module View.App exposing (view) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Keyed as Keyed import Html.Lazy as Lazy import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Mastodon.Model exposing (..) import Types exposing (..) import View.Account exposing (accountFollowView, accountTimelineView) import View.Auth exposing (authView) import View.Common as Common import View.Draft exposing (draftView) import View.Error exposing (errorsListView) import View.Events exposing (..) import View.Notification exposing (notificationListView) import View.Settings exposing (settingsView) import View.Status exposing (statusView, statusActionsView, statusEntryView) import View.Thread exposing (threadView) import View.Viewer exposing (viewerView) type alias CurrentUser = Account type alias CurrentUserRelation = Maybe Relationship timelineView : ( String, String, CurrentUser, Timeline ) -> Html Msg timelineView ( label, iconName, currentUser, timeline ) = let keyedEntry status = ( toString id, statusEntryView "" currentUser status ) entries = keyedEntry timeline.statuses in div [ class "col-md-3 column" ] [ div [ class "panel panel-default" ] [ a [ href "", onClickWithPreventAndStop <| ScrollColumn ScrollTop ] [ div [ class "panel-heading" ] [ Common.icon iconName, text label ] ] , Keyed.ul [ id, class "list-group timeline" ] <| (entries ++ [ ( "load-more", Common.loadMoreBtn timeline ) ]) ] ] userTimelineView : CurrentUser -> Timeline -> Html Msg userTimelineView currentUser timeline = Lazy.lazy timelineView ( "Home timeline" , "home" , currentUser , timeline ) localTimelineView : CurrentUser -> Timeline -> Html Msg localTimelineView currentUser timeline = Lazy.lazy timelineView ( "Local timeline" , "th-large" , currentUser , timeline ) globalTimelineView : CurrentUser -> Timeline -> Html Msg globalTimelineView currentUser timeline = Lazy.lazy timelineView ( "Global timeline" , "globe" , currentUser , timeline ) sidebarView : Model -> Html Msg sidebarView model = div [ class "col-md-3 column" ] [ Lazy.lazy draftView model , Lazy.lazy settingsView model ] homepageView : Model -> Html Msg homepageView model = case model.currentUser of Nothing -> text "" Just currentUser -> div [ class "row" ] [ Lazy.lazy sidebarView model , userTimelineView currentUser model.userTimeline , Lazy.lazy3 notificationListView currentUser model.notificationFilter model.notifications , case model.currentView of LocalTimelineView -> localTimelineView currentUser model.localTimeline GlobalTimelineView -> globalTimelineView currentUser model.globalTimeline AccountView account -> accountTimelineView currentUser model.accountTimeline model.accountRelationship account AccountFollowersView account followers -> accountFollowView currentUser model.accountFollowers model.accountRelationships model.accountRelationship account AccountFollowingView account following -> accountFollowView currentUser model.accountFollowing model.accountRelationships model.accountRelationship account ThreadView thread -> threadView currentUser thread ] view : Model -> Html Msg view model = div [ class "container-fluid" ] [ errorsListView model , case model.client of Just client -> homepageView model Nothing -> authView model , case model.viewer of Just viewer -> viewerView viewer Nothing -> text "" ]