFilter : NotificationFilter , confirm : Maybe Confirm } type alias InputInformation = { status : String , selectionStart : Int }