#pragma once #include "../Item.h" class cItemEmptyMapHandler final: public cItemHandler { using Super = cItemHandler; static const unsigned int DEFAULT_SCALE = 0; public: using Super::Super; virtual bool OnItemUse( cWorld * a_World, cPlayer * a_Player, cBlockPluginInterface & a_PluginInterface, const cItem & a_HeldItem, const Vector3i a_ClickedBlockPos, eBlockFace a_ClickedBlockFace ) const override { UNUSED(a_HeldItem); UNUSED(a_ClickedBlockFace); // The map center is fixed at the central point of the 8x8 block of chunks you are standing in when you right-click it. const int RegionWidth = cChunkDef::Width * 8; int CenterX = FloorC(a_Player->GetPosX() / RegionWidth) * RegionWidth + (RegionWidth / 2); int CenterZ = FloorC(a_Player->GetPosZ() / RegionWidth) * RegionWidth + (RegionWidth / 2); auto NewMap = a_World->GetMapManager().CreateMap(CenterX, CenterZ, DEFAULT_SCALE); if (NewMap == nullptr) { return true; } // Replace map in the inventory: a_Player->ReplaceOneEquippedItemTossRest(cItem(E_ITEM_MAP, 1, static_cast(NewMap->GetID() & 0x7fff))); return true; } } ;