// ChunkExtract.cpp // Implements the cChunkExtract class representing a cCallback descendant that extracts raw chunk data into separate .chunk files #include "Globals.h" #include "ChunkExtract.h" #include "../source/OSSupport/GZipFile.h" cChunkExtract::cChunkExtract(const AString & iWorldFolder) : mWorldFolder(iWorldFolder) { } bool cChunkExtract::OnNewChunk(int a_ChunkX, int a_ChunkZ) { int AnvilX = (a_ChunkX - ((a_ChunkX > 0) ? 0 : 31)) / 32; int AnvilZ = (a_ChunkZ - ((a_ChunkZ > 0) ? 0 : 31)) / 32; if ((AnvilX != mCurAnvilX) || (AnvilZ != mCurAnvilZ)) { OpenAnvilFile(AnvilX, AnvilZ); } mCurChunkX = a_ChunkX; mCurChunkZ = a_ChunkZ; return false; } bool cChunkExtract::OnCompressedDataSizePos(int a_CompressedDataSize, int a_DataOffset, char a_CompressionMethod) { if (!mAnvilFile.IsOpen()) { return true; } cFile ChunkFile; AString ChunkPath = Printf("%d.%d.zchunk", mCurChunkX, mCurChunkZ); if (!ChunkFile.Open(ChunkPath, cFile::fmWrite)) { LOG("Cannot open zchunk file \"%s\" for writing. Chunk [%d, %d] skipped.", ChunkPath.c_str(), mCurChunkX, mCurChunkZ); return false; } // Copy data from mAnvilFile to ChunkFile: mAnvilFile.Seek(a_DataOffset); for (int BytesToCopy = a_CompressedDataSize; BytesToCopy > 0; ) { char Buffer[64000]; int NumBytes = std::min(BytesToCopy, (int)sizeof(Buffer)); int BytesRead = mAnvilFile.Read(Buffer, NumBytes); if (BytesRead != NumBytes) { LOG("Cannot copy chunk data, chunk [%d, %d] is probably corrupted. Skipping chunk.", mCurChunkX, mCurChunkZ); return false; } ChunkFile.Write(Buffer, BytesRead); BytesToCopy -= BytesRead; } // for BytesToCopy return false; } bool cChunkExtract::OnDecompressedData(const char * a_DecompressedNBT, int a_DataSize) { ASSERT(mAnvilFile.IsOpen()); // If it weren't, the OnCompressedDataSizePos would've prevented this from running AString FileName = Printf("%d.%d.gzchunk", mCurChunkX, mCurChunkZ); cGZipFile GZipChunk; if (!GZipChunk.Open(FileName, cGZipFile::fmWrite)) { LOG("Cannot open gzchunk file \"%s\" for writing. Chunk [%d, %d] skipped.", FileName.c_str(), mCurChunkX, mCurChunkZ); return true; } GZipChunk.Write(a_DecompressedNBT, a_DataSize); return true; } void cChunkExtract::OpenAnvilFile(int a_AnvilX, int a_AnvilZ) { mAnvilFile.Close(); AString FileName = Printf("%s/r.%d.%d.mca", mWorldFolder.c_str(), a_AnvilX, a_AnvilZ); if (!mAnvilFile.Open(FileName, cFile::fmRead)) { LOG("Cannot open Anvil file \"%s\" for reading", FileName.c_str()); } mCurAnvilX = a_AnvilX; mCurAnvilZ = a_AnvilZ; }