name: Bug Report description: Report a bug body: - type: markdown attributes: value: | Please fill out this template to report a bug/crash! For the versions "latest" is NOT a valid version! If you write it your issue will be simply closed. - type: dropdown id: loader attributes: label: Modloader options: - Forge - Fabric validations: required: true - type: input id: mc_version attributes: label: Minecraft version validations: required: true - type: input id: loader_version attributes: label: Modloader version description: "Version of forge/fabric(api)?" validations: required: true - type: input id: modversion attributes: label: Mod version description: "Version of the mod" validations: required: true - type: textarea id: description attributes: label: Description description: Description of the issue. validations: required: true - type: textarea id: reproduction attributes: label: Steps to reproduce value: 1. Step one validations: required: true - type: textarea id: mod_compat attributes: label: Mods that might affect the issue description: | If you think it might be cause of an incompability Adding a link + the used version will help greatly - type: textarea id: logs attributes: label: Logs description: | Use a paste site for the logs. If you copy paste the log in here you will be ignored! Here are example links for those sites: []( []( validations: required: true