module View.AccountSelector exposing (accountSelectorView) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Mastodon.Helper exposing (..) import Mastodon.Model exposing (..) import String.Extra exposing (replace) import Types exposing (..) import View.Auth exposing (authForm) import View.Common exposing (..) type alias CurrentUser = Maybe Account accountIdentityView : CurrentUser -> Client -> Html Msg accountIdentityView currentUser client = case client.account of Just account -> let ( isCurrentUser, entryClass ) = case currentUser of Just currentUser -> if sameAccount account currentUser then ( True, "active" ) else ( False, "" ) Nothing -> ( False, "" ) in li [ class <| "list-group-item account-selector-item " ++ entryClass ] [ accountAvatar "" account , span [] [ strong [] [ text <| if account.display_name /= "" then account.display_name else account.username ] , br [] [] , account.url |> replace "https://" "@" |> replace "/@" "@" |> text ] , button [ class "btn btn-danger" , onClick <| LogoutClient client ] [ text "Logout" ] , if isCurrentUser then text "" else button [ class "btn btn-primary" , onClick <| SwitchClient client ] [ text "Use" ] ] Nothing -> text "" accountSelectorView : Model -> Html Msg accountSelectorView model = div [ class "col-md-3 column" ] [ div [ class "panel panel-default" ] [ closeablePanelheading "account-selector" "user" "Account selector" CloseAccountSelector , ul [ class "list-group " ] <| (accountIdentityView model.currentUser) model.clients , div [ class "panel-body" ] [ h3 [] [ text "Add an account" ] , authForm model ] ] ]