module Update.Main exposing (update) import Command import List.Extra exposing (removeAt) import Mastodon.Model exposing (..) import Types exposing (..) import Update.Draft import Update.Error import Update.Mastodon import Update.Timeline import Update.Viewer import Update.WebSocket toStatusRequestBody : Draft -> StatusRequestBody toStatusRequestBody draft = { status = draft.status , in_reply_to_id = case draft.inReplyTo of Just status -> Just Nothing -> Nothing , spoiler_text = draft.spoilerText , sensitive = draft.sensitive , visibility = draft.visibility , media_ids = .id draft.attachments } update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of NoOp -> model ! [] Tick newTime -> { model | currentTime = newTime , errors = Update.Error.cleanErrors newTime model.errors } ! [] ClearError index -> { model | errors = removeAt index model.errors } ! [] AskConfirm message onClick onCancel -> { model | confirm = Just <| Confirm message onClick onCancel } ! [] ConfirmCancelled onCancel -> update onCancel { model | confirm = Nothing } Confirmed onConfirm -> update onConfirm { model | confirm = Nothing } SetView view -> case view of AccountSelectorView -> { model | currentView = view, server = "" } ! [] FavoriteTimelineView -> { model | currentView = view } ! [ Command.loadFavoriteTimeline (List.head model.clients) Nothing ] _ -> { model | currentView = view } ! [] SwitchClient client -> let newClients = client :: (List.filter (\c -> c.token /= client.token) model.clients) in { model | clients = newClients , homeTimeline = Update.Timeline.empty "home-timeline" , localTimeline = Update.Timeline.empty "local-timeline" , globalTimeline = Update.Timeline.empty "global-timeline" , favoriteTimeline = Update.Timeline.empty "favorite-timeline" , accountTimeline = Update.Timeline.empty "account-timeline" , accountFollowers = Update.Timeline.empty "account-followers" , accountFollowing = Update.Timeline.empty "account-following" , notifications = Update.Timeline.empty "notifications" , accountRelationships = [] , accountRelationship = Nothing , currentView = LocalTimelineView } ! [ Command.loadUserAccount <| Just client , Command.loadTimelines <| Just client ] LogoutClient client -> let newClients = List.filter (\c -> c.token /= client.token) model.clients newClient = List.head newClients in { model | clients = newClients , currentView = LocalTimelineView } ! [ Command.saveClients newClients , Command.loadUserAccount newClient , Command.loadTimelines newClient ] MastodonEvent msg -> let ( newModel, commands ) = Update.Mastodon.update msg model in newModel ! [ commands ] WebSocketEvent msg -> let ( newModel, commands ) = Update.WebSocket.update msg model in newModel ! [ commands ] ServerChange server -> { model | server = server } ! [] UrlChange location -> model ! [] Register -> model ! [ Command.registerApp model ] OpenThread status -> model ! [ Command.loadThread (List.head model.clients) status ] CloseThread -> { model | currentView = LocalTimelineView } ! [] FollowAccount id -> model ! [ Command.follow (List.head model.clients) id ] UnfollowAccount id -> model ! [ Command.unfollow (List.head model.clients) id ] DeleteStatus id -> model ! [ Command.deleteStatus (List.head model.clients) id ] ReblogStatus status -> Update.Timeline.processReblog status True model ! [ Command.reblogStatus (List.head model.clients) ] UnreblogStatus status -> Update.Timeline.processReblog status False model ! [ Command.unreblogStatus (List.head model.clients) ] AddFavorite status -> Update.Timeline.processFavourite status True model ! [ Command.favouriteStatus (List.head model.clients) ] RemoveFavorite status -> Update.Timeline.processFavourite status False model ! [ Command.unfavouriteStatus (List.head model.clients) ] DraftEvent draftMsg -> case model.currentUser of Just user -> Update.Draft.update draftMsg user model Nothing -> model ! [] ViewerEvent viewerMsg -> let ( viewer, commands ) = Update.Viewer.update viewerMsg model.viewer in { model | viewer = viewer } ! [ commands ] SubmitDraft -> model ! [ Command.postStatus (List.head model.clients) <| toStatusRequestBody model.draft ] LoadAccount accountId -> { model | accountTimeline = Update.Timeline.empty "account-timeline" , accountFollowers = Update.Timeline.empty "account-followers" , accountFollowing = Update.Timeline.empty "account-following" , accountRelationships = [] , accountRelationship = Nothing } ! [ Command.loadAccount (List.head model.clients) accountId ] TimelineLoadNext id next -> Update.Timeline.markAsLoading True id model ! [ Command.loadNextTimeline (List.head model.clients) model.currentView id next ] ViewAccountFollowers account -> { model | currentView = AccountFollowersView account model.accountFollowers , accountRelationships = [] } ! [ Command.loadAccountFollowers (List.head model.clients) Nothing ] ViewAccountFollowing account -> { model | currentView = AccountFollowingView account model.accountFollowing , accountRelationships = [] } ! [ Command.loadAccountFollowing (List.head model.clients) Nothing ] ViewAccountStatuses account -> { model | currentView = AccountView account } ! [] CloseAccount -> { model | currentView = LocalTimelineView , accountTimeline = Update.Timeline.empty "account-timeline" , accountFollowing = Update.Timeline.empty "account-following" , accountFollowers = Update.Timeline.empty "account-followers" } ! [] CloseAccountSelector -> { model | currentView = LocalTimelineView } ! [] FilterNotifications filter -> { model | notificationFilter = filter } ! [] ScrollColumn ScrollTop column -> model ! [ Command.scrollColumnToTop column ] ScrollColumn ScrollBottom column -> model ! [ Command.scrollColumnToBottom column ]