// BiomeVisualiser.cpp

// Implements the cBiomeVisualiser class representing the entire app. Also implements the WinMain() entrypoint

#include "Globals.h"
#include "time.h"
#include "BiomeVisualiser.h"

int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE a_Instance, HINSTANCE a_PrevInstance, LPSTR a_CmdLine, int a_ShowCmd)
	cBiomeVisualiser App;
	return App.Run();

cBiomeVisualiser::cBiomeVisualiser(void) :
	m_Logger(new cMCLogger(Printf("BiomeVisualiser_%08x.log", time(NULL))))

int cBiomeVisualiser::Run(void)
	if (!m_MainWnd.Create(GetDesktopWindow(), TEXT("BiomeVisualiser")))
		LOGERROR("Cannot create main window: %d", GetLastError());
		return 1;
	MSG msg;
	while (GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0))
	}  // while (GetMessage)
	return msg.lParam;