module Mastodon.Decoder exposing ( appRegistrationDecoder , accessTokenDecoder , accountDecoder , attachmentDecoder , contextDecoder , decodeWebSocketMessage , mastodonErrorDecoder , mentionDecoder , notificationDecoder , tagDecoder , reblogDecoder , relationshipDecoder , searchResultsDecoder , statusDecoder , webSocketPayloadDecoder , webSocketEventDecoder ) import Json.Decode as Decode import Json.Decode.Pipeline as Pipe import Mastodon.Model exposing (..) import Mastodon.WebSocket exposing (..) appRegistrationDecoder : String -> String -> Decode.Decoder AppRegistration appRegistrationDecoder server scope = Pipe.decode AppRegistration |> Pipe.hardcoded server |> Pipe.hardcoded scope |> Pipe.required "client_id" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "client_secret" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "id" |> Pipe.required "redirect_uri" Decode.string accessTokenDecoder : AppRegistration -> Decode.Decoder AccessTokenResult accessTokenDecoder registration = Pipe.decode AccessTokenResult |> Pipe.hardcoded registration.server |> Pipe.required "access_token" Decode.string accountDecoder : Decode.Decoder Account accountDecoder = Pipe.decode Account |> Pipe.required "acct" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "avatar" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "created_at" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "display_name" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "followers_count" |> Pipe.required "following_count" |> Pipe.required "header" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "id" |> Pipe.required "locked" Decode.bool |> Pipe.required "note" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "statuses_count" |> Pipe.required "url" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "username" Decode.string applicationDecoder : Decode.Decoder Application applicationDecoder = Pipe.decode Application |> Pipe.required "name" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "website" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) attachmentDecoder : Decode.Decoder Attachment attachmentDecoder = Pipe.decode Attachment |> Pipe.required "id" |> Pipe.required "type" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "url" Decode.string |> Pipe.optional "remote_url" Decode.string "" |> Pipe.required "preview_url" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "text_url" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) contextDecoder : Decode.Decoder Context contextDecoder = Pipe.decode Context |> Pipe.required "ancestors" (Decode.list statusDecoder) |> Pipe.required "descendants" (Decode.list statusDecoder) mastodonErrorDecoder : Decode.Decoder String mastodonErrorDecoder = Decode.field "error" Decode.string mentionDecoder : Decode.Decoder Mention mentionDecoder = Pipe.decode Mention |> Pipe.required "id" |> Pipe.required "url" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "username" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "acct" Decode.string notificationDecoder : Decode.Decoder Notification notificationDecoder = Pipe.decode Notification |> Pipe.required "id" |> Pipe.required "type" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "created_at" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "account" accountDecoder |> Pipe.optional "status" (Decode.nullable statusDecoder) Nothing relationshipDecoder : Decode.Decoder Relationship relationshipDecoder = Pipe.decode Relationship |> Pipe.required "id" |> Pipe.required "blocking" Decode.bool |> Pipe.required "followed_by" Decode.bool |> Pipe.required "following" Decode.bool |> Pipe.required "muting" Decode.bool |> Pipe.required "requested" Decode.bool tagDecoder : Decode.Decoder Tag tagDecoder = Pipe.decode Tag |> Pipe.required "name" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "url" Decode.string reblogDecoder : Decode.Decoder Reblog reblogDecoder = Reblog (Decode.lazy (\_ -> statusDecoder)) searchResultsDecoder : Decode.Decoder SearchResults searchResultsDecoder = Pipe.decode SearchResults |> Pipe.required "accounts" (Decode.list accountDecoder) |> Pipe.required "statuses" (Decode.list statusDecoder) |> Pipe.required "hashtags" (Decode.list Decode.string) statusDecoder : Decode.Decoder Status statusDecoder = Pipe.decode Status |> Pipe.required "account" accountDecoder |> Pipe.required "application" (Decode.nullable applicationDecoder) |> Pipe.required "content" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "created_at" Decode.string |> Pipe.optional "favourited" (Decode.nullable Decode.bool) Nothing |> Pipe.required "favourites_count" |> Pipe.required "id" |> Pipe.required "in_reply_to_account_id" (Decode.nullable |> Pipe.required "in_reply_to_id" (Decode.nullable |> Pipe.required "media_attachments" (Decode.list attachmentDecoder) |> Pipe.required "mentions" (Decode.list mentionDecoder) |> Pipe.optional "reblog" (Decode.lazy (\_ -> Decode.nullable reblogDecoder)) Nothing |> Pipe.optional "reblogged" (Decode.nullable Decode.bool) Nothing |> Pipe.required "reblogs_count" |> Pipe.required "sensitive" (Decode.nullable Decode.bool) |> Pipe.required "spoiler_text" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "tags" (Decode.list tagDecoder) |> Pipe.required "uri" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "url" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) |> Pipe.required "visibility" Decode.string webSocketPayloadDecoder : Decode.Decoder WebSocketPayload webSocketPayloadDecoder = Decode.oneOf [ StringPayload Decode.string , IntPayload ] webSocketEventDecoder : Decode.Decoder WebSocketMessage webSocketEventDecoder = Pipe.decode WebSocketMessage |> Pipe.required "event" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "payload" webSocketPayloadDecoder decodeWebSocketMessage : String -> WebSocketEvent decodeWebSocketMessage message = case (Decode.decodeString webSocketEventDecoder message) of Ok message -> case message.event of "update" -> case message.payload of StringPayload payload -> StatusUpdateEvent (Decode.decodeString statusDecoder payload) _ -> ErrorEvent "WS status update event payload must be a string" "delete" -> case message.payload of IntPayload payload -> StatusDeleteEvent <| Ok payload _ -> ErrorEvent "WS status delete event payload must be an int" "notification" -> case message.payload of StringPayload payload -> NotificationEvent (Decode.decodeString notificationDecoder payload) _ -> ErrorEvent "WS notification event payload must be an string" event -> ErrorEvent <| "Unknown WS event " ++ event Err error -> ErrorEvent error