module Model exposing (..) import Dom import Json.Encode as Encode import Navigation import Mastodon.Decoder import Mastodon.Encoder import Mastodon.Helper import Mastodon.Http import Mastodon.Model import Mastodon.WebSocket import Ports import Task import Dom.Scroll maxBuffer : Int maxBuffer = -- Max number of entries to keep in columns 100 type alias Flags = { client : Maybe Mastodon.Model.Client , registration : Maybe Mastodon.Model.AppRegistration } type DraftMsg = ClearDraft | UpdateSensitive Bool | UpdateSpoiler String | UpdateStatus String | UpdateVisibility String | UpdateReplyTo Mastodon.Model.Status | ToggleSpoiler Bool type ViewerMsg = CloseViewer | OpenViewer (List Mastodon.Model.Attachment) Mastodon.Model.Attachment type MastodonMsg = AccessToken (Result Mastodon.Model.Error Mastodon.Model.AccessTokenResult) | AppRegistered (Result Mastodon.Model.Error Mastodon.Model.AppRegistration) | ContextLoaded Mastodon.Model.Status (Result Mastodon.Model.Error Mastodon.Model.Context) | CurrentUser (Result Mastodon.Model.Error Mastodon.Model.Account) | FavoriteAdded (Result Mastodon.Model.Error Mastodon.Model.Status) | FavoriteRemoved (Result Mastodon.Model.Error Mastodon.Model.Status) | LocalTimeline (Result Mastodon.Model.Error (List Mastodon.Model.Status)) | Notifications (Result Mastodon.Model.Error (List Mastodon.Model.Notification)) | GlobalTimeline (Result Mastodon.Model.Error (List Mastodon.Model.Status)) | Reblogged (Result Mastodon.Model.Error Mastodon.Model.Status) | StatusDeleted (Result Mastodon.Model.Error Int) | StatusPosted (Result Mastodon.Model.Error Mastodon.Model.Status) | Unreblogged (Result Mastodon.Model.Error Mastodon.Model.Status) | Account (Result Mastodon.Model.Error Mastodon.Model.Account) | AccountTimeline (Result Mastodon.Model.Error (List Mastodon.Model.Status)) | UserTimeline (Result Mastodon.Model.Error (List Mastodon.Model.Status)) type WebSocketMsg = NewWebsocketUserMessage String | NewWebsocketGlobalMessage String | NewWebsocketLocalMessage String type Msg = AddFavorite Int | ClearOpenedAccount | CloseThread | DomResult (Result Dom.Error ()) | DeleteStatus Int | DraftEvent DraftMsg | LoadAccount Int | MastodonEvent MastodonMsg | NoOp | OpenThread Mastodon.Model.Status | Reblog Int | Register | RemoveFavorite Int | ServerChange String | SubmitDraft | UrlChange Navigation.Location | UseGlobalTimeline Bool | Unreblog Int | ViewerEvent ViewerMsg | WebSocketEvent WebSocketMsg | ScrollColumn String type alias Draft = { status : String , in_reply_to : Maybe Mastodon.Model.Status , spoiler_text : Maybe String , sensitive : Bool , visibility : String } type alias Thread = { status : Mastodon.Model.Status , context : Mastodon.Model.Context } type alias Viewer = { attachments : List Mastodon.Model.Attachment , attachment : Mastodon.Model.Attachment } type CurrentView = -- Basically, what we should be displaying in the fourth column AccountView Mastodon.Model.Account | ThreadView Thread | LocalTimelineView | GlobalTimelineView type alias Model = { server : String , registration : Maybe Mastodon.Model.AppRegistration , client : Maybe Mastodon.Model.Client , userTimeline : List Mastodon.Model.Status , localTimeline : List Mastodon.Model.Status , globalTimeline : List Mastodon.Model.Status , accountTimeline : List Mastodon.Model.Status , notifications : List Mastodon.Model.NotificationAggregate , draft : Draft , errors : List String , location : Navigation.Location , useGlobalTimeline : Bool , viewer : Maybe Viewer , currentUser : Maybe Mastodon.Model.Account , currentView : CurrentView } extractAuthCode : Navigation.Location -> Maybe String extractAuthCode { search } = case (String.split "?code=" search) of [ _, authCode ] -> Just authCode _ -> Nothing defaultDraft : Draft defaultDraft = { status = "" , in_reply_to = Nothing , spoiler_text = Nothing , sensitive = False , visibility = "public" } init : Flags -> Navigation.Location -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) init flags location = let authCode = extractAuthCode location in { server = "" , registration = flags.registration , client = flags.client , userTimeline = [] , localTimeline = [] , globalTimeline = [] , accountTimeline = [] , notifications = [] , draft = defaultDraft , errors = [] , location = location , useGlobalTimeline = False , viewer = Nothing , currentView = LocalTimelineView , currentUser = Nothing } ! [ initCommands flags.registration flags.client authCode ] initCommands : Maybe Mastodon.Model.AppRegistration -> Maybe Mastodon.Model.Client -> Maybe String -> Cmd Msg initCommands registration client authCode = Cmd.batch <| case authCode of Just authCode -> case registration of Just registration -> [ Mastodon.Http.getAccessToken registration authCode |> Mastodon.Http.send (MastodonEvent << AccessToken) ] Nothing -> [] Nothing -> [ loadUserAccount client, loadTimelines client ] registerApp : Model -> Cmd Msg registerApp { server, location } = let appUrl = location.origin ++ location.pathname cleanServer = if String.endsWith "/" server then String.dropRight 1 server else server in Mastodon.Http.register cleanServer "tooty" appUrl "read write follow" "" |> Mastodon.Http.send (MastodonEvent << AppRegistered) saveClient : Mastodon.Model.Client -> Cmd Msg saveClient client = Mastodon.Encoder.clientEncoder client |> Encode.encode 0 |> Ports.saveClient saveRegistration : Mastodon.Model.AppRegistration -> Cmd Msg saveRegistration registration = Mastodon.Encoder.registrationEncoder registration |> Encode.encode 0 |> Ports.saveRegistration loadNotifications : Maybe Mastodon.Model.Client -> Cmd Msg loadNotifications client = case client of Just client -> Mastodon.Http.fetchNotifications client |> Mastodon.Http.send (MastodonEvent << Notifications) Nothing -> Cmd.none loadUserAccount : Maybe Mastodon.Model.Client -> Cmd Msg loadUserAccount client = case client of Just client -> Mastodon.Http.userAccount client |> Mastodon.Http.send (MastodonEvent << CurrentUser) Nothing -> Cmd.none loadTimelines : Maybe Mastodon.Model.Client -> Cmd Msg loadTimelines client = case client of Just client -> Cmd.batch [ Mastodon.Http.fetchUserTimeline client |> Mastodon.Http.send (MastodonEvent << UserTimeline) , Mastodon.Http.fetchLocalTimeline client |> Mastodon.Http.send (MastodonEvent << LocalTimeline) , Mastodon.Http.fetchGlobalTimeline client |> Mastodon.Http.send (MastodonEvent << GlobalTimeline) , loadNotifications <| Just client ] Nothing -> Cmd.none preferredTimeline : Model -> CurrentView preferredTimeline model = if model.useGlobalTimeline then GlobalTimelineView else LocalTimelineView truncate : List a -> List a truncate entries = List.take maxBuffer entries postStatus : Mastodon.Model.Client -> Mastodon.Model.StatusRequestBody -> Cmd Msg postStatus client draft = Mastodon.Http.postStatus client draft |> Mastodon.Http.send (MastodonEvent << StatusPosted) deleteStatus : Mastodon.Model.Client -> Int -> Cmd Msg deleteStatus client id = Mastodon.Http.deleteStatus client id |> Mastodon.Http.send (MastodonEvent << StatusDeleted) errorText : Mastodon.Model.Error -> String errorText error = case error of Mastodon.Model.MastodonError statusCode statusMsg errorMsg -> "HTTP " ++ (toString statusCode) ++ " " ++ statusMsg ++ ": " ++ errorMsg Mastodon.Model.ServerError statusCode statusMsg errorMsg -> "HTTP " ++ (toString statusCode) ++ " " ++ statusMsg ++ ": " ++ errorMsg Mastodon.Model.TimeoutError -> "Request timed out." Mastodon.Model.NetworkError -> "Unreachable host." toStatusRequestBody : Draft -> Mastodon.Model.StatusRequestBody toStatusRequestBody draft = { status = draft.status , in_reply_to_id = case draft.in_reply_to of Just status -> Just Nothing -> Nothing , spoiler_text = draft.spoiler_text , sensitive = draft.sensitive , visibility = draft.visibility } updateTimelinesWithBoolFlag : Int -> Bool -> (Mastodon.Model.Status -> Mastodon.Model.Status) -> Model -> Model updateTimelinesWithBoolFlag statusId flag statusUpdater model = let update flag status = if (Mastodon.Helper.extractReblog status).id == statusId then statusUpdater status else status in { model | userTimeline = (update flag) model.userTimeline , localTimeline = (update flag) model.localTimeline , globalTimeline = (update flag) model.globalTimeline } processFavourite : Int -> Bool -> Model -> Model processFavourite statusId flag model = updateTimelinesWithBoolFlag statusId flag (\s -> { s | favourited = Just flag }) model processReblog : Int -> Bool -> Model -> Model processReblog statusId flag model = updateTimelinesWithBoolFlag statusId flag (\s -> { s | reblogged = Just flag }) model deleteStatusFromTimeline : Int -> List Mastodon.Model.Status -> List Mastodon.Model.Status deleteStatusFromTimeline statusId timeline = timeline |> List.filter (\s -> /= statusId && (Mastodon.Helper.extractReblog s).id /= statusId ) updateDraft : DraftMsg -> Mastodon.Model.Account -> Draft -> ( Draft, Cmd Msg ) updateDraft draftMsg currentUser draft = case draftMsg of ClearDraft -> defaultDraft ! [] ToggleSpoiler enabled -> { draft | spoiler_text = if enabled then Just "" else Nothing } ! [] UpdateSensitive sensitive -> { draft | sensitive = sensitive } ! [] UpdateSpoiler spoiler_text -> { draft | spoiler_text = Just spoiler_text } ! [] UpdateStatus status -> { draft | status = status } ! [] UpdateVisibility visibility -> { draft | visibility = visibility } ! [] UpdateReplyTo status -> let mentions = status.mentions |> List.filter (\m -> not (Mastodon.Helper.accountMentioned currentUser m)) |> (\m -> "@" ++ m.acct) |> String.join " " newStatus = if Mastodon.Helper.sameAccount status.account currentUser then mentions else "@" ++ status.account.acct ++ " " ++ mentions in { draft | in_reply_to = Just status , status = (String.trim newStatus) ++ " " , sensitive = Maybe.withDefault False status.sensitive , spoiler_text = if status.spoiler_text == "" then Nothing else Just status.spoiler_text , visibility = status.visibility } ! [ Dom.focus "status" |> Task.attempt (always NoOp) ] updateViewer : ViewerMsg -> Maybe Viewer -> ( Maybe Viewer, Cmd Msg ) updateViewer viewerMsg viewer = case viewerMsg of CloseViewer -> Nothing ! [] OpenViewer attachments attachment -> (Just <| Viewer attachments attachment) ! [] processMastodonEvent : MastodonMsg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) processMastodonEvent msg model = case msg of AccessToken result -> case result of Ok { server, accessToken } -> let client = Mastodon.Model.Client server accessToken in { model | client = Just client } ! [ loadTimelines <| Just client , Navigation.modifyUrl model.location.pathname , saveClient client ] Err error -> { model | errors = (errorText error) :: model.errors } ! [] AppRegistered result -> case result of Ok registration -> { model | registration = Just registration } ! [ saveRegistration registration , Navigation.load <| Mastodon.Http.getAuthorizationUrl registration ] Err error -> { model | errors = (errorText error) :: model.errors } ! [] ContextLoaded status result -> case result of Ok context -> let thread = Thread status context in { model | currentView = ThreadView thread } ! [] Err error -> { model | currentView = preferredTimeline model , errors = (errorText error) :: model.errors } ! [] CurrentUser result -> case result of Ok currentUser -> { model | currentUser = Just currentUser } ! [] Err error -> { model | errors = (errorText error) :: model.errors } ! [] FavoriteAdded result -> case result of Ok status -> processFavourite True model ! [ loadNotifications model.client ] Err error -> { model | errors = (errorText error) :: model.errors } ! [] FavoriteRemoved result -> case result of Ok status -> processFavourite False model ! [ loadNotifications model.client ] Err error -> { model | errors = (errorText error) :: model.errors } ! [] LocalTimeline result -> case result of Ok localTimeline -> { model | localTimeline = localTimeline } ! [] Err error -> { model | localTimeline = [], errors = (errorText error) :: model.errors } ! [] Notifications result -> case result of Ok notifications -> { model | notifications = Mastodon.Helper.aggregateNotifications notifications } ! [] Err error -> { model | notifications = [], errors = (errorText error) :: model.errors } ! [] GlobalTimeline result -> case result of Ok globalTimeline -> { model | globalTimeline = globalTimeline } ! [] Err error -> { model | globalTimeline = [], errors = (errorText error) :: model.errors } ! [] Reblogged result -> case result of Ok status -> model ! [ loadNotifications model.client ] Err error -> { model | errors = (errorText error) :: model.errors } ! [] StatusPosted _ -> { model | draft = defaultDraft } ! [] StatusDeleted result -> case result of Ok id -> { model | userTimeline = deleteStatusFromTimeline id model.userTimeline , localTimeline = deleteStatusFromTimeline id model.localTimeline , globalTimeline = deleteStatusFromTimeline id model.globalTimeline } ! [] Err error -> { model | errors = (errorText error) :: model.errors } ! [] Unreblogged result -> case result of Ok status -> model ! [ loadNotifications model.client ] Err error -> { model | errors = (errorText error) :: model.errors } ! [] Account result -> case result of Ok account -> { model | currentView = AccountView account } ! [] Err error -> { model | currentView = preferredTimeline model , errors = (errorText error) :: model.errors } ! [] AccountTimeline result -> case result of Ok statuses -> { model | accountTimeline = statuses } ! [] Err error -> { model | errors = (errorText error) :: model.errors } ! [] UserTimeline result -> case result of Ok userTimeline -> { model | userTimeline = userTimeline } ! [] Err error -> { model | userTimeline = [], errors = (errorText error) :: model.errors } ! [] processWebSocketMsg : WebSocketMsg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) processWebSocketMsg msg model = case msg of NewWebsocketUserMessage message -> case (Mastodon.Decoder.decodeWebSocketMessage message) of Mastodon.WebSocket.ErrorEvent error -> { model | errors = error :: model.errors } ! [] Mastodon.WebSocket.StatusUpdateEvent result -> case result of Ok status -> { model | userTimeline = truncate (status :: model.userTimeline) } ! [] Err error -> { model | errors = error :: model.errors } ! [] Mastodon.WebSocket.StatusDeleteEvent result -> case result of Ok id -> { model | userTimeline = deleteStatusFromTimeline id model.userTimeline } ! [] Err error -> { model | errors = error :: model.errors } ! [] Mastodon.WebSocket.NotificationEvent result -> case result of Ok notification -> let notifications = Mastodon.Helper.addNotificationToAggregates notification model.notifications in { model | notifications = truncate notifications } ! [] Err error -> { model | errors = error :: model.errors } ! [] NewWebsocketLocalMessage message -> case (Mastodon.Decoder.decodeWebSocketMessage message) of Mastodon.WebSocket.ErrorEvent error -> { model | errors = error :: model.errors } ! [] Mastodon.WebSocket.StatusUpdateEvent result -> case result of Ok status -> { model | localTimeline = truncate (status :: model.localTimeline) } ! [] Err error -> { model | errors = error :: model.errors } ! [] Mastodon.WebSocket.StatusDeleteEvent result -> case result of Ok id -> { model | localTimeline = deleteStatusFromTimeline id model.localTimeline } ! [] Err error -> { model | errors = error :: model.errors } ! [] _ -> model ! [] NewWebsocketGlobalMessage message -> case (Mastodon.Decoder.decodeWebSocketMessage message) of Mastodon.WebSocket.ErrorEvent error -> { model | errors = error :: model.errors } ! [] Mastodon.WebSocket.StatusUpdateEvent result -> case result of Ok status -> { model | globalTimeline = truncate (status :: model.globalTimeline) } ! [] Err error -> { model | errors = error :: model.errors } ! [] Mastodon.WebSocket.StatusDeleteEvent result -> case result of Ok id -> { model | globalTimeline = deleteStatusFromTimeline id model.globalTimeline } ! [] Err error -> { model | errors = error :: model.errors } ! [] _ -> model ! [] update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of NoOp -> model ! [] DomResult result -> model ! [] MastodonEvent msg -> let ( newModel, commands ) = processMastodonEvent msg model in newModel ! [ commands ] WebSocketEvent msg -> let ( newModel, commands ) = processWebSocketMsg msg model in newModel ! [ commands ] ServerChange server -> { model | server = server } ! [] UrlChange location -> model ! [] Register -> model ! [ registerApp model ] OpenThread status -> case model.client of Just client -> model ! [ Mastodon.Http.context client |> Mastodon.Http.send (MastodonEvent << (ContextLoaded status)) ] Nothing -> model ! [] CloseThread -> { model | currentView = preferredTimeline model } ! [] DeleteStatus id -> case model.client of Just client -> model ! [ deleteStatus client id ] Nothing -> model ! [] Reblog id -> -- Note: The case of reblogging is specific as it seems the server -- response takes a lot of time to be received by the client, so we -- perform optimistic updates here. case model.client of Just client -> processReblog id True model ! [ Mastodon.Http.reblog client id |> Mastodon.Http.send (MastodonEvent << Reblogged) ] Nothing -> model ! [] Unreblog id -> case model.client of Just client -> processReblog id False model ! [ Mastodon.Http.unfavourite client id |> Mastodon.Http.send (MastodonEvent << Unreblogged) ] Nothing -> model ! [] AddFavorite id -> model ! case model.client of Just client -> [ Mastodon.Http.favourite client id |> Mastodon.Http.send (MastodonEvent << FavoriteAdded) ] Nothing -> [] RemoveFavorite id -> model ! case model.client of Just client -> [ Mastodon.Http.unfavourite client id |> Mastodon.Http.send (MastodonEvent << FavoriteRemoved) ] Nothing -> [] DraftEvent draftMsg -> case model.currentUser of Just user -> let ( draft, commands ) = updateDraft draftMsg user model.draft in { model | draft = draft } ! [ commands ] Nothing -> model ! [] ViewerEvent viewerMsg -> let ( viewer, commands ) = updateViewer viewerMsg model.viewer in { model | viewer = viewer } ! [ commands ] SubmitDraft -> model ! case model.client of Just client -> [ postStatus client <| toStatusRequestBody model.draft ] Nothing -> [] LoadAccount accountId -> {- @TODO When requesting a user profile, we should load a new "page" so that the URL in the browser matches the user displayed -} { model | currentView = preferredTimeline model } ! case model.client of Just client -> [ Mastodon.Http.fetchAccount client accountId |> Mastodon.Http.send (MastodonEvent << Account) , Mastodon.Http.fetchAccountTimeline client accountId |> Mastodon.Http.send (MastodonEvent << AccountTimeline) ] Nothing -> [] UseGlobalTimeline flag -> let newModel = { model | useGlobalTimeline = flag } in { model | currentView = preferredTimeline newModel } ! [] ClearOpenedAccount -> { model | currentView = preferredTimeline model } ! [] ScrollColumn context -> model ! [ Task.attempt DomResult <| Dom.Scroll.toTop context ] subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg subscriptions model = case model.client of Just client -> let subs = [ Mastodon.WebSocket.subscribeToWebSockets client Mastodon.WebSocket.UserStream NewWebsocketUserMessage ] ++ (if model.useGlobalTimeline then [ Mastodon.WebSocket.subscribeToWebSockets client Mastodon.WebSocket.GlobalPublicStream NewWebsocketGlobalMessage ] else [ Mastodon.WebSocket.subscribeToWebSockets client Mastodon.WebSocket.LocalPublicStream NewWebsocketLocalMessage ] ) in Sub.batch <| ( WebSocketEvent) subs Nothing -> Sub.batch []