module Update.Draft exposing ( empty , showAutoMenu , update ) import Autocomplete import Command import Json.Decode as Decode import Mastodon.Decoder exposing (attachmentDecoder) import Mastodon.Helper import Mastodon.Model exposing (..) import String.Extra import Update.Error exposing (addErrorNotification) import Types exposing (..) import Util autocompleteUpdateConfig : Autocomplete.UpdateConfig Msg Account autocompleteUpdateConfig = Autocomplete.updateConfig { toId = .id >> toString , onKeyDown = \code maybeId -> if code == 38 || code == 40 then Nothing else if code == 13 then (DraftEvent << SelectAccount) maybeId else Just <| (DraftEvent << ResetAutocomplete) False , onTooLow = Just <| (DraftEvent << ResetAutocomplete) True , onTooHigh = Just <| (DraftEvent << ResetAutocomplete) False , onMouseEnter = \_ -> Nothing , onMouseLeave = \_ -> Nothing , onMouseClick = \id -> Just <| (DraftEvent << SelectAccount) id , separateSelections = False } empty : Draft empty = { status = "" , inReplyTo = Nothing , spoilerText = Nothing , sensitive = False , visibility = "public" , attachments = [] , mediaUploading = False , statusLength = 0 , autoState = Autocomplete.empty , autoAtPosition = Nothing , autoQuery = "" , autoCursorPosition = 0 , autoMaxResults = 4 , autoAccounts = [] , showAutoMenu = False } showAutoMenu : List Account -> Maybe Int -> String -> Bool showAutoMenu accounts atPosition query = case ( List.isEmpty accounts, atPosition, query ) of ( _, Nothing, _ ) -> False ( True, _, _ ) -> False ( _, _, "" ) -> False ( False, Just _, _ ) -> True update : DraftMsg -> Account -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update draftMsg currentUser ({ draft } as model) = case draftMsg of ClearDraft -> { model | draft = empty } ! [ Command.updateDomStatus empty.status ] ToggleSpoiler enabled -> let newDraft = { draft | spoilerText = if enabled then Just "" else Nothing } in { model | draft = newDraft } ! [] UpdateSensitive sensitive -> { model | draft = { draft | sensitive = sensitive } } ! [] UpdateSpoiler spoilerText -> { model | draft = { draft | spoilerText = Just spoilerText } } ! [] UpdateVisibility visibility -> { model | draft = { draft | visibility = visibility } } ! [] UpdateReplyTo status -> let newStatus = Mastodon.Helper.getReplyPrefix currentUser status in { model | draft = { draft | inReplyTo = Just status , status = newStatus , sensitive = Maybe.withDefault False status.sensitive , spoilerText = if status.spoiler_text == "" then Nothing else Just status.spoiler_text , visibility = status.visibility } } ! [ Command.focusId "status" , Command.updateDomStatus newStatus ] UpdateInputInformation { status, selectionStart } -> let stringToPos = String.slice 0 selectionStart status atPosition = case (String.right 1 stringToPos) of "@" -> Just selectionStart " " -> Nothing _ -> model.draft.autoAtPosition query = case atPosition of Just position -> String.slice position (String.length stringToPos) stringToPos Nothing -> "" newDraft = { draft | status = status , statusLength = String.length status , autoCursorPosition = selectionStart , autoAtPosition = atPosition , autoQuery = query , showAutoMenu = showAutoMenu draft.autoAccounts draft.autoAtPosition draft.autoQuery } in { model | draft = newDraft } ! if query /= "" && atPosition /= Nothing then [ Command.searchAccounts (List.head model.clients) query model.draft.autoMaxResults False ] else [] SelectAccount id -> let account = List.filter (\account -> toString == id) draft.autoAccounts |> List.head stringToAtPos = case draft.autoAtPosition of Just atPosition -> String.slice 0 atPosition draft.status _ -> "" stringToPos = String.slice 0 draft.autoCursorPosition draft.status newStatus = case draft.autoAtPosition of Just atPosition -> String.Extra.replaceSlice (case account of Just a -> a.acct ++ " " Nothing -> "" ) atPosition ((String.length draft.autoQuery) + atPosition) draft.status _ -> "" newDraft = { draft | status = newStatus , autoAtPosition = Nothing , autoQuery = "" , autoState = Autocomplete.empty , autoAccounts = [] , showAutoMenu = False } in { model | draft = newDraft } -- As we are using defaultValue, we need to update the textarea -- using a port. ! [ Command.updateDomStatus newStatus ] SetAutoState autoMsg -> let ( newState, maybeMsg ) = Autocomplete.update autocompleteUpdateConfig autoMsg draft.autoMaxResults draft.autoState (Util.acceptableAccounts draft.autoQuery draft.autoAccounts) newModel = { model | draft = { draft | autoState = newState } } in case maybeMsg of Just (DraftEvent updateMsg) -> update updateMsg currentUser newModel _ -> newModel ! [] CloseAutocomplete -> let newDraft = { draft | showAutoMenu = False , autoState = Autocomplete.reset autocompleteUpdateConfig draft.autoState } in { model | draft = newDraft } ! [] ResetAutocomplete toTop -> let newDraft = { draft | autoState = if toTop then Autocomplete.resetToFirstItem autocompleteUpdateConfig (Util.acceptableAccounts draft.autoQuery draft.autoAccounts) draft.autoMaxResults draft.autoState else Autocomplete.resetToLastItem autocompleteUpdateConfig (Util.acceptableAccounts draft.autoQuery draft.autoAccounts) draft.autoMaxResults draft.autoState } in { model | draft = newDraft } ! [] RemoveMedia id -> let newDraft = { draft | attachments = List.filter (\a -> /= id) draft.attachments } in { model | draft = newDraft } ! [] UploadMedia id -> { model | draft = { draft | mediaUploading = True } } ! [ Command.uploadMedia (List.head model.clients) id ] UploadError error -> { model | draft = { draft | mediaUploading = False } , errors = addErrorNotification error model } ! [] UploadResult encoded -> if encoded == "" then -- user has likely pressed "Cancel" in the file input dialog model ! [] else let decodedAttachment = Decode.decodeString attachmentDecoder encoded in case decodedAttachment of Ok attachment -> { model | draft = { draft | mediaUploading = False , attachments = List.append draft.attachments [ attachment ] } } ! [] Err error -> { model | draft = { draft | mediaUploading = False } , errors = addErrorNotification error model } ! []