return { HOOK_TICK = { CalledWhen = "Every server tick (approximately 20 times per second)", DefaultFnName = "OnTick", -- also used as pagename Desc = [[ This hook is called every game tick (50 msec, or 20 times a second). If the server is overloaded, the interval is larger, which is indicated by the TimeDelta parameter.

This hook is called in the context of the server-tick thread, that is, the thread that takes care of {{cClientHandle|client connections}} before they're assigned to {{cPlayer|player entities}}, and processing console commands. ]], Params = { { Name = "TimeDelta", Type = "number", Notes = "The number of milliseconds elapsed since the last server tick. Will not be less than 50 msec." }, }, Returns = [[ If the function returns false or no value, other plugins' callbacks are called. If the function returns true, no other callbacks are called. There is no overridable behavior. ]], }, -- HOOK_TICK }