return { HOOK_BREWING_COMPLETED = { CalledWhen = "A brewing process is completed.", DefaultFnName = "OnBrewingCompleted", -- also used as pagename Desc = [[ This hook is called whenever a {{cBrewingstandEntity|brewing stand}} has completed the brewing process. See also the {{OnBrewingCompleting|HOOK_BREWING_COMPLETING}} hook for a similar hook, is called when a brewing process is completing. ]], Params = { { Name = "World", Type = "{{cWorld}}", Notes = "World where the brewing stand resides." }, { Name = "Brewingstand", Type = "{{cBrewingstandEntity}}", Notes = "The brewing stand that completed the brewing process." }, }, Returns = [[ If the function returns false or no value, Cuberite calls other plugins with this event. If the function returns true, no other plugin is called for this event.