module View.Account exposing (accountView) import Html exposing (..) import Html.Attributes exposing (..) import Html.Events exposing (..) import Html.Keyed as Keyed import Html.Lazy as Lazy import List.Extra exposing (find) import Mastodon.Helper exposing (extractStatusId) import Mastodon.Model exposing (..) import Types exposing (..) import View.Common as Common import View.Status exposing (statusEntryView) import View.Formatter exposing (formatContent, textContent) type alias CurrentUser = Account type alias CurrentUserRelation = Maybe Relationship movedIndicator : Account -> Html Msg movedIndicator account = let displayName account = if account.display_name == "" then account.username else account.display_name in if /= "" then div [ class "account-notice" ] [ p [] [ Common.icon "briefcase" , text <| " " ++ displayName account , text " has moved to:" ] , div [ class "status" ] [ a [ href <| "#account/" ++ ] [ img [ class "avatar", src account.moved.avatar ] [] , div [ class "username" ] [ text <| displayName account.moved , br [] [] , span [ class "acct" ] [ text <| "@" ++ account.moved.acct ] ] , div [ class "status-text" ] ( formatContent account.moved.note [] ) ] ] ] else text "" followButton : CurrentUser -> CurrentUserRelation -> Account -> Html Msg followButton currentUser relationship account = if Mastodon.Helper.sameAccount account currentUser then text "" else let ( followEvent, btnClasses, iconName, tooltip ) = case relationship of Nothing -> ( NoOp , "btn btn-default btn-follow btn-disabled" , "question-sign" , "Unknown relationship" ) Just relationship -> if relationship.following then ( UnfollowAccount account , "btn btn-default btn-follow btn-primary" , "eye-close" , "Unfollow" ) else ( FollowAccount account , "btn btn-default btn-follow" , "eye-open" , "Follow" ) in button [ class btnClasses, title tooltip, onClick followEvent ] [ Common.icon iconName ] followView : CurrentUser -> Maybe Relationship -> Account -> Html Msg followView currentUser relationship account = div [ class "follow-entry" ] [ Common.accountAvatarLink False account , div [ class "userinfo" ] [ strong [] [ a [ href <| "#account/" ++ ] [ text <| if account.display_name /= "" then account.display_name else account.username ] ] , br [] [] , text <| "@" ++ account.acct ] , muteButton currentUser relationship account , followButton currentUser relationship account ] muteButton : CurrentUser -> CurrentUserRelation -> Account -> Html Msg muteButton currentUser relationship account = if Mastodon.Helper.sameAccount account currentUser then text "" else let ( muteEvent, btnClasses, iconName, tooltip ) = case relationship of Nothing -> ( NoOp , "btn btn-default btn-mute btn-disabled" , "question-sign" , "Unknown relationship" ) Just relationship -> if relationship.muting then ( Unmute account , "btn btn-default btn-mute btn-primary" , "volume-up" , "Unmute" ) else ( Mute account , "btn btn-default btn-mute" , "volume-off" , "Mute" ) in button [ class btnClasses, title tooltip, onClick muteEvent ] [ Common.icon iconName ] blockButton : CurrentUser -> CurrentUserRelation -> Account -> Html Msg blockButton currentUser relationship account = if Mastodon.Helper.sameAccount account currentUser then text "" else let ( blockEvent, btnClasses, iconName, tooltip ) = case relationship of Nothing -> ( NoOp , "btn btn-default btn-block btn-disabled" , "question-sign" , "Unknown relationship" ) Just relationship -> if relationship.blocking then ( Unblock account , "btn btn-default btn-block btn-primary" , "ok-circle" , "Unblock" ) else ( Block account , "btn btn-default btn-block" , "ban-circle" , "Block" ) in button [ class btnClasses, title tooltip, onClick blockEvent ] [ Common.icon iconName ] accountFollowView : CurrentAccountView -> CurrentUser -> AccountInfo -> Html Msg accountFollowView view currentUser accountInfo = let keyedEntry account = ( , li [ class "list-group-item status" ] [ followView currentUser (find (\r -> == accountInfo.relationships) account ] ) timeline = if view == AccountFollowersView then accountInfo.followers else accountInfo.following entries = keyedEntry timeline.entries in case accountInfo.account of Just account -> Keyed.ul [ class "list-group" ] <| (entries ++ [ ( "load-more", Common.loadMoreBtn timeline ) ]) Nothing -> text "" accountTimelineView : CurrentUser -> AccountInfo -> Bool -> Html Msg accountTimelineView currentUser accountInfo pins = let keyedEntry status = ( extractStatusId , Lazy.lazy (statusEntryView "account" "status" currentUser) status ) entries = keyedEntry accountInfo.timeline.entries setPin status = { status | pinned = True } pins = keyedEntry ( setPin accountInfo.pins) in case accountInfo.account of Just account -> Keyed.ul [ id, class "list-group" ] <| List.append pins (entries ++ [ ( "load-more", Common.loadMoreBtn accountInfo.timeline ) ]) Nothing -> text "" counterLink : String -> String -> Int -> Bool -> Html Msg counterLink href_ label count active = a [ href href_ , class <| "col-md-3" ++ (if active then " active" else "" ) ] [ text label , br [] [] , text <| toString count ] counterLinks : CurrentAccountView -> Account -> Html Msg counterLinks subView account = let { statuses_count, following_count, followers_count } = account in div [ class "row account-infos" ] [ counterLink ("#account/" ++ "Statuses" statuses_count (subView == AccountStatusesView) , counterLink ("#account/" ++ ++ "/replies") "With Replies" statuses_count (subView == AccountStatusesRepliesView) , counterLink ("#account/" ++ ++ "/following") "Following" following_count (subView == AccountFollowingView) , counterLink ("#account/" ++ ++ "/followers") "Followers" followers_count (subView == AccountFollowersView) ] makeField : Field -> Html Msg makeField field = let dd_class = if field.verified_at == "" then "" else "verified" checkmark = if field.verified_at == "" then text "" else span [ title ("Verified at " ++ Common.formatDate field.verified_at) , style [ ( "margin-right", "4px") ] ] [ Common.icon "check" ] in dl [] [ dt [ title ] [ text ] , dd [ title (textContent field.value) , class dd_class ] (checkmark :: (formatContent field.value [])) ] fields : CurrentAccountView -> Account -> Html Msg fields subView account = div [ class "row account-fields" ] ( makeField account.fields) accountView : CurrentAccountView -> CurrentUser -> AccountInfo -> Html Msg accountView subView currentUser accountInfo = case accountInfo.account of Nothing -> text "" Just account -> div [ class "col-md-3 column" ] [ div [ class "panel panel-default" ] [ Common.closeablePanelheading "account" "user" "Account" , div [ id "account" , class <| "timeline" ++ if /= "" then " inactive" else "" ] [ movedIndicator account , div [ class "account-detail" , style [ ( "background-image", "url('" ++ account.header ++ "')" ), ( "background-position", "center" ), ( "background-size", "cover" ) ] ] [ div [ class "opacity-layer" ] [ followButton currentUser accountInfo.relationship account , muteButton currentUser accountInfo.relationship account , blockButton currentUser accountInfo.relationship account , Common.accountAvatarLink True account , span [ class "account-display-name" ] [ text (if account.display_name=="" then account.username else account.display_name) ] , span [ class "account-username" ] [ Common.accountLink True account , if account.locked then span [ title "Locked account. The owner will manually approve their followers.", style [ ( "margin-left", "4px") ] ] [ Common.icon "lock" ] else text "" , case accountInfo.relationship of Just relationship -> span [] [ if relationship.followed_by then span [ class "badge followed-by" ] [ text "Follows you" ] else text "" , text " " , if relationship.muting then span [ class "badge muting" ] [ text "Muted" ] else text "" , text " " , if relationship.blocking then span [ class "badge blocking" ] [ text "Blocked" ] else text "" ] Nothing -> text "" , if then span [ class "badge bot" ] [ text "Bot" ] else text "" ] , span [ class "account-note" ] (formatContent account.note []) ] ] , fields subView account , counterLinks subView account , case subView of AccountStatusesView -> accountTimelineView currentUser accountInfo True AccountStatusesRepliesView -> accountTimelineView currentUser accountInfo False _ -> accountFollowView subView currentUser accountInfo ] ] ]