module Update.Main exposing (update) import Command import List.Extra exposing (removeAt) import Mastodon.Model exposing (..) import Types exposing (..) import Update.Draft import Update.Mastodon import Update.Timeline import Update.Viewer import Update.WebSocket toStatusRequestBody : Draft -> StatusRequestBody toStatusRequestBody draft = { status = draft.status , in_reply_to_id = case draft.inReplyTo of Just status -> Just Nothing -> Nothing , spoiler_text = draft.spoilerText , sensitive = draft.sensitive , visibility = draft.visibility } update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of NoOp -> model ! [] Tick newTime -> { model | currentTime = newTime , errors = List.filter (\{ time } -> model.currentTime - time <= 10000) model.errors } ! [] ClearError index -> { model | errors = removeAt index model.errors } ! [] MastodonEvent msg -> let ( newModel, commands ) = Update.Mastodon.update msg model in newModel ! [ commands ] WebSocketEvent msg -> let ( newModel, commands ) = Update.WebSocket.update msg model in newModel ! [ commands ] ServerChange server -> { model | server = server } ! [] UrlChange location -> model ! [] Register -> model ! [ Command.registerApp model ] OpenThread status -> model ! [ Command.loadThread model.client status ] CloseThread -> { model | currentView = Update.Timeline.preferred model } ! [] FollowAccount id -> model ! [ Command.follow model.client id ] UnfollowAccount id -> model ! [ Command.unfollow model.client id ] DeleteStatus id -> model ! [ Command.deleteStatus model.client id ] ReblogStatus id -> Update.Timeline.processReblog id True model ! [ Command.reblogStatus model.client id ] UnreblogStatus id -> Update.Timeline.processReblog id False model ! [ Command.unreblogStatus model.client id ] AddFavorite id -> Update.Timeline.processFavourite id True model ! [ Command.favouriteStatus model.client id ] RemoveFavorite id -> Update.Timeline.processFavourite id False model ! [ Command.unfavouriteStatus model.client id ] DraftEvent draftMsg -> case model.currentUser of Just user -> Update.Draft.update draftMsg user model Nothing -> model ! [] ViewerEvent viewerMsg -> let ( viewer, commands ) = Update.Viewer.update viewerMsg model.viewer in { model | viewer = viewer } ! [ commands ] SubmitDraft -> model ! [ Command.postStatus model.client <| toStatusRequestBody model.draft ] LoadAccount accountId -> { model | accountTimeline = Update.Timeline.empty "account-timeline" , accountFollowers = Update.Timeline.empty "account-followers" , accountFollowing = Update.Timeline.empty "account-following" , accountRelationships = [] , accountRelationship = Nothing } ! [ Command.loadAccount model.client accountId ] TimelineLoadNext id next -> Update.Timeline.markAsLoading True id model ! [ Command.loadNextTimeline model.client model.currentView id next ] ViewAccountFollowers account -> { model | currentView = AccountFollowersView account model.accountFollowers , accountRelationships = [] } ! [ Command.loadAccountFollowers model.client Nothing ] ViewAccountFollowing account -> { model | currentView = AccountFollowingView account model.accountFollowing , accountRelationships = [] } ! [ Command.loadAccountFollowing model.client Nothing ] ViewAccountStatuses account -> { model | currentView = AccountView account } ! [] UseGlobalTimeline flag -> let newModel = { model | useGlobalTimeline = flag } in { newModel | currentView = Update.Timeline.preferred newModel } ! [] CloseAccount -> { model | currentView = Update.Timeline.preferred model , accountTimeline = Update.Timeline.empty "account-timeline" , accountFollowing = Update.Timeline.empty "account-following" , accountFollowers = Update.Timeline.empty "account-followers" } ! [] FilterNotifications filter -> { model | notificationFilter = filter } ! [] ScrollColumn ScrollTop column -> model ! [ Command.scrollColumnToTop column ] ScrollColumn ScrollBottom column -> model ! [ Command.scrollColumnToBottom column ]