// ShapeGen.cpp // Implements the function to create a cTerrainShapeGen descendant based on INI file settings #include "Globals.h" #include "HeiGen.h" #include "../IniFile.h" #include "DistortedHeightmap.h" #include "EndGen.h" #include "Noise3DGenerator.h" #include "TwoHeights.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cTerrainHeightToShapeGen: /** Converts old-style height-generators into new-style shape-generators. */ class cTerrainHeightToShapeGen: public cTerrainShapeGen { public: cTerrainHeightToShapeGen(cTerrainHeightGenPtr a_HeightGen): m_HeightGen(a_HeightGen) { } // cTerrainShapeGen overrides: virtual void GenShape(cChunkCoords a_ChunkCoords, cChunkDesc::Shape & a_Shape) override { // Generate the heightmap: cChunkDef::HeightMap heightMap; m_HeightGen->GenHeightMap(a_ChunkCoords, heightMap); // Convert from heightmap to shape: for (int z = 0; z < cChunkDef::Width; z++) { for (int x = 0; x < cChunkDef::Width; x++) { int height = cChunkDef::GetHeight(heightMap, x, z) + 1; Byte * shapeColumn = &(a_Shape[(x + 16 * z) * 256]); for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) { shapeColumn[y] = 1; } for (int y = height; y < cChunkDef::Height; y++) { shapeColumn[y] = 0; } } // for x } // for z } virtual void InitializeShapeGen(cIniFile & a_IniFile) override { m_HeightGen->InitializeHeightGen(a_IniFile); } protected: /** The height generator being converted. */ cTerrainHeightGenPtr m_HeightGen; }; typedef std::shared_ptr cTerrainHeightToShapeGenPtr; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cTerrainShapeGen: cTerrainShapeGenPtr cTerrainShapeGen::CreateShapeGen( cIniFile & a_IniFile, cBiomeGenPtr a_BiomeGen, int a_Seed, bool & a_CacheOffByDefault ) { AString shapeGenName = a_IniFile.GetValue("Generator", "ShapeGen"); if (shapeGenName.empty()) { LOGWARN("[Generator] ShapeGen value not set in world.ini, using \"BiomalNoise3D\"."); shapeGenName = "BiomalNoise3D"; } // If the shapegen is HeightMap, redirect to older HeightMap-based generators: if (NoCaseCompare(shapeGenName, "HeightMap") == 0) { cTerrainHeightGenPtr heightGen = cTerrainHeightGen::CreateHeightGen(a_IniFile, a_BiomeGen, a_Seed, a_CacheOffByDefault); if (heightGen != nullptr) { return std::make_shared(heightGen); } // The height gen was not recognized; several heightgens were promoted to shape gens, so let's try them instead: shapeGenName = a_IniFile.GetValue("Generator", "HeightGen", ""); if (shapeGenName.empty()) { LOGWARNING("[Generator] ShapeGen set to HeightMap, but HeightGen not set. Reverting to \"BiomalNoise3D\"."); shapeGenName = "BiomalNoise3D"; a_IniFile.SetValue("Generator", "ShapeGen", shapeGenName); } } // Choose the shape generator based on the name: a_CacheOffByDefault = false; cTerrainShapeGenPtr res; if (NoCaseCompare(shapeGenName, "DistortedHeightmap") == 0) { res = std::make_shared(a_Seed, a_BiomeGen); } else if (NoCaseCompare(shapeGenName, "End") == 0) { res = std::make_shared(a_Seed); } else if (NoCaseCompare(shapeGenName, "BiomalNoise3D") == 0) { res = std::make_shared(a_Seed, a_BiomeGen); } else if (NoCaseCompare(shapeGenName, "Noise3D") == 0) { res = std::make_shared(a_Seed); } else if (NoCaseCompare(shapeGenName, "TwoHeights") == 0) { res = CreateShapeGenTwoHeights(a_Seed, a_BiomeGen); } else { // No match found, force-set the default and retry LOGWARN("Unknown ShapeGen \"%s\", using \"BiomalNoise3D\" instead.", shapeGenName.c_str()); a_IniFile.SetValue("Generator", "ShapeGen", "BiomalNoise3D"); return CreateShapeGen(a_IniFile, a_BiomeGen, a_Seed, a_CacheOffByDefault); } // Read the settings: res->InitializeShapeGen(a_IniFile); return res; }