module Mastodon.Helper exposing ( extractReblog , aggregateNotifications , addNotificationToAggregates , getReplyPrefix , notificationToAggregate , sameAccount , statusReferenced ) import List.Extra exposing (groupWhile, uniqueBy) import Mastodon.Model exposing (..) extractReblog : Status -> Status extractReblog status = case status.reblog of Just (Reblog reblog) -> reblog Nothing -> status getReplyPrefix : Account -> Status -> String getReplyPrefix replier status = -- Note: the Mastodon API doesn't consistently return mentions in the order -- they appear in the status text, we do nothing about that. let posters = case status.reblog of Just (Mastodon.Model.Reblog reblog) -> [ reblog.account, status.account ] |> toMention Nothing -> (toMention status.account) :: status.mentions finalPosters = posters |> uniqueBy .acct |> List.filter (\m -> m /= (toMention replier)) |> (\m -> "@" ++ m.acct) in (String.join " " finalPosters) ++ " " toMention : Account -> Mention toMention { id, url, username, acct } = Mention id url username acct notificationToAggregate : Notification -> NotificationAggregate notificationToAggregate notification = NotificationAggregate notification.type_ notification.status [ { account = notification.account, created_at = notification.created_at } ] notification.created_at addNotificationToAggregates : Notification -> List NotificationAggregate -> List NotificationAggregate addNotificationToAggregates notification aggregates = let addNewAccountToSameStatus : NotificationAggregate -> Notification -> NotificationAggregate addNewAccountToSameStatus aggregate notification = case ( aggregate.status, notification.status ) of ( Just aggregateStatus, Just notificationStatus ) -> if == then { aggregate | accounts = { account = notification.account , created_at = notification.created_at } :: aggregate.accounts } else aggregate ( _, _ ) -> aggregate {- Let's try to find an already existing aggregate, matching the notification we are trying to add. If we find any aggregate, we modify it inplace. If not, we return the aggregates unmodified -} newAggregates = aggregates |> (\aggregate -> case ( aggregate.type_, notification.type_ ) of {- Notification and aggregate are of the follow type. Add the new following account. -} ( "follow", "follow" ) -> { aggregate | accounts = { account = notification.account , created_at = notification.created_at } :: aggregate.accounts } {- Notification is of type follow, but current aggregate is of another type. Let's continue then. -} ( _, "follow" ) -> aggregate {- If both types are the same check if we should add the new account. -} ( aggregateType, notificationType ) -> if aggregateType == notificationType then addNewAccountToSameStatus aggregate notification else aggregate ) in {- If we did no modification to the old aggregates it's because we didn't found any match. So we have to create a new aggregate -} if newAggregates == aggregates then notificationToAggregate (notification) :: aggregates else newAggregates aggregateNotifications : List Notification -> List NotificationAggregate aggregateNotifications notifications = let only type_ notifications = List.filter (\n -> n.type_ == type_) notifications sameStatus n1 n2 = case ( n1.status, n2.status ) of ( Just r1, Just r2 ) -> == _ -> False extractAggregate statusGroup = let accounts = statusGroup |> (\s -> { account = s.account, created_at = s.created_at }) |> uniqueBy (.account >> .id) in case statusGroup of notification :: _ -> [ NotificationAggregate notification.type_ notification.status accounts notification.created_at ] [] -> [] aggregate statusGroups = extractAggregate statusGroups |> List.concat in [ notifications |> only "reblog" |> groupWhile sameStatus |> aggregate , notifications |> only "favourite" |> groupWhile sameStatus |> aggregate , notifications |> only "mention" |> groupWhile sameStatus |> aggregate , notifications |> only "follow" |> groupWhile (\_ _ -> True) |> aggregate ] |> List.concat |> List.sortBy .created_at |> List.reverse sameAccount : Mastodon.Model.Account -> Mastodon.Model.Account -> Bool sameAccount { id, acct, username } account = -- Note: different instances can share the same id for different accounts. id == && acct == account.acct && username == account.username statusReferenced : Int -> Status -> Bool statusReferenced id status = == id || (extractReblog status).id == id