module View.Common exposing ( accountAcctView , accountAvatar , accountAvatarLink , accountDisplayName , accountLink , accountLinkSmall , accountLinkLarge , instanceIconsView , appLink , closeablePanelheading , icon , justifiedButtonGroup , loadMoreBtn , confirmView , formatDate ) import Date import Date.Extra.Config.Config_en_us as DateEn import Date.Extra.Format as DateFormat import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Mastodon.Http exposing (Links) import Mastodon.Model exposing (..) import Types exposing (..) import View.Events exposing (..) accountAvatar : String -> Account -> Html Msg accountAvatar avatarClass account = img [ class avatarClass, src account.avatar ] [] accountDisplayName : Account -> String accountDisplayName account = if account.display_name == "" then account.username else account.display_name accountLink : Bool -> Account -> Html Msg accountLink external account = if external then a [ href account.url , target "_blank" ] [ text <| "@" ++ account.acct , instanceIconsView <| account.url ] else a [ href account.url , href <| "#account/" ++ ] [ span [ class "display-name" ] [ text <| accountDisplayName <| account ] , accountAcctView False account ] accountLinkSmall : Bool -> Account -> Html Msg accountLinkSmall external account = let accountHref = if external then target "_blank" else href <| "#account/" ++ in a [ href account.url , accountHref ] [ text <| accountDisplayName <| account ] accountLinkLarge : Bool -> Account -> Html Msg accountLinkLarge external account = let accountHref = if external then target "_blank" else href <| "#account/" ++ in a [ href <| "#account/" ++ ] [ text <| accountDisplayName <| account , br [] [] , accountAcctView True account ] instanceIconsView : String -> Html Msg instanceIconsView url = let instUrl = String.join "/" ( List.take 3 ( String.split "/" url ) ) instIcon = img [ class "acct-instance-icon", src ( instUrl ++ "/favicon.png" ), alt "" ] [] instIcon2 = img [ class "acct-instance-icon", src ( instUrl ++ "/favicon.ico" ), alt "" ] [] in span [] [ instIcon, instIcon2 ] accountAcctView : Bool -> Account -> Html Msg accountAcctView showIcons account = let acctText = text <| "@" ++ account.acct icons = if showIcons then instanceIconsView <| account.url else text "" in span [ class "acct" ] [ acctText, icons ] accountAvatarLink : Bool -> Account -> Html Msg accountAvatarLink external account = let accountHref = if external then target "_blank" else href <| "#account/" ++ avatarClass = "avatar" in a [ href account.url , accountHref , title <| "@" ++ account.username ] [ accountAvatar avatarClass account ] appLink : String -> Maybe Application -> Html Msg appLink classes app = case app of Nothing -> text "" Just { name, website } -> case website of Nothing -> span [ class classes ] [ text name ] Just website -> a [ href website, target "_blank", class classes ] [ text name ] closeablePanelheading : String -> String -> String -> Html Msg closeablePanelheading context iconName label = div [ class "panel-heading" ] [ div [ class "row" ] [ a [ href "", onClickWithPreventAndStop <| ScrollColumn ScrollTop context ] [ div [ class "col-xs-9 heading" ] [ icon iconName, text label ] ] , div [ class "col-xs-3 text-right" ] [ a [ href "", onClickWithPreventAndStop Back ] [ icon "remove" ] ] ] ] icon : String -> Html Msg icon name = i [ class <| "glyphicon glyphicon-" ++ name ] [] justifiedButtonGroup : String -> List (Html Msg) -> Html Msg justifiedButtonGroup cls buttons = div [ class <| "btn-group btn-group-justified " ++ cls ] <| (\b -> div [ class "btn-group" ] [ b ]) buttons loadMoreBtn : { timeline | id : String, links : Links, loading : Bool } -> Html Msg loadMoreBtn { id, links, loading } = if loading then li [ class "list-group-item load-more text-center" ] [ text "Loading..." ] else case of Just next -> a [ class "list-group-item load-more text-center" , href next , onClickWithPreventAndStop <| TimelineLoadNext id next ] [ text "Load more" ] Nothing -> text "" confirmView : Confirm -> Html Msg confirmView { message, onConfirm, onCancel } = div [] [ div [ class "modal-backdrop" ] [] , div [ class "modal fade in", style [ ( "display", "block" ) ], tabindex -1 ] [ div [ class "modal-dialog" ] [ div [ class "modal-content" ] [ div [ class "modal-header" ] [ h4 [] [ text "Confirmation required" ] ] , div [ class "modal-body" ] [ p [] [ text message ] ] , div [ class "modal-footer" ] [ button [ type_ "button", class "btn btn-default", onClick (ConfirmCancelled onCancel) ] [ text "Cancel" ] , button [ type_ "button", class "btn btn-primary", onClick (Confirmed onConfirm) ] [ text "OK" ] ] ] ] ] ] formatDate : String -> String formatDate dateString = Date.fromString dateString |> Result.withDefault (Date.fromTime 0) |> DateFormat.format DateEn.config "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"