----------------------------- minecraft-tweaks-2a03 ----------------------------- Information ----------- This repository contains simple modifications for the 2a03.party Minecraft server. I have replaced the patches with a Fabric mod. Send questions, issues, and patches to flewkey@2a03.party. Commands -------- Some in-game commands are included. /fly: Allow flying (TODO: Disable this in config) /hat: Swap items between main hand and head /head [username]: Get a playerhead (TODO: Specify optional amount) /home: Teleport to home /home set: Set your home /spawn: Teleport to spawn There are also commands which can only be used by operators. /config reload: Reloads the config file /home sudoset : Set another user's home (TODO: Accept usernames) /spawn set: Set the spawn location Config ------ The config is stored in /config/minecraft-tweaks-2a03/2a03.json disableTntExplosions: Disables TNT explosions disableRespawnAnchorExplosions: Disables respawn anchor explosions iphubApiKey: API key for iphub.info, currently unused persistentFlight: Save players who disconnect mid-flight spawn: The spawn location. To set it in-game, use /spawn set Database -------- Some features such as /home use a SQLite database to store data. Nobody else uses this mod (as far as I know), so any changes to existing tables will have to be made manually. My favourite tool for managing SQLite databases is sqlitebrowser, which you can install with your package manager or from the website: https://sqlitebrowser.org/. If you are using an old version which stores player data in the config, you can migrate their homes to the database using /scripts/migrate_players.py For information about the tables in the database, refer to the source code. Here is the relevant file: /src/main/java/party/_2a03/mc/util/Database.java Building -------- Building is handled by Gradle and Fabric Loom. You can install Gradle using your package manager, or you can install it manually: https://gradle.org/install/. Then, run "gradle build" and it should take care of everything. The mod will be available in /build/libs/minecraft-tweaks-2a03.jar. You can also test changes using "gradle runServer". For more information about Gradle and Loom, refer to the appropriate docs.