module Update.Draft exposing ( empty , showAutoMenu , update ) import Autocomplete import Command import Mastodon.Helper import Mastodon.Model exposing (..) import String.Extra import Types exposing (..) import Util autocompleteUpdateConfig : Autocomplete.UpdateConfig Msg Account autocompleteUpdateConfig = Autocomplete.updateConfig { toId = .id >> toString , onKeyDown = \code maybeId -> if code == 38 || code == 40 then Nothing else if code == 13 then (DraftEvent << SelectAccount) maybeId else Just <| (DraftEvent << ResetAutocomplete) False , onTooLow = Just <| (DraftEvent << ResetAutocomplete) True , onTooHigh = Just <| (DraftEvent << ResetAutocomplete) False , onMouseEnter = \_ -> Nothing , onMouseLeave = \_ -> Nothing , onMouseClick = \id -> Just <| (DraftEvent << SelectAccount) id , separateSelections = False } empty : Draft empty = { status = "" , inReplyTo = Nothing , spoilerText = Nothing , sensitive = False , visibility = "public" , statusLength = 0 , autoState = Autocomplete.empty , autoAtPosition = Nothing , autoQuery = "" , autoCursorPosition = 0 , autoMaxResults = 4 , autoAccounts = [] , showAutoMenu = False } showAutoMenu : List Account -> Maybe Int -> String -> Bool showAutoMenu accounts atPosition query = case ( List.isEmpty accounts, atPosition, query ) of ( _, Nothing, _ ) -> False ( True, _, _ ) -> False ( _, _, "" ) -> False ( False, Just _, _ ) -> True update : DraftMsg -> Account -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update draftMsg currentUser model = let draft = model.draft in case draftMsg of ClearDraft -> { model | draft = empty } ! [ Command.updateDomStatus empty.status ] ToggleSpoiler enabled -> let newDraft = { draft | spoilerText = if enabled then Just "" else Nothing } in { model | draft = newDraft } ! [] UpdateSensitive sensitive -> { model | draft = { draft | sensitive = sensitive } } ! [] UpdateSpoiler spoilerText -> { model | draft = { draft | spoilerText = Just spoilerText } } ! [] UpdateVisibility visibility -> { model | draft = { draft | visibility = visibility } } ! [] UpdateReplyTo status -> let newStatus = Mastodon.Helper.getReplyPrefix currentUser status in { model | draft = { draft | inReplyTo = Just status , status = newStatus , sensitive = Maybe.withDefault False status.sensitive , spoilerText = if status.spoiler_text == "" then Nothing else Just status.spoiler_text , visibility = status.visibility } } ! [ Command.focusId "status" , Command.updateDomStatus newStatus ] UpdateInputInformation { status, selectionStart } -> let stringToPos = String.slice 0 selectionStart status atPosition = case (String.right 1 stringToPos) of "@" -> Just selectionStart " " -> Nothing _ -> model.draft.autoAtPosition query = case atPosition of Just position -> String.slice position (String.length stringToPos) stringToPos Nothing -> "" newDraft = { draft | status = status , statusLength = String.length status , autoCursorPosition = selectionStart , autoAtPosition = atPosition , autoQuery = query , showAutoMenu = showAutoMenu draft.autoAccounts draft.autoAtPosition draft.autoQuery } in { model | draft = newDraft } ! if query /= "" && atPosition /= Nothing then [ Command.searchAccounts (List.head model.clients) query model.draft.autoMaxResults False ] else [] SelectAccount id -> let account = List.filter (\account -> toString == id) draft.autoAccounts |> List.head stringToAtPos = case draft.autoAtPosition of Just atPosition -> String.slice 0 atPosition draft.status _ -> "" stringToPos = String.slice 0 draft.autoCursorPosition draft.status newStatus = case draft.autoAtPosition of Just atPosition -> String.Extra.replaceSlice (case account of Just a -> a.acct ++ " " Nothing -> "" ) atPosition ((String.length draft.autoQuery) + atPosition) draft.status _ -> "" newDraft = { draft | status = newStatus , autoAtPosition = Nothing , autoQuery = "" , autoState = Autocomplete.empty , autoAccounts = [] , showAutoMenu = False } in { model | draft = newDraft } -- As we are using defaultValue, we need to update the textarea -- using a port. ! [ Command.updateDomStatus newStatus ] SetAutoState autoMsg -> let ( newState, maybeMsg ) = Autocomplete.update autocompleteUpdateConfig autoMsg draft.autoMaxResults draft.autoState (Util.acceptableAccounts draft.autoQuery draft.autoAccounts) newModel = { model | draft = { draft | autoState = newState } } in case maybeMsg of Just (DraftEvent updateMsg) -> update updateMsg currentUser newModel _ -> newModel ! [] CloseAutocomplete -> let newDraft = { draft | showAutoMenu = False , autoState = Autocomplete.reset autocompleteUpdateConfig draft.autoState } in { model | draft = newDraft } ! [] ResetAutocomplete toTop -> let newDraft = { draft | autoState = if toTop then Autocomplete.resetToFirstItem autocompleteUpdateConfig (Util.acceptableAccounts draft.autoQuery draft.autoAccounts) draft.autoMaxResults draft.autoState else Autocomplete.resetToLastItem autocompleteUpdateConfig (Util.acceptableAccounts draft.autoQuery draft.autoAccounts) draft.autoMaxResults draft.autoState } in { model | draft = newDraft } ! []