module Update.WebSocket exposing (update) import Mastodon.Decoder import Mastodon.Helper import Mastodon.Model exposing (..) import Mastodon.WebSocket import Types exposing (..) import Update.Error exposing (..) import Update.Timeline update : WebSocketMsg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg ) update msg model = case msg of NewWebsocketUserMessage message -> case (Mastodon.Decoder.decodeWebSocketMessage message) of Mastodon.WebSocket.ErrorEvent error -> { model | errors = addErrorNotification error model } ! [] Mastodon.WebSocket.StatusUpdateEvent result -> case result of Ok status -> (model |> (\m -> { m | homeTimeline = Update.Timeline.prepend status m.homeTimeline }) |> updateCurrentViewWithStatus status ) ! [] Err error -> { model | errors = addErrorNotification error model } ! [] Mastodon.WebSocket.StatusDeleteEvent result -> case result of Ok id -> Update.Timeline.deleteStatusFromAllTimelines id model ! [] Err error -> { model | errors = addErrorNotification error model } ! [] Mastodon.WebSocket.NotificationEvent result -> case result of Ok notification -> let oldNotifications = model.notifications newNotifications = { oldNotifications | entries = Mastodon.Helper.addNotificationToAggregates notification oldNotifications.entries } in { model | notifications = newNotifications } ! [] Err error -> { model | errors = addErrorNotification error model } ! [] NewWebsocketLocalMessage message -> case (Mastodon.Decoder.decodeWebSocketMessage message) of Mastodon.WebSocket.ErrorEvent error -> { model | errors = addErrorNotification error model } ! [] Mastodon.WebSocket.StatusUpdateEvent result -> case result of Ok status -> (model |> (\m -> { m | localTimeline = Update.Timeline.prepend status m.localTimeline }) |> updateCurrentViewWithStatus status ) ! [] Err error -> { model | errors = addErrorNotification error model } ! [] Mastodon.WebSocket.StatusDeleteEvent result -> case result of Ok id -> Update.Timeline.deleteStatusFromAllTimelines id model ! [] Err error -> { model | errors = addErrorNotification error model } ! [] _ -> model ! [] NewWebsocketGlobalMessage message -> case (Mastodon.Decoder.decodeWebSocketMessage message) of Mastodon.WebSocket.ErrorEvent error -> { model | errors = addErrorNotification error model } ! [] Mastodon.WebSocket.StatusUpdateEvent result -> case result of Ok status -> (model |> (\m -> { m | globalTimeline = Update.Timeline.prepend status m.globalTimeline }) |> updateCurrentViewWithStatus status ) ! [] Err error -> { model | errors = addErrorNotification error model } ! [] Mastodon.WebSocket.StatusDeleteEvent result -> case result of Ok id -> Update.Timeline.deleteStatusFromAllTimelines id model ! [] Err error -> { model | errors = addErrorNotification error model } ! [] _ -> model ! [] isThreadMember : Thread -> Status -> Bool isThreadMember thread status = case status.in_reply_to_id of Nothing -> False Just inReplyToId -> let threadStatusIds = List.concat [ [ ] , .id thread.context.ancestors , .id thread.context.descendants ] in List.member inReplyToId threadStatusIds appendToThreadDescendants : Thread -> Status -> Thread appendToThreadDescendants ({ context } as thread) status = { thread | context = { context | descendants = List.append thread.context.descendants [ status ] } } updateCurrentViewWithStatus : Status -> Model -> Model updateCurrentViewWithStatus status model = case model.currentView of ThreadView ({ context } as thread) -> if isThreadMember thread status then { model | currentView = ThreadView (appendToThreadDescendants thread status) } else model AccountView account -> if Mastodon.Helper.sameAccount account status.account then { model | accountTimeline = Update.Timeline.prepend status model.accountTimeline } else model _ -> model