// ProtocolRecognizer.cpp // Implements the cProtocolRecognizer class representing the meta-protocol that recognizes possibly multiple // protocol versions and redirects everything to them #include "Globals.h" #include "ProtocolRecognizer.h" #include "Protocol_1_8.h" #include "Protocol_1_9.h" #include "Protocol_1_10.h" #include "Protocol_1_11.h" #include "Protocol_1_12.h" #include "Protocol_1_13.h" #include "../ClientHandle.h" #include "../Root.h" #include "../Server.h" #include "../World.h" #include "../JsonUtils.h" #include "../Bindings/PluginManager.h" struct sUnsupportedButPingableProtocolException : public std::runtime_error { explicit sUnsupportedButPingableProtocolException() : std::runtime_error("") { } }; struct sTriedToJoinWithUnsupportedProtocolException : public std::runtime_error { explicit sTriedToJoinWithUnsupportedProtocolException(const std::string & a_Message) : std::runtime_error(a_Message) { } }; cMultiVersionProtocol::cMultiVersionProtocol() : HandleIncomingData(std::bind(&cMultiVersionProtocol::HandleIncomingDataInRecognitionStage, this, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2)), m_Buffer(8 KiB) // We need a larger buffer to support BungeeCord - it sends one huge packet at the start { } AString cMultiVersionProtocol::GetVersionTextFromInt(int a_ProtocolVersion) { switch (a_ProtocolVersion) { case PROTO_VERSION_1_8_0: return "1.8"; case PROTO_VERSION_1_9_0: return "1.9"; case PROTO_VERSION_1_9_1: return "1.9.1"; case PROTO_VERSION_1_9_2: return "1.9.2"; case PROTO_VERSION_1_9_4: return "1.9.4"; case PROTO_VERSION_1_10_0: return "1.10"; case PROTO_VERSION_1_11_0: return "1.11"; case PROTO_VERSION_1_11_1: return "1.11.1"; case PROTO_VERSION_1_12: return "1.12"; case PROTO_VERSION_1_12_1: return "1.12.1"; case PROTO_VERSION_1_12_2: return "1.12.2"; case PROTO_VERSION_1_13: return "1.13"; } ASSERT(!"Unknown protocol version"); return Printf("Unknown protocol (%d)", a_ProtocolVersion); } void cMultiVersionProtocol::HandleIncomingDataInRecognitionStage(cClientHandle & a_Client, std::string_view a_Data) { // We read more than the handshake packet here, oh well. if (!m_Buffer.Write(a_Data.data(), a_Data.size())) { a_Client.Kick("Your client sent too much data; please try again later."); return; } try { // Note that a_Data is assigned to a subview containing the data to pass to m_Protocol or UnsupportedPing TryRecognizeProtocol(a_Client, a_Data); if (m_Protocol == nullptr) { m_Buffer.ResetRead(); return; } // The protocol recogniser succesfully identified, switch mode: HandleIncomingData = [this](cClientHandle &, const std::string_view a_In) { // TODO: make it take our a_ReceivedData m_Protocol->DataReceived(a_In.data(), a_In.size()); }; } catch (const sUnsupportedButPingableProtocolException &) { // Got a server list ping for an unrecognised version, // switch into responding to unknown protocols mode: HandleIncomingData = [this](cClientHandle & a_Clyent, const std::string_view a_In) { HandleIncomingDataInOldPingResponseStage(a_Clyent, a_In); }; } catch (const std::exception & Oops) { a_Client.Kick(Oops.what()); return; } // Explicitly process any remaining data with the new handler: HandleIncomingData(a_Client, a_Data); } void cMultiVersionProtocol::HandleIncomingDataInOldPingResponseStage(cClientHandle & a_Client, const std::string_view a_Data) { if (!m_Buffer.Write(a_Data.data(), a_Data.size())) { a_Client.Kick("Server list ping failed, too much data."); return; } cByteBuffer OutPacketBuffer(6 KiB); // Handle server list ping packets for (;;) { UInt32 PacketLen; UInt32 PacketID; if ( !m_Buffer.ReadVarInt32(PacketLen) || !m_Buffer.CanReadBytes(PacketLen) || !m_Buffer.ReadVarInt32(PacketID) ) { // Not enough data m_Buffer.ResetRead(); break; } if ((PacketID == 0x00) && (PacketLen == 1)) // Request packet { HandlePacketStatusRequest(a_Client, OutPacketBuffer); SendPacket(a_Client, OutPacketBuffer); } else if ((PacketID == 0x01) && (PacketLen == 9)) // Ping packet { HandlePacketStatusPing(a_Client, OutPacketBuffer); SendPacket(a_Client, OutPacketBuffer); } else { a_Client.Kick("Server list ping failed, unrecognized packet."); return; } m_Buffer.CommitRead(); } } void cMultiVersionProtocol::SendDisconnect(cClientHandle & a_Client, const AString & a_Reason) { if (m_Protocol != nullptr) { m_Protocol->SendDisconnect(a_Reason); return; } const AString Message = Printf("{\"text\":\"%s\"}", EscapeString(a_Reason).c_str()); const auto PacketID = GetPacketID(cProtocol::ePacketType::pktDisconnectDuringLogin); cByteBuffer Out( cByteBuffer::GetVarIntSize(PacketID) + cByteBuffer::GetVarIntSize(static_cast(Message.size())) + Message.size() ); VERIFY(Out.WriteVarInt32(PacketID)); VERIFY(Out.WriteVarUTF8String(Message)); SendPacket(a_Client, Out); } void cMultiVersionProtocol::TryRecognizeProtocol(cClientHandle & a_Client, std::string_view & a_Data) { // NOTE: If a new protocol is added or an old one is removed, adjust MCS_CLIENT_VERSIONS and MCS_PROTOCOL_VERSIONS macros in the header file // Lengthed protocol, try if it has the entire initial handshake packet: UInt32 PacketLen; if (!m_Buffer.ReadVarInt(PacketLen)) { // Not enough bytes for the packet length, keep waiting return; } if (!m_Buffer.CanReadBytes(PacketLen)) { // Not enough bytes for the packet, keep waiting // More of a sanity check to make sure no one tries anything funny (since ReadXXX can wait for data themselves): return; } m_Protocol = TryRecognizeLengthedProtocol(a_Client, a_Data); ASSERT(m_Protocol != nullptr); // The protocol has been recognized, initialize it: m_Protocol->Initialize(a_Client); } std::unique_ptr cMultiVersionProtocol::TryRecognizeLengthedProtocol(cClientHandle & a_Client, std::string_view & a_Data) { UInt32 PacketType; UInt32 ProtocolVersion; AString ServerAddress; UInt16 ServerPort; UInt32 NextState; if (!m_Buffer.ReadVarInt(PacketType) || (PacketType != 0x00)) { // Not an initial handshake packet, we don't know how to talk to them LOGINFO("Client \"%s\" uses an unsupported protocol (lengthed, initial packet %u)", a_Client.GetIPString().c_str(), PacketType ); throw sTriedToJoinWithUnsupportedProtocolException( Printf("Your client isn't supported.\nTry connecting with Minecraft " MCS_CLIENT_VERSIONS, ProtocolVersion) ); } if ( !m_Buffer.ReadVarInt(ProtocolVersion) || !m_Buffer.ReadVarUTF8String(ServerAddress) || !m_Buffer.ReadBEUInt16(ServerPort) || !m_Buffer.ReadVarInt(NextState) ) { // TryRecognizeProtocol guarantees that we will have as much // data to read as the client claims in the protocol length field: throw sTriedToJoinWithUnsupportedProtocolException("Incorrect amount of data received - hacked client?"); } // TODO: this should be a protocol property, not ClientHandle: a_Client.SetProtocolVersion(ProtocolVersion); // The protocol has just been recognized, advance data start // to after the handshake and leave the rest to the protocol: a_Data = a_Data.substr(m_Buffer.GetUsedSpace() - m_Buffer.GetReadableSpace()); // We read more than we can handle, purge the rest: [[maybe_unused]] const bool Success = m_Buffer.SkipRead(m_Buffer.GetReadableSpace()); ASSERT(Success); // All good, eat up the data: m_Buffer.CommitRead(); switch (ProtocolVersion) { case PROTO_VERSION_1_8_0: return std::make_unique(&a_Client, ServerAddress, ServerPort, NextState); case PROTO_VERSION_1_9_0: return std::make_unique(&a_Client, ServerAddress, ServerPort, NextState); case PROTO_VERSION_1_9_1: return std::make_unique(&a_Client, ServerAddress, ServerPort, NextState); case PROTO_VERSION_1_9_2: return std::make_unique(&a_Client, ServerAddress, ServerPort, NextState); case PROTO_VERSION_1_9_4: return std::make_unique(&a_Client, ServerAddress, ServerPort, NextState); case PROTO_VERSION_1_10_0: return std::make_unique(&a_Client, ServerAddress, ServerPort, NextState); case PROTO_VERSION_1_11_0: return std::make_unique(&a_Client, ServerAddress, ServerPort, NextState); case PROTO_VERSION_1_11_1: return std::make_unique(&a_Client, ServerAddress, ServerPort, NextState); case PROTO_VERSION_1_12: return std::make_unique(&a_Client, ServerAddress, ServerPort, NextState); case PROTO_VERSION_1_12_1: return std::make_unique(&a_Client, ServerAddress, ServerPort, NextState); case PROTO_VERSION_1_12_2: return std::make_unique(&a_Client, ServerAddress, ServerPort, NextState); case PROTO_VERSION_1_13: return std::make_unique(&a_Client, ServerAddress, ServerPort, NextState); default: { LOGD("Client \"%s\" uses an unsupported protocol (lengthed, version %u (0x%x))", a_Client.GetIPString().c_str(), ProtocolVersion, ProtocolVersion ); if (NextState != 1) { throw sTriedToJoinWithUnsupportedProtocolException( Printf("Unsupported protocol version %u.\nTry connecting with Minecraft " MCS_CLIENT_VERSIONS, ProtocolVersion) ); } throw sUnsupportedButPingableProtocolException(); } } } void cMultiVersionProtocol::SendPacket(cClientHandle & a_Client, cByteBuffer & a_OutPacketBuffer) { // Writes out the packet normally. UInt32 PacketLen = static_cast(a_OutPacketBuffer.GetUsedSpace()); cByteBuffer OutPacketLenBuffer(cByteBuffer::GetVarIntSize(PacketLen)); // Compression doesn't apply to this state, send raw data: VERIFY(OutPacketLenBuffer.WriteVarInt32(PacketLen)); AString LengthData; OutPacketLenBuffer.ReadAll(LengthData); a_Client.SendData(LengthData.data(), LengthData.size()); // Send the packet's payload: AString PacketData; a_OutPacketBuffer.ReadAll(PacketData); a_OutPacketBuffer.CommitRead(); a_Client.SendData(PacketData.data(), PacketData.size()); } UInt32 cMultiVersionProtocol::GetPacketID(cProtocol::ePacketType a_PacketType) { switch (a_PacketType) { case cProtocol::ePacketType::pktDisconnectDuringLogin: return 0x00; case cProtocol::ePacketType::pktStatusResponse: return 0x00; case cProtocol::ePacketType::pktPingResponse: return 0x01; default: { ASSERT(!"GetPacketID() called for an unhandled packet"); return 0; } } } void cMultiVersionProtocol::HandlePacketStatusRequest(cClientHandle & a_Client, cByteBuffer & a_Out) { cServer * Server = cRoot::Get()->GetServer(); AString ServerDescription = Server->GetDescription(); auto NumPlayers = static_cast(Server->GetNumPlayers()); auto MaxPlayers = static_cast(Server->GetMaxPlayers()); AString Favicon = Server->GetFaviconData(); cRoot::Get()->GetPluginManager()->CallHookServerPing(a_Client, ServerDescription, NumPlayers, MaxPlayers, Favicon); // Version: Json::Value Version; Version["name"] = "Cuberite " MCS_CLIENT_VERSIONS; Version["protocol"] = MCS_LATEST_PROTOCOL_VERSION; // Players: Json::Value Players; Players["online"] = NumPlayers; Players["max"] = MaxPlayers; // TODO: Add "sample" // Description: Json::Value Description; Description["text"] = ServerDescription.c_str(); // Create the response: Json::Value ResponseValue; ResponseValue["version"] = Version; ResponseValue["players"] = Players; ResponseValue["description"] = Description; if (!Favicon.empty()) { ResponseValue["favicon"] = Printf("data:image/png;base64,%s", Favicon.c_str()); } AString Response = JsonUtils::WriteFastString(ResponseValue); VERIFY(a_Out.WriteVarInt32(GetPacketID(cProtocol::ePacketType::pktStatusResponse))); VERIFY(a_Out.WriteVarUTF8String(Response)); } void cMultiVersionProtocol::HandlePacketStatusPing(cClientHandle & a_Client, cByteBuffer & a_Out) { Int64 Timestamp; if (!m_Buffer.ReadBEInt64(Timestamp)) { return; } VERIFY(a_Out.WriteVarInt32(GetPacketID(cProtocol::ePacketType::pktPingResponse))); VERIFY(a_Out.WriteBEInt64(Timestamp)); }