module Mastodon exposing ( AccessTokenResult , Account , AppRegistration , Attachment , Client , Error(..) , Mention , Notification , NotificationAggregate , Reblog(..) , Status , StatusRequestBody , StreamType(..) , Tag , WebSocketEventResult(..) , reblog , unreblog , favourite , unfavourite , extractReblog , register , registrationEncoder , aggregateNotifications , clientEncoder , decodeWebSocketMessage , getAuthorizationUrl , getAccessToken , fetchAccount , fetchLocalTimeline , fetchNotifications , fetchGlobalTimeline , fetchUserTimeline , postStatus , send , subscribeToWebSockets , websocketEventDecoder , notificationDecoder , addNotificationToAggregates , notificationToAggregate ) import Http import HttpBuilder import Json.Decode.Pipeline as Pipe import Json.Decode as Decode import Json.Encode as Encode import Util import WebSocket import List.Extra exposing (groupWhile) -- Types type alias AccountId = Int type alias AuthCode = String type alias ClientId = String type alias ClientSecret = String type alias Server = String type alias StatusCode = Int type alias StatusMsg = String type alias Token = String type alias Client = { server : Server , token : Token } type alias WebSocketEvent = { event : String , payload : String } type Error = MastodonError StatusCode StatusMsg String | ServerError StatusCode StatusMsg String | TimeoutError | NetworkError type alias AppRegistration = { server : Server , scope : String , client_id : ClientId , client_secret : ClientSecret , id : Int , redirect_uri : String } type alias Account = { acct : String , avatar : String , created_at : String , display_name : String , followers_count : Int , following_count : Int , header : String , id : AccountId , locked : Bool , note : String , statuses_count : Int , url : String , username : String } type alias Attachment = -- type_: -- "image", "video", "gifv" { id : Int , type_ : String , url : String , remote_url : String , preview_url : String , text_url : Maybe String } type alias Mention = { id : AccountId , url : String , username : String , acct : String } type alias Notification = {- - id: The notification ID - type_: One of: "mention", "reblog", "favourite", "follow" - created_at: The time the notification was created - account: The Account sending the notification to the user - status: The Status associated with the notification, if applicable -} { id : Int , type_ : String , created_at : String , account : Account , status : Maybe Status } type alias NotificationAggregate = { type_ : String , status : Maybe Status , accounts : List Account , created_at : String } type alias Tag = { name : String , url : String } type alias Status = { account : Account , content : String , created_at : String , favourited : Maybe Bool , favourites_count : Int , id : Int , in_reply_to_account_id : Maybe Int , in_reply_to_id : Maybe Int , media_attachments : List Attachment , mentions : List Mention , reblog : Maybe Reblog , reblogged : Maybe Bool , reblogs_count : Int , sensitive : Maybe Bool , spoiler_text : String , tags : List Tag , uri : String , url : String , visibility : String } type Reblog = Reblog Status type alias StatusRequestBody = -- status: The text of the status -- in_reply_to_id: local ID of the status you want to reply to -- sensitive: set this to mark the media of the status as NSFW -- spoiler_text: text to be shown as a warning before the actual content -- visibility: either "direct", "private", "unlisted" or "public" -- TODO: media_ids: array of media IDs to attach to the status (maximum 4) { status : String , in_reply_to_id : Maybe Int , spoiler_text : Maybe String , sensitive : Bool , visibility : String } type alias Request a = HttpBuilder.RequestBuilder a type WebSocketEventResult a b c = EventError a | NotificationResult b | StatusResult c type StreamType = UserStream | LocalPublicStream | GlobalPublicStream -- Msg type StatusListResult = Result Http.Error (List Status) type alias AccessTokenResult = { server : Server , accessToken : Token } -- Encoders appRegistrationEncoder : String -> String -> String -> String -> Encode.Value appRegistrationEncoder client_name redirect_uris scope website = Encode.object [ ( "client_name", Encode.string client_name ) , ( "redirect_uris", Encode.string redirect_uris ) , ( "scopes", Encode.string scope ) , ( "website", Encode.string website ) ] authorizationCodeEncoder : AppRegistration -> AuthCode -> Encode.Value authorizationCodeEncoder registration authCode = Encode.object [ ( "client_id", Encode.string registration.client_id ) , ( "client_secret", Encode.string registration.client_secret ) , ( "grant_type", Encode.string "authorization_code" ) , ( "redirect_uri", Encode.string registration.redirect_uri ) , ( "code", Encode.string authCode ) ] statusRequestBodyEncoder : StatusRequestBody -> Encode.Value statusRequestBodyEncoder statusData = Encode.object [ ( "status", Encode.string statusData.status ) , ( "in_reply_to_id", encodeMaybe statusData.in_reply_to_id ) , ( "spoiler_text", encodeMaybe Encode.string statusData.spoiler_text ) , ( "sensitive", Encode.bool statusData.sensitive ) , ( "visibility", Encode.string statusData.visibility ) ] -- Decoders appRegistrationDecoder : Server -> String -> Decode.Decoder AppRegistration appRegistrationDecoder server scope = Pipe.decode AppRegistration |> Pipe.hardcoded server |> Pipe.hardcoded scope |> Pipe.required "client_id" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "client_secret" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "id" |> Pipe.required "redirect_uri" Decode.string accessTokenDecoder : AppRegistration -> Decode.Decoder AccessTokenResult accessTokenDecoder registration = Pipe.decode AccessTokenResult |> Pipe.hardcoded registration.server |> Pipe.required "access_token" Decode.string accountDecoder : Decode.Decoder Account accountDecoder = Pipe.decode Account |> Pipe.required "acct" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "avatar" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "created_at" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "display_name" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "followers_count" |> Pipe.required "following_count" |> Pipe.required "header" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "id" |> Pipe.required "locked" Decode.bool |> Pipe.required "note" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "statuses_count" |> Pipe.required "url" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "username" Decode.string attachmentDecoder : Decode.Decoder Attachment attachmentDecoder = Pipe.decode Attachment |> Pipe.required "id" |> Pipe.required "type" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "url" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "remote_url" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "preview_url" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "text_url" (Decode.nullable Decode.string) mentionDecoder : Decode.Decoder Mention mentionDecoder = Pipe.decode Mention |> Pipe.required "id" |> Pipe.required "url" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "username" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "acct" Decode.string notificationDecoder : Decode.Decoder Notification notificationDecoder = Pipe.decode Notification |> Pipe.required "id" |> Pipe.required "type" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "created_at" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "account" accountDecoder |> Pipe.optional "status" (Decode.nullable statusDecoder) Nothing tagDecoder : Decode.Decoder Tag tagDecoder = Pipe.decode Tag |> Pipe.required "name" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "url" Decode.string reblogDecoder : Decode.Decoder Reblog reblogDecoder = Reblog (Decode.lazy (\_ -> statusDecoder)) statusDecoder : Decode.Decoder Status statusDecoder = Pipe.decode Status |> Pipe.required "account" accountDecoder |> Pipe.required "content" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "created_at" Decode.string |> Pipe.optional "favourited" (Decode.nullable Decode.bool) Nothing |> Pipe.required "favourites_count" |> Pipe.required "id" |> Pipe.required "in_reply_to_account_id" (Decode.nullable |> Pipe.required "in_reply_to_id" (Decode.nullable |> Pipe.required "media_attachments" (Decode.list attachmentDecoder) |> Pipe.required "mentions" (Decode.list mentionDecoder) |> Pipe.optional "reblog" (Decode.nullable reblogDecoder) Nothing |> Pipe.optional "reblogged" (Decode.nullable Decode.bool) Nothing |> Pipe.required "reblogs_count" |> Pipe.required "sensitive" (Decode.nullable Decode.bool) |> Pipe.required "spoiler_text" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "tags" (Decode.list tagDecoder) |> Pipe.required "uri" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "url" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "visibility" Decode.string websocketEventDecoder : Decode.Decoder WebSocketEvent websocketEventDecoder = Pipe.decode WebSocketEvent |> Pipe.required "event" Decode.string |> Pipe.required "payload" Decode.string -- Internal helpers encodeMaybe : (a -> Encode.Value) -> Maybe a -> Encode.Value encodeMaybe encode thing = case thing of Nothing -> Encode.null Just value -> encode value encodeUrl : String -> List ( String, String ) -> String encodeUrl base params = (\( k, v ) -> k ++ "=" ++ Http.encodeUri v) params |> String.join "&" |> (++) (base ++ "?") mastodonErrorDecoder : Decode.Decoder String mastodonErrorDecoder = Decode.field "error" Decode.string extractMastodonError : StatusCode -> StatusMsg -> String -> Error extractMastodonError statusCode statusMsg body = case Decode.decodeString mastodonErrorDecoder body of Ok errRecord -> MastodonError statusCode statusMsg errRecord Err err -> ServerError statusCode statusMsg err extractError : Http.Error -> Error extractError error = case error of Http.BadStatus { status, body } -> extractMastodonError status.code status.message body Http.BadPayload str { status } -> ServerError status.code status.message ("Failed decoding JSON: " ++ str) Http.Timeout -> TimeoutError _ -> NetworkError extractReblog : Status -> Status extractReblog status = case status.reblog of Just (Reblog reblog) -> reblog Nothing -> status toResponse : Result Http.Error a -> Result Error a toResponse result = Result.mapError extractError result fetch : Client -> String -> Decode.Decoder a -> Request a fetch client endpoint decoder = HttpBuilder.get (client.server ++ endpoint) |> HttpBuilder.withHeader "Authorization" ("Bearer " ++ client.token) |> HttpBuilder.withExpect (Http.expectJson decoder) -- Public API notificationToAggregate : Notification -> NotificationAggregate notificationToAggregate notification = NotificationAggregate notification.type_ notification.status [ notification.account ] notification.created_at addNotificationToAggregates : Notification -> List NotificationAggregate -> List NotificationAggregate addNotificationToAggregates notification aggregates = let addNewAccountToSameStatus : NotificationAggregate -> Notification -> NotificationAggregate addNewAccountToSameStatus aggregate notification = case ( aggregate.status, notification.status ) of ( Just aggregateStatus, Just notificationStatus ) -> if == then { aggregate | accounts = notification.account :: aggregate.accounts } else aggregate ( _, _ ) -> aggregate {- Let's try to find an already existing aggregate, matching the notification we are trying to add. If we find any aggregate, we modify it inplace. If not, we return the aggregates unmodified -} newAggregates = aggregates |> (\aggregate -> case ( aggregate.type_, notification.type_ ) of {- Notification and aggregate are of the follow type. Add the new following account. -} ( "follow", "follow" ) -> { aggregate | accounts = notification.account :: aggregate.accounts } {- Notification is of type follow, but current aggregate is of another type. Let's continue then. -} ( _, "follow" ) -> aggregate {- If both types are the same check if we should add the new account. -} ( aggregateType, notificationType ) -> if aggregateType == notificationType then addNewAccountToSameStatus aggregate notification else aggregate ) in {- If we did no modification to the old aggregates it's because we didn't found any match. So me have to create a new aggregate -} if newAggregates == aggregates then notificationToAggregate (notification) :: aggregates else newAggregates aggregateNotifications : List Notification -> List NotificationAggregate aggregateNotifications notifications = let only type_ notifications = List.filter (\n -> n.type_ == type_) notifications sameStatus n1 n2 = case ( n1.status, n2.status ) of ( Just r1, Just r2 ) -> == _ -> False extractAggregate statusGroup = let accounts = .account statusGroup in case statusGroup of notification :: _ -> [ NotificationAggregate notification.type_ notification.status accounts notification.created_at ] [] -> [] aggregate statusGroups = extractAggregate statusGroups |> List.concat in [ notifications |> only "reblog" |> groupWhile sameStatus |> aggregate , notifications |> only "favourite" |> groupWhile sameStatus |> aggregate , notifications |> only "mention" |> groupWhile sameStatus |> aggregate , notifications |> only "follow" |> groupWhile (\_ _ -> True) |> aggregate ] |> List.concat |> List.sortBy .created_at |> List.reverse clientEncoder : Client -> Encode.Value clientEncoder client = Encode.object [ ( "server", Encode.string client.server ) , ( "token", Encode.string client.token ) ] registrationEncoder : AppRegistration -> Encode.Value registrationEncoder registration = Encode.object [ ( "server", Encode.string registration.server ) , ( "scope", Encode.string registration.scope ) , ( "client_id", Encode.string registration.client_id ) , ( "client_secret", Encode.string registration.client_secret ) , ( "id", ) , ( "redirect_uri", Encode.string registration.redirect_uri ) ] register : Server -> String -> String -> String -> String -> Request AppRegistration register server client_name redirect_uri scope website = (server ++ "/api/v1/apps") |> HttpBuilder.withExpect (Http.expectJson (appRegistrationDecoder server scope)) |> HttpBuilder.withJsonBody (appRegistrationEncoder client_name redirect_uri scope website) getAuthorizationUrl : AppRegistration -> String getAuthorizationUrl registration = encodeUrl (registration.server ++ "/oauth/authorize") [ ( "response_type", "code" ) , ( "client_id", registration.client_id ) , ( "scope", registration.scope ) , ( "redirect_uri", registration.redirect_uri ) ] getAccessToken : AppRegistration -> AuthCode -> Request AccessTokenResult getAccessToken registration authCode = (registration.server ++ "/oauth/token") |> HttpBuilder.withExpect (Http.expectJson (accessTokenDecoder registration)) |> HttpBuilder.withJsonBody (authorizationCodeEncoder registration authCode) send : (Result Error a -> msg) -> Request a -> Cmd msg send tagger builder = builder |> HttpBuilder.send (toResponse >> tagger) fetchAccount : Client -> AccountId -> Request Account fetchAccount client accountId = fetch client ("/api/v1/accounts/" ++ (toString accountId)) accountDecoder fetchUserTimeline : Client -> Request (List Status) fetchUserTimeline client = fetch client "/api/v1/timelines/home" <| Decode.list statusDecoder fetchLocalTimeline : Client -> Request (List Status) fetchLocalTimeline client = fetch client "/api/v1/timelines/public?local=true" <| Decode.list statusDecoder fetchGlobalTimeline : Client -> Request (List Status) fetchGlobalTimeline client = fetch client "/api/v1/timelines/public" <| Decode.list statusDecoder fetchNotifications : Client -> Request (List Notification) fetchNotifications client = fetch client "/api/v1/notifications" <| Decode.list notificationDecoder postStatus : Client -> StatusRequestBody -> Request Status postStatus client statusRequestBody = (client.server ++ "/api/v1/statuses") |> HttpBuilder.withHeader "Authorization" ("Bearer " ++ client.token) |> HttpBuilder.withExpect (Http.expectJson statusDecoder) |> HttpBuilder.withJsonBody (statusRequestBodyEncoder statusRequestBody) reblog : Client -> Int -> Request Status reblog client id = (client.server ++ "/api/v1/statuses/" ++ (toString id) ++ "/reblog") |> HttpBuilder.withHeader "Authorization" ("Bearer " ++ client.token) |> HttpBuilder.withExpect (Http.expectJson statusDecoder) unreblog : Client -> Int -> Request Status unreblog client id = (client.server ++ "/api/v1/statuses/" ++ (toString id) ++ "/unreblog") |> HttpBuilder.withHeader "Authorization" ("Bearer " ++ client.token) |> HttpBuilder.withExpect (Http.expectJson statusDecoder) favourite : Client -> Int -> Request Status favourite client id = (client.server ++ "/api/v1/statuses/" ++ (toString id) ++ "/favourite") |> HttpBuilder.withHeader "Authorization" ("Bearer " ++ client.token) |> HttpBuilder.withExpect (Http.expectJson statusDecoder) unfavourite : Client -> Int -> Request Status unfavourite client id = (client.server ++ "/api/v1/statuses/" ++ (toString id) ++ "/unfavourite") |> HttpBuilder.withHeader "Authorization" ("Bearer " ++ client.token) |> HttpBuilder.withExpect (Http.expectJson statusDecoder) subscribeToWebSockets : Client -> StreamType -> (String -> a) -> Sub a subscribeToWebSockets client streamType message = let type_ = case streamType of GlobalPublicStream -> "public" LocalPublicStream -> "public:local" UserStream -> "user" url = encodeUrl ((Util.replace "https:" "wss:" client.server) ++ "/api/v1/streaming/") [ ( "access_token", client.token ) , ( "stream", type_ ) ] in WebSocket.listen url message {- Sorry for this beast, but the websocket connection return messages containing an escaped JSON string under the `payload` key. This JSON string can either represent a `Notification` when the event field of the returned json is equal to 'notification' or a `Status` when the string is equal to 'update'. If someone has a better way of doing this, I'me all for it -} decodeWebSocketMessage : String -> WebSocketEventResult String (Result String Notification) (Result String Status) decodeWebSocketMessage message = let websocketEvent = Decode.decodeString websocketEventDecoder message in case websocketEvent of Ok event -> if event.event == "notification" then NotificationResult (Decode.decodeString notificationDecoder event.payload ) else if event.event == "update" then StatusResult (Decode.decodeString statusDecoder event.payload ) else EventError "Unknown event type for WebSocket" Err error -> EventError error