// EnvelopeParser.cpp // Implements the cEnvelopeParser class representing a parser for RFC-822 envelope headers, used both in HTTP and in MIME #include "Globals.h" #include "EnvelopeParser.h" cEnvelopeParser::cEnvelopeParser(cCallbacks & a_Callbacks) : m_Callbacks(a_Callbacks), m_IsInHeaders(true) { } int cEnvelopeParser::Parse(const char * a_Data, int a_Size) { if (!m_IsInHeaders) { return 0; } // Start searching 1 char from the end of the already received data, if available: size_t SearchStart = m_IncomingData.size(); SearchStart = (SearchStart > 1) ? SearchStart - 1 : 0; m_IncomingData.append(a_Data, a_Size); size_t idxCRLF = m_IncomingData.find("\r\n", SearchStart); if (idxCRLF == AString::npos) { // Not a complete line yet, all input consumed: return a_Size; } // Parse as many lines as found: size_t Last = 0; do { if (idxCRLF == Last) { // This was the last line of the data. Finish whatever value has been cached and return: NotifyLast(); m_IsInHeaders = false; return a_Size - (m_IncomingData.size() - idxCRLF) + 2; } if (!ParseLine(m_IncomingData.c_str() + Last, idxCRLF - Last)) { // An error has occurred m_IsInHeaders = false; return -1; } Last = idxCRLF + 2; idxCRLF = m_IncomingData.find("\r\n", idxCRLF + 2); } while (idxCRLF != AString::npos); m_IncomingData.erase(0, Last); // Parsed all lines and still expecting more return a_Size; } void cEnvelopeParser::Reset(void) { m_IsInHeaders = true; m_IncomingData.clear(); m_LastKey.clear(); m_LastValue.clear(); } void cEnvelopeParser::NotifyLast(void) { if (!m_LastKey.empty()) { m_Callbacks.OnHeaderLine(m_LastKey, m_LastValue); m_LastKey.clear(); } m_LastValue.clear(); } bool cEnvelopeParser::ParseLine(const char * a_Data, size_t a_Size) { ASSERT(a_Size > 0); if (a_Data[0] <= ' ') { // This line is a continuation for the previous line if (m_LastKey.empty()) { return false; } // Append, including the whitespace in a_Data[0] m_LastValue.append(a_Data, a_Size); return true; } // This is a line with a new key: NotifyLast(); for (size_t i = 0; i < a_Size; i++) { if (a_Data[i] == ':') { m_LastKey.assign(a_Data, i); m_LastValue.assign(a_Data + i + 2, a_Size - i - 2); return true; } } // for i - a_Data[] // No colon was found, key-less header?? return false; }