#include "Globals.h" // NOTE: MSVC stupidness requires this to be the same across all modules #include "Vector3d.h" #include "Vector3f.h" const double Vector3d::EPS = 0.000001; ///< The max difference between two coords for which the coords are assumed equal const double Vector3d::NO_INTERSECTION = 1e70; ///< Return value of LineCoeffToPlane() if the line is parallel to the plane Vector3d::Vector3d(const Vector3f & v) : x(v.x), y(v.y), z(v.z) { } Vector3d::Vector3d(const Vector3f * v) : x(v->x), y(v->y), z(v->z) { } double Vector3d::LineCoeffToXYPlane(const Vector3d & a_OtherEnd, double a_Z) const { if (abs(z - a_OtherEnd.z) < EPS) { return NO_INTERSECTION; } return (a_Z - z) / (a_OtherEnd.z - z); } double Vector3d::LineCoeffToXZPlane(const Vector3d & a_OtherEnd, double a_Y) const { if (abs(y - a_OtherEnd.y) < EPS) { return NO_INTERSECTION; } return (a_Y - y) / (a_OtherEnd.y - y); } double Vector3d::LineCoeffToYZPlane(const Vector3d & a_OtherEnd, double a_X) const { if (abs(x - a_OtherEnd.x) < EPS) { return NO_INTERSECTION; } return (a_X - x) / (a_OtherEnd.x - x); }