#pragma once #include "ItemHandler.h" #include "../World.h" class cItemNetherWartHandler final: public cItemHandler { using Super = cItemHandler; public: using Super::Super; virtual bool CommitPlacement(cPlayer & a_Player, const cItem & a_HeldItem, const Vector3i a_PlacePosition, const eBlockFace a_ClickedBlockFace, const Vector3i a_CursorPosition) const override { // Only allow planting nether wart onto the top side of the block: if (a_ClickedBlockFace != BLOCK_FACE_TOP) { return true; } return a_Player.PlaceBlock(a_PlacePosition, E_BLOCK_NETHER_WART, 0); } virtual bool IsPlaceable(void) const override { return true; } } ;