// CompositeChat.cpp // Implements the cCompositeChat class used to wrap a chat message with multiple parts (text, url, cmd) #include "Globals.h" #include "CompositeChat.h" #include "ClientHandle.h" #include "JsonUtils.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cCompositeChat: cCompositeChat::cCompositeChat(void) : m_MessageType(mtCustom) { } cCompositeChat::cCompositeChat(const AString & a_ParseText, eMessageType a_MessageType) : m_MessageType(a_MessageType) { ParseText(a_ParseText); } cCompositeChat::~cCompositeChat() { Clear(); } void cCompositeChat::Clear(void) { m_Parts.clear(); } void cCompositeChat::AddTextPart(const AString & a_Message, const AString & a_Style) { m_Parts.emplace_back(std::make_unique(a_Message, a_Style)); } void cCompositeChat::AddClientTranslatedPart(const AString & a_TranslationID, const AStringVector & a_Parameters, const AString & a_Style) { m_Parts.emplace_back(std::make_unique(a_TranslationID, a_Parameters, a_Style)); } void cCompositeChat::AddUrlPart(const AString & a_Text, const AString & a_Url, const AString & a_Style) { m_Parts.emplace_back(std::make_unique(a_Text, a_Url, a_Style)); } void cCompositeChat::AddRunCommandPart(const AString & a_Text, const AString & a_Command, const AString & a_Style) { m_Parts.emplace_back(std::make_unique(a_Text, a_Command, a_Style)); } void cCompositeChat::AddSuggestCommandPart(const AString & a_Text, const AString & a_SuggestedCommand, const AString & a_Style) { m_Parts.emplace_back(std::make_unique(a_Text, a_SuggestedCommand, a_Style)); } void cCompositeChat::AddShowAchievementPart(const AString & a_PlayerName, const AString & a_Achievement, const AString & a_Style) { m_Parts.emplace_back(std::make_unique(a_PlayerName, a_Achievement, a_Style)); } void cCompositeChat::ParseText(const AString & a_ParseText) { size_t len = a_ParseText.length(); size_t first = 0; // First character of the currently parsed block AString CurrentStyle; AString CurrentText; for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { switch (a_ParseText[i]) { case '@': { // Color code i++; if (i >= len) { // Not enough following text break; } if (a_ParseText[i] == '@') { // "@@" escape, just put a "@" into the current text and keep parsing as text if (i > first + 1) { CurrentText.append(a_ParseText.c_str() + first, i - first - 1); } first = i + 1; continue; } else { // True color code. Create a part for the CurrentText and start parsing anew: if (i >= first) { CurrentText.append(a_ParseText.c_str() + first, i - first - 1); first = i + 1; } if (!CurrentText.empty()) { m_Parts.emplace_back(std::make_unique(CurrentText, CurrentStyle)); CurrentText.clear(); } AddStyle(CurrentStyle, a_ParseText.substr(i - 1, 2)); } break; } case ':': { static const constexpr std::array LinkPrefixes = { { "http", "https" } }; for (const auto & Prefix : LinkPrefixes) { size_t PrefixLen = Prefix.size(); if ( (i >= first + PrefixLen) && // There is enough space in front of the colon for the prefix (std::string_view(a_ParseText).substr(i - PrefixLen, PrefixLen) == Prefix) // the prefix matches ) { // Add everything before this as a text part: if (i > first + PrefixLen) { CurrentText.append(a_ParseText.c_str() + first, i - first - PrefixLen); first = i - PrefixLen; } if (!CurrentText.empty()) { AddTextPart(CurrentText, CurrentStyle); CurrentText.clear(); } // Go till the last non-whitespace char in the text: for (; i < len; i++) { if (isspace(a_ParseText[i])) { break; } } AddUrlPart(a_ParseText.substr(first, i - first), a_ParseText.substr(first, i - first), CurrentStyle); first = i; break; } } // for Prefix - LinkPrefix[] break; } // case ':' } // switch (a_ParseText[i]) } // for i - a_ParseText[] if (first < len) { AddTextPart(a_ParseText.substr(first, len - first), CurrentStyle); } } void cCompositeChat::SetMessageType(eMessageType a_MessageType, const AString & a_AdditionalMessageTypeData) { m_MessageType = a_MessageType; m_AdditionalMessageTypeData = a_AdditionalMessageTypeData; } void cCompositeChat::UnderlineUrls(void) { for (auto & Part : m_Parts) { if (Part->m_PartType == ptUrl) { Part->m_Style.append("u"); } } } AString cCompositeChat::ExtractText(void) const { AString Msg; for (const auto & Part : m_Parts) { switch (Part->m_PartType) { case ptText: case ptClientTranslated: case ptRunCommand: case ptSuggestCommand: { Msg.append(Part->m_Text); break; } case ptUrl: { Msg.append(static_cast(Part.get())->m_Url); break; } case ptShowAchievement: { break; } } // switch (PartType) } // for itr - m_Parts[] return Msg; } eLogLevel cCompositeChat::MessageTypeToLogLevel(eMessageType a_MessageType) { switch (a_MessageType) { case mtCustom: return eLogLevel::Regular; case mtFailure: return eLogLevel::Warning; case mtInformation: return eLogLevel::Info; case mtSuccess: return eLogLevel::Regular; case mtWarning: return eLogLevel::Warning; case mtFatal: return eLogLevel::Error; case mtDeath: return eLogLevel::Regular; case mtPrivateMessage: return eLogLevel::Regular; case mtJoin: return eLogLevel::Regular; case mtLeave: return eLogLevel::Regular; case mtMaxPlusOne: break; } ASSERT(!"Unhandled MessageType"); return eLogLevel::Error; } void cCompositeChat::AddStyle(AString & a_Style, const AString & a_AddStyle) { if (a_AddStyle.empty()) { return; } if (a_AddStyle[0] == '@') { size_t idx = a_Style.find('@'); if ((idx != AString::npos) && (idx != a_Style.length())) { a_Style.erase(idx, 2); } a_Style.append(a_AddStyle); return; } a_Style.append(a_AddStyle); } AString cCompositeChat::CreateJsonString(bool a_ShouldUseChatPrefixes) const { Json::Value Message; Message["text"] = cClientHandle::FormatMessageType(a_ShouldUseChatPrefixes, GetMessageType(), GetAdditionalMessageTypeData()); // The client crashes without this field being present for (const auto & Part : m_Parts) { Json::Value JsonPart; switch (Part->m_PartType) { case cCompositeChat::ptText: { JsonPart["text"] = Part->m_Text; AddChatPartStyle(JsonPart, Part->m_Style); break; } case cCompositeChat::ptClientTranslated: { const auto TranslatedPart = static_cast(Part.get()); JsonPart["translate"] = TranslatedPart->m_Text; Json::Value With; for (const auto & Parameter : TranslatedPart->m_Parameters) { With.append(Parameter); } if (!TranslatedPart->m_Parameters.empty()) { JsonPart["with"] = With; } AddChatPartStyle(JsonPart, TranslatedPart->m_Style); break; } case cCompositeChat::ptUrl: { const auto UrlPart = static_cast(Part.get()); JsonPart["text"] = UrlPart->m_Text; Json::Value Url; Url["action"] = "open_url"; Url["value"] = UrlPart->m_Url; JsonPart["clickEvent"] = Url; AddChatPartStyle(JsonPart, UrlPart->m_Style); break; } case cCompositeChat::ptSuggestCommand: case cCompositeChat::ptRunCommand: { const auto CommandPart = static_cast(Part.get()); JsonPart["text"] = CommandPart->m_Text; Json::Value Cmd; Cmd["action"] = (CommandPart->m_PartType == cCompositeChat::ptRunCommand) ? "run_command" : "suggest_command"; Cmd["value"] = CommandPart->m_Command; JsonPart["clickEvent"] = Cmd; AddChatPartStyle(JsonPart, CommandPart->m_Style); break; } case cCompositeChat::ptShowAchievement: { const auto AchievementPart = static_cast(Part.get()); JsonPart["translate"] = "chat.type.achievement"; Json::Value Ach; Ach["action"] = "show_achievement"; Ach["value"] = AchievementPart->m_Text; Json::Value AchColourAndName; AchColourAndName["color"] = "green"; AchColourAndName["translate"] = AchievementPart->m_Text; AchColourAndName["hoverEvent"] = Ach; Json::Value Extra; Extra.append(AchColourAndName); Json::Value Name; Name["text"] = AchievementPart->m_PlayerName; Json::Value With; With.append(Name); With.append(Extra); JsonPart["with"] = With; AddChatPartStyle(JsonPart, AchievementPart->m_Style); break; } } Message["extra"].append(JsonPart); } // for itr - Parts[] #if 1 // Serialize as machine-readable string (no whitespace): return JsonUtils::WriteFastString(Message); #else // Serialize as human-readable string (pretty-printed): return JsonUtils::WriteStyledString(msg); #endif } void cCompositeChat::AddChatPartStyle(Json::Value & a_Value, const AString & a_PartStyle) const { size_t len = a_PartStyle.length(); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { switch (a_PartStyle[i]) { case 'b': { // bold a_Value["bold"] = Json::Value(true); break; } case 'i': { // italic a_Value["italic"] = Json::Value(true); break; } case 'u': { // Underlined a_Value["underlined"] = Json::Value(true); break; } case 's': { // strikethrough a_Value["strikethrough"] = Json::Value(true); break; } case 'o': { // obfuscated a_Value["obfuscated"] = Json::Value(true); break; } case '@': { // Color, specified by the next char: i++; if (i >= len) { // String too short, didn't contain a color break; } switch (a_PartStyle[i]) { case '0': a_Value["color"] = Json::Value("black"); break; case '1': a_Value["color"] = Json::Value("dark_blue"); break; case '2': a_Value["color"] = Json::Value("dark_green"); break; case '3': a_Value["color"] = Json::Value("dark_aqua"); break; case '4': a_Value["color"] = Json::Value("dark_red"); break; case '5': a_Value["color"] = Json::Value("dark_purple"); break; case '6': a_Value["color"] = Json::Value("gold"); break; case '7': a_Value["color"] = Json::Value("gray"); break; case '8': a_Value["color"] = Json::Value("dark_gray"); break; case '9': a_Value["color"] = Json::Value("blue"); break; case 'a': a_Value["color"] = Json::Value("green"); break; case 'b': a_Value["color"] = Json::Value("aqua"); break; case 'c': a_Value["color"] = Json::Value("red"); break; case 'd': a_Value["color"] = Json::Value("light_purple"); break; case 'e': a_Value["color"] = Json::Value("yellow"); break; case 'f': a_Value["color"] = Json::Value("white"); break; } // switch (color) } // case '@' } // switch (Style[i]) } // for i - a_PartStyle[] } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cCompositeChat::cBasePart: cCompositeChat::cBasePart::cBasePart(cCompositeChat::ePartType a_PartType, const AString & a_Text, const AString & a_Style) : m_PartType(a_PartType), m_Text(a_Text), m_Style(a_Style) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cCompositeChat::cTextPart: cCompositeChat::cTextPart::cTextPart(const AString & a_Text, const AString &a_Style) : Super(ptText, a_Text, a_Style) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cCompositeChat::cClientTranslatedPart: cCompositeChat::cClientTranslatedPart::cClientTranslatedPart(const AString & a_TranslationID, const AStringVector & a_Parameters, const AString & a_Style) : Super(ptClientTranslated, a_TranslationID, a_Style), m_Parameters(a_Parameters) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cCompositeChat::cUrlPart: cCompositeChat::cUrlPart::cUrlPart(const AString & a_Text, const AString & a_Url, const AString & a_Style) : Super(ptUrl, a_Text, a_Style), m_Url(a_Url) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cCompositeChat::cCommandPart: cCompositeChat::cCommandPart::cCommandPart(ePartType a_PartType, const AString & a_Text, const AString & a_Command, const AString & a_Style) : Super(a_PartType, a_Text, a_Style), m_Command(a_Command) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cCompositeChat::cRunCommandPart: cCompositeChat::cRunCommandPart::cRunCommandPart(const AString & a_Text, const AString & a_Command, const AString & a_Style) : Super(ptRunCommand, a_Text, a_Command, a_Style) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cCompositeChat::cSuggestCommandPart: cCompositeChat::cSuggestCommandPart::cSuggestCommandPart(const AString & a_Text, const AString & a_Command, const AString & a_Style) : Super(ptSuggestCommand, a_Text, a_Command, a_Style) { } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cCompositeChat::cShowAchievementPart: cCompositeChat::cShowAchievementPart::cShowAchievementPart(const AString & a_PlayerName, const AString & a_Achievement, const AString & a_Style) : Super(ptShowAchievement, a_Achievement, a_Style), m_PlayerName(a_PlayerName) { }