# This is the top-level CMakeLists.txt file for the Cuberite project # # Use CMake to generate the build files for your platform # # This script supports some configuration through CMake arguments (-Dparam=val syntax): # BUILD_TOOLS=1 sets up additional executables to be built along with the server (ProtoProxy, GrownBiomeGenVisualiser, MCADefrag) # BUILD_UNSTABLE_TOOLS=1 sets up yet more executables to be built, these can be broken and generally are obsolete (GeneratorPerformanceTest) # CROSSCOMPILE=1 marks the build as a crosscompile (doesn't include optimizations for current platform) # DISABLE_SYSTEM_LUA=1 disables the use of system Lua interpreter; the tolua executable will be built and used instead. Incompatible with cross-compiling # SELF_TEST=1 enables testing code to be built cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8.7) if (POLICY CMP0054) cmake_policy(SET CMP0054 NEW) endif() # Without this, the MSVC variable isn't defined for MSVC builds ( http://www.cmake.org/pipermail/cmake/2011-November/047130.html ) enable_language(CXX C) # Enable the support for solution folders in MSVC if (MSVC) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY USE_FOLDERS ON) endif() # These env variables are used for configuring Travis CI builds. if(DEFINED ENV{TRAVIS_CUBERITE_BUILD_TYPE}) message("Setting build type to $ENV{TRAVIS_CUBERITE_BUILD_TYPE}") set(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE $ENV{TRAVIS_CUBERITE_BUILD_TYPE}) endif() if(DEFINED ENV{TRAVIS_CUBERITE_FORCE32}) set(FORCE32 $ENV{TRAVIS_CUBERITE_FORCE32}) endif() if(DEFINED ENV{TRAVIS_BUILD_WITH_COVERAGE}) set(BUILD_WITH_COVERAGE $ENV{TRAVIS_BUILD_WITH_COVERAGE}) endif() if(DEFINED ENV{CUBERITE_BUILD_ID}) # The build info is defined by the build system (Travis / Jenkins) set(BUILD_ID $ENV{CUBERITE_BUILD_ID}) set(BUILD_SERIES_NAME $ENV{CUBERITE_BUILD_SERIES_NAME}) set(BUILD_DATETIME $ENV{CUBERITE_BUILD_DATETIME}) if(DEFINED ENV{CUBERITE_BUILD_COMMIT_ID}) set(BUILD_COMMIT_ID $ENV{CUBERITE_BUILD_COMMIT_ID}) else() message("Commit id not set, attempting to determine id from git") execute_process( COMMAND git rev-parse HEAD WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR} RESULT_VARIABLE GIT_EXECUTED OUTPUT_VARIABLE BUILD_COMMIT_ID ) string(STRIP ${BUILD_COMMIT_ID} BUILD_COMMIT_ID) if (NOT (GIT_EXECUTED EQUAL 0)) message(FATAL_ERROR "Could not identifiy git commit id") endif() endif() else() # This is a local build, stuff in some basic info: set(BUILD_ID "Unknown") set(BUILD_SERIES_NAME "local build") execute_process( COMMAND git rev-parse HEAD WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR} RESULT_VARIABLE GIT_EXECUTED OUTPUT_VARIABLE BUILD_COMMIT_ID ) if (NOT(GIT_EXECUTED EQUAL 0)) set(BUILD_COMMIT_ID "Unknown") endif() string(STRIP ${BUILD_COMMIT_ID} BUILD_COMMIT_ID) execute_process( COMMAND git log -1 --date=iso --pretty=format:%ai WORKING_DIRECTORY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR} RESULT_VARIABLE GIT_EXECUTED OUTPUT_VARIABLE BUILD_DATETIME ) if (NOT(GIT_EXECUTED EQUAL 0)) set(BUILD_DATETIME "Unknown") endif() string(STRIP ${BUILD_DATETIME} BUILD_DATETIME) # The BUILD_COMMIT_ID and BUILD_DATETIME aren't updated on each repo pull # They are only updated when cmake re-configures the project # Therefore mark them as "approx: " set(BUILD_COMMIT_ID "approx: ${BUILD_COMMIT_ID}") set(BUILD_DATETIME "approx: ${BUILD_DATETIME}") endif() # We need C++11 features, Visual Studio has those from VS2012, but it needs a new platform toolset for those; VS2013 supports them natively: # Adapted from http://binglongx.wordpress.com/2013/06/28/set-non-default-platform-toolset-in-cmake/ if(MSVC OR MSVC_IDE) if( MSVC_VERSION LESS 1700 ) # VC10- / VS2010- message(FATAL_ERROR "The project requires C++11 features. " "You need at least Visual Studio 11 (Microsoft Visual Studio 2012), " "with Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler Nov 2012 CTP (v120_CTP_Nov2012).") elseif( MSVC_VERSION EQUAL 1700 ) # VC11 / VS2012 message( "VC11: using Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 " "with Microsoft Visual C++ Compiler Nov 2012 CTP (v120_CTP_Nov2012)" ) set(CMAKE_GENERATOR_TOOLSET "v120_CTP_Nov2012" CACHE STRING "Platform Toolset" FORCE) else() # VC12+, assuming C++11 supported. endif() endif() set(BUILD_TOOLS OFF CACHE BOOL "") set(SELF_TEST OFF CACHE BOOL "") # Check whether Lua 5.1 can be used: if (NOT(DISABLE_SYSTEM_LUA)) include(CheckLua.cmake) if(HAS_LUA_INTERPRETER AND ("${LUA_INTERPRETER_VERSION}" STREQUAL "5.1")) message(STATUS "Lua 5.1 has been found in your system and will be used for the build.") set(USE_SYSTEM_LUA 1) else() if (CROSSCOMPILE) message(FATAL "To crosscompile, you need to have Lua 5.1 installed in your system and available in PATH.") endif() message(STATUS "Lua 5.1 has NOT been found in your system, the build will use its own Lua implementation.") unset(USE_SYSTEM_LUA) endif() else() if (CROSSCOMPILE) message(FATAL "CMake parameter mismatch: CROSSCOMPILE is mutually exclusive with DISABLE_SYSTEM_LUA") endif() message(STATUS "System Lua is disabled via CMake command-line parameters. The build will use its own Lua implementation.") endif() # This has to be done before any flags have been set up. if(${BUILD_TOOLS}) message("Building tools") add_subdirectory(Tools/GrownBiomeGenVisualiser/) add_subdirectory(Tools/MCADefrag/) add_subdirectory(Tools/ProtoProxy/) endif() if(${BUILD_UNSTABLE_TOOLS}) message("Building unstable tools") add_subdirectory(Tools/GeneratorPerformanceTest/) endif() include(CheckCXXCompilerFlag) include(SetFlags.cmake) set_flags() set_lib_flags() enable_profile() # Under Windows, we need Lua as DLL; on *nix we need it linked statically: if (WIN32) add_definitions(-DLUA_BUILD_AS_DLL) endif() # The Expat library is linked in statically, make the source files aware of that: add_definitions(-DXML_STATIC) # Let Lua use additional checks on its C API. This is only compiled into Debug builds: add_definitions(-DLUA_USE_APICHECK) # Self Test Mode enables extra checks at startup if(${SELF_TEST}) add_definitions(-DSELF_TEST) endif() # Build all dependent libraries as static: SET(CMAKE_BUILD_STATIC_LIBRARIES ON) project (Cuberite) # Set options for SQLiteCpp, disable all their tests and lints: set(SQLITECPP_RUN_CPPLINT OFF CACHE BOOL "Run cpplint.py tool for Google C++ StyleGuide." FORCE) set(SQLITECPP_RUN_CPPCHECK OFF CACHE BOOL "Run cppcheck C++ static analysis tool." FORCE) set(SQLITECPP_RUN_DOXYGEN OFF CACHE BOOL "Run Doxygen C++ documentation tool." FORCE) set(SQLITECPP_BUILD_EXAMPLES OFF CACHE BOOL "Build examples." FORCE) set(SQLITECPP_BUILD_TESTS OFF CACHE BOOL "Build and run tests." FORCE) set(SQLITECPP_INTERNAL_SQLITE OFF CACHE BOOL "Add the internal SQLite3 source to the project." FORCE) set(SQLITE_ENABLE_COLUMN_METADATA OFF CACHE BOOL "" FORCE) # Set options for LibEvent, disable all their tests and benchmarks: set(EVENT__DISABLE_OPENSSL YES CACHE BOOL "Disable OpenSSL in LibEvent" FORCE) set(EVENT__DISABLE_BENCHMARK YES CACHE BOOL "Disable LibEvent benchmarks" FORCE) set(EVENT__DISABLE_TESTS YES CACHE BOOL "Disable LibEvent tests" FORCE) set(EVENT__DISABLE_REGRESS YES CACHE BOOL "Disable LibEvent regression tests" FORCE) set(EVENT__DISABLE_SAMPLES YES CACHE BOOL "Disable LibEvent samples" FORCE) # Set options for JsonCPP, disabling all of their tests # Additionally, their library is output to a strange location; make sure the linker knows where to find it set(JSONCPP_WITH_TESTS OFF CACHE BOOL "Compile and (for jsoncpp_check) run JsonCpp test executables") set(JSONCPP_WITH_POST_BUILD_UNITTEST OFF CACHE BOOL "Automatically run unit-tests as a post build step") set(JSONCPP_WITH_PKGCONFIG_SUPPORT OFF CACHE BOOL "Generate and install .pc files") link_directories(lib/jsoncpp/src/lib_json) # Check that the libraries are present: if (NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/SQLiteCpp/CMakeLists.txt) message(FATAL_ERROR "SQLiteCpp is missing in folder lib/SQLiteCpp. Have you initialized the submodules / downloaded the extra libraries?") endif() if (NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/polarssl/CMakeLists.txt) message(FATAL_ERROR "PolarSSL is missing in folder lib/polarssl. Have you initialized the submodules / downloaded the extra libraries?") endif() if (NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/libevent/CMakeLists.txt) message(FATAL_ERROR "LibEvent is missing in folder lib/libevent. Have you initialized and updated the submodules / downloaded the extra libraries?") endif() if (NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/jsoncpp/CMakeLists.txt) message(FATAL_ERROR "JsonCPP is missing in folder lib/jsoncpp. Have you initialized and updated the submodules / downloaded the extra libraries?") endif() if (NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/cmake-coverage/CodeCoverage.cmake) message(FATAL_ERROR "cmake-coverage is missing in folder lib/cmake-coverage. Have you initialized and updated the submodules / downloaded the extra libraries?") endif() if (NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/expat/CMakeLists.txt) message(FATAL_ERROR "expat is missing in folder lib/expat. Have you initialized and updated the submodules / downloaded the extra libraries?") endif() if (NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/lua/CMakeLists.txt) message(FATAL_ERROR "lua is missing in folder lib/lua. Have you initialized and updated the submodules / downloaded the extra libraries?") endif() if (NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/luaexpat/CMakeLists.txt) message(FATAL_ERROR "luaexpat is missing in folder lib/luaexpat. Have you initialized and updated the submodules / downloaded the extra libraries?") endif() if (NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/luaproxy/CMakeLists.txt) message(FATAL_ERROR "luaproxy is missing in folder lib/luaproxy. Have you initialized and updated the submodules / downloaded the extra libraries?") endif() if (NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/sqlite/CMakeLists.txt) message(FATAL_ERROR "sqlite is missing in folder lib/sqlite. Have you initialized and updated the submodules / downloaded the extra libraries?") endif() if (NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/tolua++/CMakeLists.txt) message(FATAL_ERROR "tolua++ is missing in folder lib/tolua++. Have you initialized and updated the submodules / downloaded the extra libraries?") endif() if (NOT EXISTS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/zlib/CMakeLists.txt) message(FATAL_ERROR "zlib is missing in folder lib/zlib. Have you initialized and updated the submodules / downloaded the extra libraries?") endif() # Include all the libraries: add_subdirectory(lib/jsoncpp/) add_subdirectory(lib/zlib/) add_subdirectory(lib/lua/) add_subdirectory(lib/tolua++/) add_subdirectory(lib/sqlite/) add_subdirectory(lib/SQLiteCpp/) add_subdirectory(lib/expat/) add_subdirectory(lib/luaexpat/) add_subdirectory(lib/libevent/ EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) # Add proper include directories so that SQLiteCpp can find SQLite3: get_property(SQLITECPP_INCLUDES DIRECTORY "lib/SQLiteCpp/" PROPERTY INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES) set(SQLITECPP_INCLUDES "${SQLITECPP_INCLUDES}" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/sqlite/") set_property(DIRECTORY lib/SQLiteCpp/ PROPERTY INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${SQLITECPP_INCLUDES}") set_property(TARGET SQLiteCpp PROPERTY INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES "${SQLITECPP_INCLUDES}") # Add proper includes for LibEvent's event-config.h header: include_directories(SYSTEM ${LIBEVENT_INCLUDE_DIRS}) # Prettify jsoncpp_lib_static name in VS solution explorer set_property(TARGET jsoncpp_lib_static PROPERTY PROJECT_LABEL "jsoncpp") if (WIN32) add_subdirectory(lib/luaproxy/) endif() # We use EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL so that only the explicit dependencies are used # (PolarSSL also has test and example programs in their CMakeLists.txt, we don't want those) include(lib/polarssl.cmake EXCLUDE_FROM_ALL) set_exe_flags() add_subdirectory (src) if(${SELF_TEST}) message("Tests enabled") enable_testing() add_subdirectory (tests) endif() # Put projects into solution folders in MSVC: if (MSVC) set_target_properties( event_core event_extra expat jsoncpp_lib_static lua luaexpat mbedtls sqlite SQLiteCpp tolualib zlib PROPERTIES FOLDER Lib ) set_target_properties( luaproxy tolua PROPERTIES FOLDER Support ) if(${BUILD_TOOLS}) set_target_properties( MCADefrag ProtoProxy PROPERTIES FOLDER Tools ) endif() endif()