// Server.h // Interfaces to the cServer class encapsulating the entire "server" #pragma once #include "Globals.h" #include "mbedTLS++/RsaPrivateKey.h" #ifdef _WIN32 #define SocketError WSAGetLastError() #else typedef int SOCKET; enum { INVALID_SOCKET = -1, }; #define closesocket close #define SocketError errno #endif class cServer { SOCKET m_ListenSocket; cRsaPrivateKey m_PrivateKey; ContiguousByteBuffer m_PublicKeyDER; UInt16 m_ConnectPort; public: cServer(void); int Init(UInt16 a_ListenPort, UInt16 a_ConnectPort); void Run(void); cRsaPrivateKey & GetPrivateKey(void) { return m_PrivateKey; } ContiguousByteBufferView GetPublicKeyDER (void) { return m_PublicKeyDER; } UInt16 GetConnectPort(void) const { return m_ConnectPort; } } ;