-- DiffAPIDesc.lua -- Creates a diff file containing documentation that is available from ToLua++'s doxycomment parsing, but not yet included in APIDesc.lua require("lfs") --- Translation for function names whose representation in APIDesc is different from the one in Docs -- Dictionary of "DocsName" -> "DescName" local g_FunctionNameDocsToDesc = { ["new"] = "constructor", ["delete"] = "destructor", [".add"] = "operator_plus", [".div"] = "operator_div", [".eq"] = "operator_eq", [".mul"] = "operator_mul", [".sub"] = "operator_sub", } --- Translation from C types to Lua types -- Dictionary of "CType" -> "LuaType" local g_CTypeToLuaType = { AString = "string", bool = "boolean", Byte = "number", char = "number", double = "number", float = "number", ForEachChunkProvider = "cWorld", int = "number", size_t = "number", unsigned = "number", ["const AString"] = "string", ["const char*"] = "string", ["Vector3"] = "Vector3i", ["Vector3"] = "Vector3f", ["Vector3"] = "Vector3d", } --- Functions that should be ignored -- Dictionary of "FunctionName" -> true for each ignored function local g_IgnoreFunction = { destructor = true, } local function caseInsensitiveCompare(a_Text1, a_Text2) return (a_Text1:lower() < a_Text2:lower()) end --- Loads the APIDesc.lua and its child files, returns the complete description -- Returns a table with Classes and Hooks members, Classes being a dictionary of "ClassName" -> { desc } local function loadAPIDesc() -- Load the main APIDesc.lua file: local apiDescPath = "../../Server/Plugins/APIDump/" local desc = dofile(apiDescPath .. "APIDesc.lua") if not(desc) then error("Failed to load APIDesc") end -- Merge in the information from all files in the Classes subfolder: local classesPath = apiDescPath .. "Classes/" for fnam in lfs.dir(apiDescPath .. "Classes") do if (string.find(fnam, ".*%.lua$")) then local tbls = dofile(classesPath .. fnam) for k, cls in pairs(tbls) do desc.Classes[k] = cls; end end end return desc end --- Loads the API documentation generated by ToLua++'s parser -- Returns a dictionary of "ClassName" -> { docs } local function loadAPIDocs() -- Get the filelist: local files = dofile("docs/_files.lua") if not(files) then error("Failed to load _files.lua from docs") end -- Load the docs from all files, merge into a single dictionary: local res = {} for _, fnam in ipairs(files) do local docs = dofile("docs/" .. fnam) if (docs) then for k, v in pairs(docs) do assert(not(res[k])) -- Do we have a duplicate documentation entry? res[k] = v end end end return res end --- Returns whether the function signature in the description matches the function documentation -- a_FunctionDesc is a single description for a function, as loaded from APIDesc.lua (one item) -- a_FunctionDoc is a single documentation item for a function, as loaded from ToLua++'s parser local function functionDescMatchesDocs(a_FunctionDesc, a_FunctionDoc) -- Check the number of parameters: local numParams if (not(a_FunctionDesc.Params) or (a_FunctionDesc.Params == "")) then numParams = 0 else _, numParams = string.gsub(a_FunctionDesc.Params, ",", "") numParams = numParams + 1 end if (#(a_FunctionDoc.Params) ~= numParams) then return false end return true end --- Returns an array of function descriptions that are in a_FunctionDocs but are missing from a_FunctionDescs -- a_FunctionDescs is an array of function descriptions, as loaded from APIDesc.lua (normalized into array) -- a_FunctionDocs is an array of function documentation items, as loaded from ToLua++'s parser -- If all descriptions match, nil is returned instead local function listMissingClassSingleFunctionDescs(a_FunctionDescs, a_FunctionDocs) -- Generate a helper map of index -> true that monitors a_FunctionDescs' items' usage: local freeDescs = {} for i = 1, #a_FunctionDescs do freeDescs[i] = true end -- For each documentation item, try to find a match in a_FunctionDescs that hasn't been used yet: local res = {} for _, docs in ipairs(a_FunctionDocs) do local hasFound = false for idx, _ in pairs(freeDescs) do local desc = a_FunctionDescs[idx] if (functionDescMatchesDocs(desc, docs)) then freeDescs[idx] = nil hasFound = true break end end -- for idx - freeDescs[] if not(hasFound) then table.insert(res, docs) end end -- for docs - a_FunctionDocs[] -- If no result, return nil instead of an empty table: if not(res[1]) then return nil end return res end --- Returns a dict of "FnName" -> { { }, ... } that are documented in a_FunctionDocs but missing from a_FunctionDescs -- If there are no such descriptions, returns nil instead -- a_FunctionDescs is a dict of "FnName" -> { } loaded from APIDesc.lua et al -- may be a single desc or an array of those -- a_FunctionDocs is a dict og "FnName" -> { { }, ... } loaded from ToLua++'s parser local function listMissingClassFunctionDescs(a_FunctionDescs, a_FunctionDocs) -- Match the docs and descriptions for each separate function: local res = {} local hasSome = false a_FunctionDescs = a_FunctionDescs or {} a_FunctionDocs = a_FunctionDocs or {} for fnName, fnDocs in pairs(a_FunctionDocs) do local fnDescName = g_FunctionNameDocsToDesc[fnName] or fnName if not(g_IgnoreFunction[fnDescName]) then local fnDescs = a_FunctionDescs[fnDescName] if not(fnDescs) then -- Function not described at all, insert a dummy empty description for the matching: fnDescs = {} elseif not(fnDescs[1]) then -- Function has a single description, convert it to the same format as multi-overload functions use: fnDescs = { fnDescs } end local missingDocs = listMissingClassSingleFunctionDescs(fnDescs, fnDocs) if (missingDocs) then res[fnName] = missingDocs hasSome = true end end -- not ignored end -- for fnName, fnDocs - a_FunctionDocs[] if not(hasSome) then return nil end return res end --- Returns a dictionary of "SymbolName" -> { } for any variable or constant that is documented but not described -- a_VarConstDescs is an array of variable or constant descriptions, as loaded from APIDesc.lua -- a_VarConstDocs is an array of variable or constant documentation items, as loaded from ToLua++'s parser -- If no symbol is to be returned, returns nil instead local function listMissingClassVarConstDescs(a_VarConstDescs, a_VarConstDocs) -- Match the docs and descriptions for each separate function: local res = {} local hasSome = false a_VarConstDescs = a_VarConstDescs or {} a_VarConstDocs = a_VarConstDocs or {} for symName, symDocs in pairs(a_VarConstDocs) do local symDesc = a_VarConstDescs[symName] if ( not(symDesc) or -- Symbol not described at all not(symDesc.Notes) or -- Non-existent description ( (symDesc.Notes == "") and -- Empty description (type(symDocs.Notes) == "string") and -- Docs has a string ... (symDocs.Notes ~= "") -- ... that is not empty ) ) then res[symName] = symDocs hasSome = true end end if not(hasSome) then return nil end return res end --- Fills a_Missing with descriptions that are documented in a_ClassDocs but missing from a_ClassDesc -- a_ClassDesc is the class' description loaded from APIDesc et al -- a_ClassDocs is the class' documentation loaded from ToLua++'s parser local function listMissingClassDescs(a_ClassName, a_ClassDesc, a_ClassDocs, a_Missing) local missing = { Functions = listMissingClassFunctionDescs(a_ClassDesc.Functions, a_ClassDocs.Functions), Constants = listMissingClassVarConstDescs(a_ClassDesc.Constants, a_ClassDocs.Constants), Variables = listMissingClassVarConstDescs(a_ClassDesc.Variables, a_ClassDocs.Variables), } if not(missing.Functions) and not(missing.Constants) and not(missing.Variables) then -- Nothing missing, don't add anything return end a_Missing[a_ClassName] = missing end --- Returns a dictionary of "ClassName" -> { { }, ... } of descriptions that are documented in a_Docs but missing from a_Descs -- a_Descs is the descriptions loaded from APIDesc et al -- a_Docs is the documentation loaded from ToLua++'s parser local function findMissingDescs(a_Descs, a_Docs) local descClasses = a_Descs.Classes local res = {} for clsName, clsDocs in pairs(a_Docs) do local clsDesc = descClasses[clsName] or {} listMissingClassDescs(clsName, clsDesc, clsDocs, res) end return res end local function outputTable(a_File, a_Table, a_Indent) -- Extract all indices first: local allIndices = {} for k, _ in pairs(a_Table) do table.insert(allIndices, k) end -- Sort the indices: table.sort(allIndices, function (a_Index1, a_Index2) if (type(a_Index1) == "number") then if (type(a_Index2) == "number") then -- Both indices are numeric, sort by value return (a_Index1 < a_Index2) end -- a_Index2 is non-numeric, always goes after a_Index1 return true end if (type(a_Index2) == "number") then -- a_Index2 is numeric, a_Index1 is not return false end -- Neither index is numeric, use regular string comparison: return caseInsensitiveCompare(tostring(a_Index1), tostring(a_Index2)) end ) -- Output by using the index order: a_File:write(a_Indent, "{\n") local indent = a_Indent .. "\t" for _, index in ipairs(allIndices) do -- Write the index: a_File:write(indent, "[") if (type(index) == "string") then a_File:write(string.format("%q", index)) else a_File:write(index) end a_File:write("] =") -- Write the value: local v = a_Table[index] if (type(v) == "table") then a_File:write("\n") outputTable(a_File, v, indent) elseif (type(v) == "string") then a_File:write(string.format(" %q", v)) else a_File:write(" ", tostring(v)) end a_File:write(",\n") end a_File:write(a_Indent, "}") end --- Returns a description of function params, as used for output -- a_Params is nil or an array of parameters from ToLua++'s parser -- a_ClassMap is a dictionary of "ClassName" -> true for all known classes local function extractParamsForOutput(a_Params, a_ClassMap) if not(a_Params) then return "" end assert(a_ClassMap) local params = {} for _, param in ipairs(a_Params) do local paramType = param.Type or "" paramType = g_CTypeToLuaType[paramType] or paramType -- Translate from C type to Lua type local paramName = param.Name or paramType or "[unknown]" paramName = paramName:gsub("^a_", "") -- Remove the "a_" prefix, if present local idxColon = paramType:find("::") -- Extract children classes and enums within classes local paramTypeAnchor = "" if (idxColon) then paramTypeAnchor = "#" .. paramType:sub(idxColon + 2) paramType = paramType:sub(1, idxColon - 1) end if (a_ClassMap[paramType]) then -- Param type is a class name, make it a link if not(param.Name) then paramName = "{{" .. paramType .. paramTypeAnchor .. "}}" else paramName = "{{" .. paramType .. paramTypeAnchor .. "|" .. paramName .. "}}" end end table.insert(params, paramName) end return table.concat(params, ", ") end --- Returns a single line of function description for output -- a_Desc is the function description -- a_ClassMap is a dictionary of "ClassName" -> true for all known classes local function formatFunctionDesc(a_Docs, a_ClassMap) local staticClause = "" if (a_Docs.IsStatic) then staticClause = "IsStatic = true, " end return string.format("{ Params = %q, Return = %q, %sNotes = %q },\n", extractParamsForOutput(a_Docs.Params, a_ClassMap), extractParamsForOutput(a_Docs.Returns, a_ClassMap), staticClause, (a_Docs.Desc or ""):gsub("%.\n", ". "):gsub("\n", ". "):gsub("%s+", " ") ) end --- Outputs differences in function descriptions into a file -- a_File is the output file -- a_Functions is nil or a dictionary of "FunctionName" -> { { }, ... } -- a_ClassMap is a dictionary of "ClassName" -> true for all known classes local function outputFunctions(a_File, a_Functions, a_ClassMap) assert(a_File) if not(a_Functions) then return end -- Get a sorted array of all function names: local fnNames = {} for fnName, _ in pairs(a_Functions) do table.insert(fnNames, fnName) end table.sort(fnNames, caseInsensitiveCompare) -- Output the function descs: a_File:write("\t\tFunctions =\n\t\t{\n") for _, fnName in ipairs(fnNames) do a_File:write("\t\t\t", g_FunctionNameDocsToDesc[fnName] or fnName, " =") local docs = a_Functions[fnName] if (docs[2]) then -- There are at least two descriptions, use the array format: a_File:write("\n\t\t\t{\n") for _, doc in ipairs(docs) do a_File:write("\t\t\t\t", formatFunctionDesc(doc, a_ClassMap)) end a_File:write("\t\t\t},\n") else -- There's only one description, use the simpler one-line format: a_File:write(" ", formatFunctionDesc(docs[1], a_ClassMap)) end end a_File:write("\t\t},\n") end --- Returns the description of a single variable or constant -- a_Docs is the ToLua++'s documentation of the symbol -- a_ClassMap is a dictionary of "ClassName" -> true for all known classes local function formatVarConstDesc(a_Docs, a_ClassMap) local descType = "" if (a_Docs.Type) then local luaType = g_CTypeToLuaType[a_Docs.Type] or a_Docs.Type if (a_ClassMap[a_Docs.Type]) then descType = string.format("Type = {{%q}}, ", luaType); else descType = string.format("Type = %q, ", luaType); end end return string.format("{ %sNotes = %q },\n", descType, a_Docs.Desc or "") end --- Outputs differences in variables' or constants' descriptions into a file -- a_File is the output file -- a_VarConst is nil or a dictionary of "VariableOrConstantName" -> { } -- a_Header is a string, either "Variables" or "Constants" -- a_ClassMap is a dictionary of "ClassName" -> true for all known classes local function outputVarConst(a_File, a_VarConst, a_Header, a_ClassMap) assert(a_File) assert(type(a_Header) == "string") if not(a_VarConst) then return end -- Get a sorted array of all symbol names: local symNames = {} for symName, _ in pairs(a_VarConst) do table.insert(symNames, symName) end table.sort(symNames, caseInsensitiveCompare) -- Output the symbol descs: a_File:write("\t\t", a_Header, " =\n\t\t{\n") for _, symName in ipairs(symNames) do local docs = a_VarConst[symName] a_File:write("\t\t\t", symName, " = ", formatVarConstDesc(docs, a_ClassMap)) end a_File:write("\t\t},\n") end --- Outputs the diff into a file -- a_Diff is the diff calculated by findMissingDescs() -- The output file is written as a Lua source file formatted to match APIDesc.lua local function outputDiff(a_Diff) -- Sort the classnames: local classNames = {} local classMap = {} for clsName, _ in pairs(a_Diff) do table.insert(classNames, clsName) classMap[clsName] = true end table.sort(classNames, caseInsensitiveCompare) -- Output each class: local f = assert(io.open("APIDiff.lua", "w")) -- outputTable(f, diff, "") f:write("return\n{\n") for _, clsName in ipairs(classNames) do f:write("\t", clsName, " =\n\t{\n") local desc = a_Diff[clsName] outputFunctions(f, desc.Functions, classMap) outputVarConst(f, desc.Variables, "Variables", classMap) outputVarConst(f, desc.Constants, "Constants", classMap) f:write("\t},\n") end f:write("}\n") f:close() end local apiDesc = loadAPIDesc() local apiDocs = loadAPIDocs() local diff = findMissingDescs(apiDesc, apiDocs) outputDiff(diff) print("Diff has been output to file APIDiff.lua.")