module View.Status exposing ( statusView , statusActionsView , statusEntryView ) import Date import Date.Extra.Config.Config_en_au as DateEn import Date.Extra.Format as DateFormat import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Keyed as Keyed import Html.Lazy as Lazy import Mastodon.Helper import Mastodon.Model exposing (..) import Types exposing (..) import View.Common as Common import View.Events exposing (..) import View.Formatter exposing (formatContent) type alias CurrentUser = Account attachmentPreview : String -> Maybe Bool -> List Attachment -> Attachment -> Html Msg attachmentPreview context sensitive attachments ({ url, preview_url } as attachment) = let nsfw = case sensitive of Just sensitive -> sensitive Nothing -> False attId = "att" ++ (toString ++ context media = a [ class "attachment-image" , href url , onClickWithPreventAndStop <| ViewerEvent (OpenViewer attachments attachment) , style [ ( "background" , "url(" ++ preview_url ++ ") center center / cover no-repeat" ) ] ] [] in li [ class "attachment-entry" ] <| if nsfw then [ input [ type_ "radio", id attId ] [] , label [ for attId ] [ text "Sensitive content" , br [] [] , br [] [] , text "click to show image" ] , media ] else [ media ] attachmentListView : String -> Status -> Html Msg attachmentListView context { media_attachments, sensitive } = let keyedEntry attachments attachment = ( toString , attachmentPreview context sensitive attachments attachment ) in case media_attachments of [] -> text "" attachments -> Keyed.ul [ class "attachments" ] <| (keyedEntry attachments) attachments statusActionsView : Status -> CurrentUser -> Html Msg statusActionsView status currentUser = let sourceStatus = Mastodon.Helper.extractReblog status baseBtnClasses = "btn btn-sm btn-default" ( reblogClasses, reblogEvent ) = case status.reblogged of Just True -> ( baseBtnClasses ++ " reblogged", UnreblogStatus ) _ -> ( baseBtnClasses, ReblogStatus ) ( favClasses, favEvent ) = case status.favourited of Just True -> ( baseBtnClasses ++ " favourited", RemoveFavorite ) _ -> ( baseBtnClasses, AddFavorite ) statusDate = Date.fromString status.created_at |> Result.withDefault (Date.fromTime 0) formatDate = text <| DateFormat.format DateEn.config "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M" statusDate in div [ class "btn-group actions" ] [ a [ class baseBtnClasses , onClickWithPreventAndStop <| DraftEvent (UpdateReplyTo status) ] [ Common.icon "share-alt" ] , a [ class reblogClasses , onClickWithPreventAndStop reblogEvent ] [ Common.icon "fire", text (toString sourceStatus.reblogs_count) ] , a [ class favClasses , onClickWithPreventAndStop favEvent ] [ Common.icon "star", text (toString sourceStatus.favourites_count) ] , if Mastodon.Helper.sameAccount sourceStatus.account currentUser then a [ class <| baseBtnClasses ++ " btn-delete" , href "" , onClickWithPreventAndStop <| DeleteStatus ] [ Common.icon "trash" ] else text "" , a [ class baseBtnClasses, href status.url, target "_blank" ] [ Common.icon "time", formatDate ] ] statusContentView : String -> Status -> Html Msg statusContentView context status = case status.spoiler_text of "" -> div [ class "status-text", onClickWithStop <| OpenThread status ] [ div [] <| formatContent status.content status.mentions , attachmentListView context status ] spoiler -> -- Note: Spoilers are dealt with using pure CSS. let statusId = "spoiler" ++ (toString ++ context in div [ class "status-text spoiled" ] [ div [ class "spoiler" , onClickWithStop <| OpenThread status ] [ text status.spoiler_text ] , input [ type_ "checkbox", id statusId, class "spoiler-toggler" ] [] , label [ for statusId ] [ text "Reveal content" ] , div [ class "spoiled-content" ] [ div [] <| formatContent status.content status.mentions , attachmentListView context status ] ] statusEntryView : String -> String -> CurrentUser -> Status -> Html Msg statusEntryView context className currentUser status = let nsfwClass = case status.sensitive of Just True -> "nsfw" _ -> "" liAttributes = [ class <| "list-group-item " ++ className ++ " " ++ nsfwClass ] ++ if context == "thread" then [ id <| "thread-status-" ++ (toString ] else [] in li liAttributes [ Lazy.lazy2 statusView context status , Lazy.lazy2 statusActionsView status currentUser ] statusView : String -> Status -> Html Msg statusView context ({ account, content, media_attachments, reblog, mentions } as status) = let accountLinkAttributes = [ href account.url , onClickWithPreventAndStop (LoadAccount ] in case reblog of Just (Reblog reblog) -> div [ class "reblog" ] [ p [ class "status-info" ] [ Common.icon "fire" , a (accountLinkAttributes ++ [ class "reblogger" ]) [ text <| " @" ++ account.username ] , text " boosted" ] , Lazy.lazy2 statusView context reblog ] Nothing -> div [ class "status" ] [ Common.accountAvatarLink False account , div [ class "username" ] [ a accountLinkAttributes [ text account.display_name , span [ class "acct" ] [ text <| " @" ++ account.username ] ] ] , Lazy.lazy2 statusContentView context status ]