module View.Draft exposing (draftView) import Autocomplete import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Html.Lazy as Lazy import Json.Encode as Encode import Json.Decode as Decode import Mastodon.Model exposing (..) import Types exposing (..) import Util import View.Common as Common import View.Events exposing (..) import View.Formatter exposing (formatContent) import View.Status exposing (statusView) type alias CurrentUser = Account visibilities : List ( String, String, String, String ) visibilities = [ ( "direct", "Mentioned", "Visible to mentioned users only", "envelope" ) , ( "private", "Followers", "Visible to followers only", "lock" ) , ( "unlisted", "Unlisted", "Do not show in public timelines", "eye-close" ) , ( "public", "Public", "Visible in public timelines", "globe" ) ] viewAutocompleteMenu : Draft -> Html Msg viewAutocompleteMenu draft = div [ class "autocomplete-menu" ] [ (DraftEvent << SetAutoState) (Autocomplete.view viewConfig draft.autoMaxResults draft.autoState (Util.acceptableAccounts draft.autoQuery draft.autoAccounts) ) ] viewConfig : Autocomplete.ViewConfig Mastodon.Model.Account viewConfig = let customizedLi keySelected mouseSelected account = { attributes = [ classList [ ( "list-group-item autocomplete-item", True ) , ( "active", keySelected || mouseSelected ) ] ] , children = [ img [ src account.avatar ] [] , strong [] [ text <| if account.display_name /= "" then account.display_name else account.acct ] , span [] [ text <| " @" ++ account.acct ] ] } in Autocomplete.viewConfig { toId = .id , ul = [ class "list-group autocomplete-list" ] , li = customizedLi } currentUserView : Maybe CurrentUser -> Html Msg currentUserView currentUser = case currentUser of Just currentUser -> div [ class "current-user" ] [ Common.accountAvatarLink False currentUser , div [ class "username" ] [ Common.accountLink False currentUser , span [] [ text " (" , a [ href "#accounts" ] [ text "switch account" ] , text ")" ] ] , p [ class "status-text" ] <| formatContent currentUser.note [] ] Nothing -> text "" draftReplyToView : Draft -> Html Msg draftReplyToView draft = case draft.inReplyTo of Just status -> div [ class "in-reply-to" ] [ p [] [ strong [] [ text "In reply to this toot (" , a [ href "" , onClickWithPreventAndStop <| DraftEvent ClearDraft ] [ Common.icon "remove" ] , text ")" ] ] , div [ class "well" ] [ Lazy.lazy3 statusView "draft" status True ] ] Nothing -> text "" visibilitySelector : Draft -> Html Msg visibilitySelector { visibility } = let btnClass v = if v == visibility then "btn btn-sm btn-vis btn-primary active" else "btn btn-sm btn-vis btn-default" in visibilities |> (\( v, d, t, i ) -> a [ href "" , class <| btnClass v , onClickWithPreventAndStop <| DraftEvent (UpdateVisibility v) , title t ] [ Common.icon i, span [] [ text d ] ] ) |> Common.justifiedButtonGroup "draft-visibilities" draftView : Model -> Html Msg draftView ({ draft, currentUser, ctrlPressed } as model) = let autoMenu = if draft.showAutoMenu then viewAutocompleteMenu model.draft else text "" ( hasSpoiler, charCount ) = case draft.spoilerText of Just spoilerText -> ( True, (String.length spoilerText) + draft.statusLength ) Nothing -> ( False, draft.statusLength ) limitExceeded = charCount > 500 in div [ class "panel panel-default draft" ] [ div [ class "panel-heading" ] [ Common.icon "envelope" , text <| if draft.inReplyTo /= Nothing then "Post a reply" else "Post a message" ] , div [ class "panel-body timeline" ] [ currentUserView currentUser , draftReplyToView draft , Html.form [ class "form", onSubmit SubmitDraft ] [ if hasSpoiler then div [ class "form-group" ] [ label [ for "spoiler" ] [ text "Content Warning (visible part)" ] , textarea [ id "spoiler" , class "form-control" , rows 4 , placeholder "This text will always be visible." , onInput <| DraftEvent << UpdateSpoiler , required True , value <| Maybe.withDefault "" draft.spoilerText ] [] ] else text "" , visibilitySelector draft , div [ class "form-group status-field" ] [ let dec = ( (\code -> if code == 38 || code == 40 then Ok NoOp else if code == 27 then Ok <| DraftEvent CloseAutocomplete else Err "not handling that key" ) keyCode ) |> Decode.andThen fromResult options = { preventDefault = draft.showAutoMenu , stopPropagation = False } fromResult : Result String a -> Decode.Decoder a fromResult result = case result of Ok val -> Decode.succeed val Err reason -> reason in textarea [ id "status" , class "form-control" , rows 7 , placeholder <| if hasSpoiler then "This text will be hidden by default, as you have enabled a Content Warning." else "Once upon a time..." , required True , onInputInformation <| DraftEvent << UpdateInputInformation , onClickInformation <| DraftEvent << UpdateInputInformation , property "defaultValue" (Encode.string draft.status) , onWithOptions "keydown" options dec ] [] , autoMenu ] , draftAttachments draft.attachments , div [ class "draft-actions" ] [ div [ class "draft-actions-btns" ] [ Common.justifiedButtonGroup "" [ button [ type_ "button" , class "btn btn-default btn-clear" , title "Clear this draft" , onClick (DraftEvent ClearDraft) ] [ Common.icon "trash" ] , button [ type_ "button" , class <| "btn btn-default btn-cw " ++ (if hasSpoiler then "btn-primary active" else "" ) , title "Add a Content Warning" , onClick <| DraftEvent (ToggleSpoiler (not hasSpoiler)) ] [ text "CW" ] , button [ type_ "button" , class <| "btn btn-default btn-nsfw " ++ (if draft.sensitive then "btn-primary active" else "" ) , title "Mark this post as Not Safe For Work (sensitive content)" , onClick <| DraftEvent (UpdateSensitive (not draft.sensitive)) ] [ text "NSFW" ] , fileUploadField draft ] ] , if limitExceeded then div [ class "draft-actions-charcount text-center exceed" ] [ text <| toString (500 - charCount) ] else div [ class "draft-actions-charcount text-center" ] [ text <| toString charCount ] , button [ type_ "submit" , class "draft-actions-submit btn btn-warning btn-toot" , disabled limitExceeded ] [ text "Toot" ] ] ] ] ] draftAttachments : List Attachment -> Html Msg draftAttachments attachments = let attachmentPreview attachment = li [ class "draft-attachment-entry" , style [ ( "background" , "url(" ++ attachment.preview_url ++ ") center center / cover no-repeat" ) ] ] [ a [ href "" , onClickWithPreventAndStop <| DraftEvent (RemoveMedia ] [ text "×" ] ] in div [ class "draft-attachments-field" ] [ if List.length attachments > 0 then ul [ class "draft-attachments" ] <| attachmentPreview attachments else text "" ] fileUploadField : Draft -> Html Msg fileUploadField draft = if draft.mediaUploading then button [ class "btn btn-default btn-loading", disabled True ] [ Common.icon "time" ] else if List.length draft.attachments < 4 then label [ class "btn btn-default draft-attachment-input-label" ] [ input [ type_ "file" , id "draft-attachment" , on "change" (Decode.succeed <| DraftEvent (UploadMedia "draft-attachment")) ] [] , text "" ] else text ""