# This is the YML file that governs the CI builds at CircleCI.com # The CI is used only for style-checking at this moment. dependencies: pre: - sudo apt-get update - sudo apt-get install lua5.1 cmake clang-3.9 clang-tidy-3.9 - sudo ln -s /usr/bin/clang-tidy-3.9 /usr/bin/clang-tidy - sudo ln -s /usr/bin/clang-apply-replacements-3.9 /usr/bin/clang-apply-replacements - pip install PyYAML test: override: - cd src && find . -name \*.cpp -or -name \*.h > AllFiles.lst && lua CheckBasicStyle.lua - cd src/Bindings && lua CheckBindingsDependencies.lua - curl -o "$HOME/bin/run-clang-tidy.py" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/llvm-mirror/clang-tools-extra/45fb9b20ed7da2f6b95d83e5ef45bb536f49d8ca/clang-tidy/tool/run-clang-tidy.py" - chmod +x "$HOME/bin/run-clang-tidy.py" - git submodule update --init - ./clang-tidy.sh