module Update.Timeline exposing ( deleteStatusFromAllTimelines , deleteStatus , empty , markAsLoading , prepend , processReblog , processFavourite , update , updateWithBoolFlag ) import Mastodon.Helper import Mastodon.Http exposing (Links) import Mastodon.Model exposing (..) import Types exposing (..) deleteStatusFromCurrentView : Int -> Model -> CurrentView deleteStatusFromCurrentView id model = -- Note: account timeline is already cleaned in deleteStatusFromAllTimelines case model.currentView of ThreadView thread -> if == id then -- the current thread status as been deleted, close it LocalTimelineView else let update statuses = List.filter (\s -> /= id) statuses in ThreadView { thread | context = { ancestors = update thread.context.ancestors , descendants = update thread.context.descendants } } currentView -> currentView deleteStatusFromAllTimelines : Int -> Model -> Model deleteStatusFromAllTimelines id model = { model | homeTimeline = deleteStatus id model.homeTimeline , localTimeline = deleteStatus id model.localTimeline , globalTimeline = deleteStatus id model.globalTimeline , favoriteTimeline = deleteStatus id model.favoriteTimeline , accountTimeline = deleteStatus id model.accountTimeline , notifications = deleteStatusFromNotifications id model.notifications , currentView = deleteStatusFromCurrentView id model } deleteStatusFromNotifications : Int -> Timeline NotificationAggregate -> Timeline NotificationAggregate deleteStatusFromNotifications statusId notifications = let update notification = case notification.status of Just status -> not <| Mastodon.Helper.statusReferenced statusId status Nothing -> True in { notifications | entries = List.filter update notifications.entries } deleteStatus : Int -> Timeline Status -> Timeline Status deleteStatus statusId ({ entries } as timeline) = { timeline | entries = List.filter (not << Mastodon.Helper.statusReferenced statusId) entries } empty : String -> Timeline a empty id = { id = id , entries = [] , links = Links Nothing Nothing , loading = False } markAsLoading : Bool -> String -> Model -> Model markAsLoading loading id model = let mark timeline = { timeline | loading = loading } in case id of "notifications" -> { model | notifications = mark model.notifications } "home-timeline" -> { model | homeTimeline = mark model.homeTimeline } "local-timeline" -> { model | localTimeline = mark model.localTimeline } "global-timeline" -> { model | globalTimeline = mark model.globalTimeline } "favorite-timeline" -> { model | favoriteTimeline = mark model.favoriteTimeline } "account-timeline" -> case model.currentView of AccountView account -> { model | accountTimeline = mark model.accountTimeline } _ -> model _ -> model prepend : a -> Timeline a -> Timeline a prepend entry timeline = { timeline | entries = entry :: timeline.entries } processFavourite : Status -> Bool -> Model -> Model processFavourite status added model = let favoriteTimeline = if added then prepend status model.favoriteTimeline else deleteStatus model.favoriteTimeline newModel = { model | favoriteTimeline = favoriteTimeline } in updateWithBoolFlag added (\s -> { s | favourited = Just added , favourites_count = if added then s.favourites_count + 1 else if s.favourites_count > 0 then s.favourites_count - 1 else 0 } ) newModel processReblog : Status -> Bool -> Model -> Model processReblog status added model = updateWithBoolFlag added (\s -> { s | reblogged = Just added , reblogs_count = if added then s.reblogs_count + 1 else if s.reblogs_count > 0 then s.reblogs_count - 1 else 0 } ) model update : Bool -> List a -> Links -> Timeline a -> Timeline a update append entries links timeline = let newEntries = if append then List.concat [ timeline.entries, entries ] else entries in { timeline | entries = newEntries , links = links , loading = False } updateWithBoolFlag : Int -> Bool -> (Status -> Status) -> Model -> Model updateWithBoolFlag statusId flag statusUpdater model = let updateStatus status = if (Mastodon.Helper.extractReblog status).id == statusId then statusUpdater status else status updateNotification notification = case notification.status of Just status -> { notification | status = Just <| updateStatus status } Nothing -> notification updateTimeline updateEntry timeline = { timeline | entries = updateEntry timeline.entries } in { model | homeTimeline = updateTimeline updateStatus model.homeTimeline , accountTimeline = updateTimeline updateStatus model.accountTimeline , localTimeline = updateTimeline updateStatus model.localTimeline , globalTimeline = updateTimeline updateStatus model.globalTimeline , favoriteTimeline = updateTimeline updateStatus model.favoriteTimeline , notifications = updateTimeline updateNotification model.notifications , currentView = case model.currentView of ThreadView thread -> ThreadView { status = updateStatus thread.status , context = { ancestors = updateStatus thread.context.ancestors , descendants = updateStatus thread.context.descendants } } currentView -> currentView }