#include "Globals.h" #include "Silverfish.h" #include "../World.h" #include "../Chunk.h" #include "../Blocks/BlockHandler.h" #include "../Blocks/BlockInfested.h" bool cSilverfish::DoTakeDamage(TakeDamageInfo &a_TDI) { // Call on our brethren to attack! // TODO: stop this if /gamerule mobGriefing is set to false // If the entity didn't take any damage, bail: if (!Super::DoTakeDamage(a_TDI)) { return false; } // Or, conversely took lethal damage, bail: if (m_Health <= 0) { return true; } if (a_TDI.Attacker == nullptr) { if ((a_TDI.DamageType != dtPoison) && (a_TDI.DamageType != dtPotionOfHarming)) { // Bail if attacker doesn't exist and it wasn't a splash potion: return true; } } else if (!a_TDI.Attacker->IsPlayer()) { // Bail if it wasn't a player attack: return true; } auto & Random = GetRandomProvider(); // Tries to spawn another Silverfish, returning if the search should continue. auto CheckInfested = [this, &Random, Position = GetPosition().Floor()](const Vector3i Offset) mutable { const auto Block = Position + Offset; if (m_World->GetBlock(Block) == E_BLOCK_SILVERFISH_EGG) { m_World->DigBlock(Block); return Random.RandBool(); } return false; }; // Search the faces of an increasingly large cube (so the positions closest get looked at first) // of min 3, max 10, for infested blocks and spawn additional reinforcements: for (int CubeSideLength = 3; CubeSideLength <= 10; CubeSideLength++) { const int HalfSide = CubeSideLength / 2; for (int OffsetX = -HalfSide; OffsetX <= HalfSide; OffsetX++) { for (int OffsetZ = -HalfSide; OffsetZ <= HalfSide; OffsetZ++) { if (CheckInfested({ OffsetX, +HalfSide, OffsetZ }) || CheckInfested({ OffsetX, -HalfSide, OffsetZ })) { return true; } } } for (int OffsetX = -HalfSide; OffsetX <= HalfSide; OffsetX++) { for (int OffsetY = -HalfSide + 1; OffsetY <= HalfSide - 1; OffsetY++) { if (CheckInfested({ OffsetX, OffsetY, +HalfSide }) || CheckInfested({ OffsetX, OffsetY, -HalfSide })) { return true; } } } for (int OffsetZ = -HalfSide + 1; OffsetZ <= HalfSide - 1; OffsetZ++) { for (int OffsetY = -HalfSide + 1; OffsetY <= HalfSide - 1; OffsetY++) { if (CheckInfested({ +HalfSide, OffsetY, OffsetZ }) || CheckInfested({ -HalfSide, OffsetY, OffsetZ })) { return true; } } } } return true; }