// RankManager.cpp // Implements the cRankManager class that represents the rank manager responsible for assigning permissions and message visuals to players #include "Globals.h" #include "RankManager.h" #include "inifile/iniFile.h" #include "Protocol/MojangAPI.h" //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cRankManagerIniMigrator: /** Migrates from groups.ini and users.ini into the rankmanager DB */ class cRankManagerIniMigrator { public: cRankManagerIniMigrator(cRankManager & a_RankManager, cMojangAPI & a_MojangAPI) : m_RankManager(a_RankManager), m_MojangAPI(a_MojangAPI) { } /** Performs the complete migration from INI files to DB. */ bool Migrate(void) { cRankManager::cMassChangeLock Lock(m_RankManager); LOGD("Reading groups..."); if (!ReadGroups()) { return false; } LOGD("Cleaning groups inheritance..."); CleanGroupInheritance(); LOGD("Creating groups..."); CreateGroups(); LOGD("Reading users..."); if (!ReadUsers()) { return false; } LOGD("Cleaning user groups..."); CleanUserGroups(); LOGD("Resolving user UUIDs..."); ResolveUserUUIDs(); LOGD("Setting ranks..."); SetRanks(); return true; } protected: /** Container for a group read from an INI file. */ struct sGroup { AString m_Name; AString m_Color; AStringVector m_Inherits; AStringVector m_Permissions; sGroup(void) {} sGroup(const AString & a_Name, const AString & a_Color, const AStringVector & a_Inherits, const AStringVector & a_Permissions): m_Name(a_Name), m_Color(a_Color), m_Inherits(a_Inherits), m_Permissions(a_Permissions) { } }; typedef std::map sGroupMap; /** Container for a single user read from an INI file. */ struct sUser { AString m_Name; AStringVector m_Groups; /** Assigned by ResolveUserUUIDs() */ AString m_UUID; sUser(void) {} sUser(const AString & a_Name, const AStringVector & a_Groups): m_Name(a_Name), m_Groups(a_Groups) { } }; typedef std::map sUserMap; typedef std::map cStringMap; /** The parent Rank manager where we will create the groups, ranks and players */ cRankManager & m_RankManager; /** The player name to UUID resolver */ cMojangAPI & m_MojangAPI; /** List of all groups read from the ini file */ sGroupMap m_Groups; /** List of all players read from the ini file. */ sUserMap m_Users; /** Maps lists of groups to rank names. Each group list is either a simple "" if there's only one group, or ",,...", where the secondary groups are lowercased and alpha-sorted. This makes the group lists comparable for equivalence, simply by comparing their string names. The ranks are named "" for single-group players, and "AutoMigratedRank_N" for the composite ranks, where N is a unique number. */ cStringMap m_GroupsToRanks; /** Reads the groups from the "groups.ini" file into m_Groups */ bool ReadGroups(void) { // Read the file: cIniFile Groups; if (!Groups.ReadFile("groups.ini")) { return false; } // Read all the groups into a map: int NumGroups = Groups.GetNumKeys(); for (int i = 0; i < NumGroups; i++) { AString GroupName = Groups.GetKeyName(i); AString lcGroupName = StrToLower(GroupName); if (m_Groups.find(lcGroupName) != m_Groups.end()) { LOGINFO("groups.ini contains a duplicate definition of group %s, ignoring the latter.", GroupName.c_str()); continue; } m_Groups[lcGroupName] = sGroup( GroupName, Groups.GetValue(GroupName, "Color", ""), StringSplitAndTrim(Groups.GetValue(GroupName, "Inherits"), ","), StringSplitAndTrim(Groups.GetValue(GroupName, "Permissions"), ",") ); } // for i - Groups' keys return true; } /** Removes non-existent groups from all the groups' inheritance */ void CleanGroupInheritance(void) { for (sGroupMap::iterator itrG = m_Groups.begin(), endG = m_Groups.end(); itrG != endG; ++itrG) { AStringVector & Inherits = itrG->second.m_Inherits; for (AStringVector::iterator itrI = Inherits.begin(); itrI != Inherits.end();) { AString lcInherits = StrToLower(*itrI); if (m_Groups.find(lcInherits) != m_Groups.end()) { // Inherited group exists, continue checking the next one ++itrI; continue; } // Inherited group doesn't exist, remove it from the list: LOGWARNING("RankMigrator: Group \"%s\" inherits from a non-existent group \"%s\", this inheritance will be ignored.", itrG->second.m_Name.c_str(), itrI->c_str() ); AStringVector::iterator itrI2 = itrI; ++itrI2; Inherits.erase(itrI); itrI = itrI2; } // for itrI - Inherits[] } // for itrG - m_Groups[] } /** Reads the users from the "users.ini" file into m_Users */ bool ReadUsers(void) { // Read the file: cIniFile Users; if (!Users.ReadFile("users.ini")) { return false; } // Read all the users into a map: int NumUsers = Users.GetNumKeys(); for (int i = 0; i < NumUsers; i++) { AString UserName = Users.GetKeyName(i); AString lcUserName = StrToLower(UserName); if (m_Users.find(lcUserName) != m_Users.end()) { LOGINFO("users.ini contains a duplicate definition of user %s, ignoring the latter.", UserName.c_str()); continue; } m_Users[lcUserName] = sUser( UserName, StringSplitAndTrim(Users.GetValue(UserName, "Groups", ""), ",") ); } // for i - Users' keys return true; } /** Removes non-existent groups from each user's definition. */ void CleanUserGroups(void) { for (sUserMap::iterator itrU = m_Users.begin(), endU = m_Users.end(); itrU != endU; ++itrU) { AStringVector & Groups = itrU->second.m_Groups; for (AStringVector::iterator itrG = Groups.begin(); itrG != Groups.end();) { AString lcGroup = StrToLower(*itrG); if (m_Groups.find(lcGroup) != m_Groups.end()) { // Assigned group exists, continue checking the next one ++itrG; continue; } // Assigned group doesn't exist, remove it from the list: LOGWARNING("RankMigrator: User \"%s\" is assigned a non-existent group \"%s\", this assignment will be ignored.", itrU->second.m_Name.c_str(), itrG->c_str() ); AStringVector::iterator itrG2 = itrG; ++itrG2; Groups.erase(itrG); itrG = itrG2; } // for itrG - Groups[] } // for itrU - m_Users[] } /** Creates groups based on m_Groups. Ignores group inheritance. */ void CreateGroups(void) { // Create each group, with its permissions: for (sGroupMap::const_iterator itr = m_Groups.begin(), end = m_Groups.end(); itr != end; ++itr) { m_RankManager.AddGroup(itr->second.m_Name); m_RankManager.AddPermissionsToGroup(itr->second.m_Permissions, itr->second.m_Name); } // for itr - m_Groups[] } /** Resolves the UUID of each user in m_Users. If a user doesn't resolve, they are removed and logged in the console. */ void ResolveUserUUIDs(void) { // Resolve all PlayerNames at once (the API doesn't like single-name queries): AStringVector PlayerNames; for (sUserMap::const_iterator itr = m_Users.begin(), end = m_Users.end(); itr != end; ++itr) { PlayerNames.push_back(itr->second.m_Name); } m_MojangAPI.GetUUIDsFromPlayerNames(PlayerNames); // Assign the UUIDs back to players, remove those not resolved: for (sUserMap::iterator itr = m_Users.begin(); itr != m_Users.end(); ) { AString UUID = m_MojangAPI.GetUUIDFromPlayerName(itr->second.m_Name); if (UUID.empty()) { LOGWARNING("RankMigrator: Cannot resolve player %s to UUID, player will be left unranked", itr->second.m_Name.c_str()); sUserMap::iterator itr2 = itr; ++itr2; m_Users.erase(itr); itr = itr2; } else { itr->second.m_UUID = UUID; ++itr; } } } /** Adds the specified groups to the specified ranks. Recurses on the groups' inheritance. */ void AddGroupsToRank(const AStringVector & a_Groups, const AString & a_RankName) { for (AStringVector::const_iterator itr = a_Groups.begin(), end = a_Groups.end(); itr != end; ++itr) { // Normalize the group name: sGroup & Group = m_Groups[StrToLower(*itr)]; // Avoid loops, check if the group is already added: if (m_RankManager.IsGroupInRank(Group.m_Name, a_RankName)) { continue; } // Add the group, and all the groups it inherits from recursively: m_RankManager.AddGroupToRank(Group.m_Name, a_RankName); AddGroupsToRank(Group.m_Inherits, a_RankName); } // for itr - a_Groups[] } /** Creates a rank for each player, based on the master groups they are assigned. */ void SetRanks(void) { for (sUserMap::const_iterator itr = m_Users.begin(), end = m_Users.end(); itr != end; ++itr) { // Ignore users with no groups: const AStringVector & Groups = itr->second.m_Groups; if (Groups.empty()) { LOGWARNING("RankMigrator: Player %s has no groups assigned to them, skipping the player.", itr->second.m_Name.c_str()); continue; } // Compose the rank name out of group names: AString RankName; for (AStringVector::const_iterator itrG = Groups.begin(), endG = Groups.end(); itrG != endG; ++itrG) { AString GroupName = m_Groups[StrToLower(*itrG)].m_Name; // Normalize group name if (!RankName.empty()) { RankName.push_back(','); } RankName.append(GroupName); } // for itrG - Groups[] // Create the rank, with al its groups: if (!m_RankManager.RankExists(RankName)) { m_RankManager.AddRank(RankName, "", "", m_Groups[StrToLower(Groups[0])].m_Color); AddGroupsToRank(Groups, RankName); } // Set the rank to the user: m_RankManager.SetPlayerRank(itr->second.m_UUID, itr->second.m_Name, RankName); } // for itr - m_Users[] } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cRankManager: cRankManager::cRankManager(void) : m_DB("Ranks.sqlite", SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE), m_IsInitialized(false) { } void cRankManager::Initialize(cMojangAPI & a_MojangAPI) { ASSERT(!m_IsInitialized); // Calling Initialize for the second time? // Create the DB tables, if they don't exist: m_DB.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS Rank (RankID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Name, MsgPrefix, MsgSuffix, MsgNameColorCode)"); m_DB.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS PlayerRank (PlayerUUID, PlayerName, RankID INTEGER)"); m_DB.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS PermGroup (PermGroupID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Name)"); m_DB.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS RankPermGroup (RankID INTEGER, PermGroupID INTEGER)"); m_DB.exec("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS PermissionItem (PermGroupID INTEGER, Permission)"); m_IsInitialized = true; // Check if tables empty, migrate from ini files then if (AreDBTablesEmpty()) { LOGINFO("There are no ranks, migrating old-style INI files to new DB ranks..."); LOGINFO("(This might take a while)"); cRankManagerIniMigrator Migrator(*this, a_MojangAPI); if (Migrator.Migrate()) { LOGINFO("Ranks migrated."); return; } } // Migration failed. // TODO: Check if tables empty, add some defaults then } AString cRankManager::GetPlayerRankName(const AString & a_PlayerUUID) { ASSERT(m_IsInitialized); cCSLock Lock(m_CS); try { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT Rank.Name FROM Rank LEFT JOIN PlayerRank ON Rank.RankID = PlayerRank.RankID WHERE PlayerRank.PlayerUUID = ?"); stmt.bind(1, a_PlayerUUID); stmt.executeStep(); if (stmt.isDone()) { // No data returned from the DB return AString(); } return stmt.getColumn(0).getText(); } catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex) { LOGWARNING("%s: Cannot get player rank name: %s", __FUNCTION__, ex.what()); } return AString(); } AStringVector cRankManager::GetPlayerGroups(const AString & a_PlayerUUID) { ASSERT(m_IsInitialized); cCSLock Lock(m_CS); AStringVector res; try { // Prepare the DB statement: SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT PermGroup.Name FROM PermGroup " "LEFT JOIN RankPermGroup " "ON PermGroup.PermGroupID = RankPermGroup.PermGroupID " "LEFT JOIN PlayerRank " "ON PlayerRank.RankID = RankPermGroup.RankID " "WHERE PlayerRank.PlayerUUID = ?" ); stmt.bind(1, a_PlayerUUID); // Execute and get results: while (stmt.executeStep()) { res.push_back(stmt.getColumn(0).getText()); } } catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex) { LOGWARNING("%s: Cannot get player groups: %s", __FUNCTION__, ex.what()); } return res; } AStringVector cRankManager::GetPlayerPermissions(const AString & a_PlayerUUID) { ASSERT(m_IsInitialized); cCSLock Lock(m_CS); AStringVector res; try { // Prepare the DB statement: SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT DISTINCT(PermissionItem.Permission) FROM PermissionItem " "LEFT JOIN RankPermGroup " "ON PermissionItem.PermGroupID = RankPermGroup.PermGroupID " "LEFT JOIN PlayerRank " "ON PlayerRank.RankID = RankPermGroup.RankID " "WHERE PlayerRank.PlayerUUID = ?" ); stmt.bind(1, a_PlayerUUID); // Execute and get results: while (stmt.executeStep()) { res.push_back(stmt.getColumn(0).getText()); } } catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex) { LOGWARNING("%s: Cannot get player permissions: %s", __FUNCTION__, ex.what()); } return res; } AStringVector cRankManager::GetRankGroups(const AString & a_RankName) { ASSERT(m_IsInitialized); cCSLock Lock(m_CS); AStringVector res; try { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT PermGroup.Name FROM PermGroup " "LEFT JOIN RankPermGroup ON RankPermGroup.PermGroupID = PermGroup.PermGroupID " "LEFT JOIN Rank ON Rank.RankID = RankPermGroup.RankID " "WHERE Rank.Name = ?" ); stmt.bind(1, a_RankName); while (stmt.executeStep()) { res.push_back(stmt.getColumn(0).getText()); } } catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to get rank groups from DB: %s", __FUNCTION__, ex.what()); } return res; } AStringVector cRankManager::GetGroupPermissions(const AString & a_GroupName) { ASSERT(m_IsInitialized); cCSLock Lock(m_CS); AStringVector res; try { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT PermissionItem.Permission FROM PermissionItem " "LEFT JOIN PermGroup ON PermGroup.PermGroupID = PermissionItem.PermGroupID " "WHERE PermGroup.Name = ?" ); stmt.bind(1, a_GroupName); while (stmt.executeStep()) { res.push_back(stmt.getColumn(0).getText()); } } catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to get group permissions from DB: %s", __FUNCTION__, ex.what()); } return res; } AStringVector cRankManager::GetRankPermissions(const AString & a_RankName) { ASSERT(m_IsInitialized); cCSLock Lock(m_CS); AStringVector res; try { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT PermissionItem.Permission FROM PermissionItem " "LEFT JOIN RankPermGroup ON RankPermGroup.PermGroupID = PermissionItem.PermGroupID " "LEFT JOIN Rank ON Rank.RankID = RankPermGroup.RankID " "WHERE Rank.Name = ?" ); stmt.bind(1, a_RankName); while (stmt.executeStep()) { res.push_back(stmt.getColumn(0).getText()); } } catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to get rank permissions from DB: %s", __FUNCTION__, ex.what()); } return res; } AStringVector cRankManager::GetAllRanks(void) { ASSERT(m_IsInitialized); cCSLock Lock(m_CS); AStringVector res; try { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT Name FROM Rank"); while (stmt.executeStep()) { res.push_back(stmt.getColumn(0).getText()); } } catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to get ranks from DB: %s", __FUNCTION__, ex.what()); } return res; } AStringVector cRankManager::GetAllGroups(void) { ASSERT(m_IsInitialized); cCSLock Lock(m_CS); AStringVector res; try { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT Name FROM PermGroup"); while (stmt.executeStep()) { res.push_back(stmt.getColumn(0).getText()); } } catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to get groups from DB: %s", __FUNCTION__, ex.what()); } return res; } AStringVector cRankManager::GetAllPermissions(void) { ASSERT(m_IsInitialized); cCSLock Lock(m_CS); AStringVector res; try { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT DISTINCT(Permission) FROM PermissionItem"); while (stmt.executeStep()) { res.push_back(stmt.getColumn(0).getText()); } } catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to get permissions from DB: %s", __FUNCTION__, ex.what()); } return res; } bool cRankManager::GetPlayerMsgVisuals( const AString & a_PlayerUUID, AString & a_MsgPrefix, AString & a_MsgSuffix, AString & a_MsgNameColorCode ) { ASSERT(m_IsInitialized); cCSLock Lock(m_CS); AStringVector res; try { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT Rank.MsgPrefix, Rank.MsgSuffix, Rank.MsgNameColorCode FROM Rank " "LEFT JOIN PlayerRank ON Rank.RankID = PlayerRank.RankID " "WHERE PlayerRank.PlayerUUID = ?" ); stmt.bind(1, a_PlayerUUID); if (!stmt.executeStep()) { LOGD("%s: Player UUID %s not found in the DB, returning empty values.", __FUNCTION__, a_PlayerUUID.c_str()); a_MsgPrefix.clear(); a_MsgSuffix.clear(); a_MsgNameColorCode.clear(); return false; } a_MsgPrefix = stmt.getColumn(0).getText(); a_MsgSuffix = stmt.getColumn(1).getText(); a_MsgNameColorCode = stmt.getColumn(2).getText(); return true; } catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to get ranks from DB: %s. Returning empty values.", __FUNCTION__, ex.what()); } a_MsgPrefix.clear(); a_MsgSuffix.clear(); a_MsgNameColorCode.clear(); return false; } void cRankManager::AddRank( const AString & a_RankName, const AString & a_MsgPrefix, const AString & a_MsgSuffix, const AString & a_MsgNameColorCode ) { ASSERT(m_IsInitialized); cCSLock Lock(m_CS); try { // Check if such a rank name is already used: { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Rank WHERE Name = ?"); stmt.bind(1, a_RankName); if (stmt.executeStep()) { if (stmt.getColumn(0).getInt() > 0) { // Rank already exists, do nothing: return; } } } // Insert a new rank: SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "INSERT INTO Rank (Name, MsgPrefix, MsgSuffix, MsgNameColorCode) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)"); stmt.bind(1, a_RankName); stmt.bind(2, a_MsgPrefix); stmt.bind(3, a_MsgSuffix); stmt.bind(4, a_MsgNameColorCode); if (stmt.exec() <= 0) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to add a new rank \"%s\".", __FUNCTION__, a_RankName.c_str()); return; } } catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to add a new rank \"%s\": %s", __FUNCTION__, a_RankName.c_str(), ex.what()); } } void cRankManager::AddGroup(const AString & a_GroupName) { ASSERT(m_IsInitialized); cCSLock Lock(m_CS); try { // Check if such a group name is already used: { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PermGroup WHERE Name = ?"); stmt.bind(1, a_GroupName); if (stmt.executeStep()) { if (stmt.getColumn(0).getInt() > 0) { // Group already exists, do nothing: return; } } } // Insert a new group: SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "INSERT INTO PermGroup (Name) VALUES (?)"); stmt.bind(1, a_GroupName); if (stmt.exec() <= 0) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to add a new group \"%s\".", __FUNCTION__, a_GroupName.c_str()); return; } } catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to add a new group \"%s\": %s", __FUNCTION__, a_GroupName.c_str(), ex.what()); } } void cRankManager::AddGroups(const AStringVector & a_GroupNames) { ASSERT(m_IsInitialized); cCSLock Lock(m_CS); try { for (AStringVector::const_iterator itr = a_GroupNames.begin(), end = a_GroupNames.end(); itr != end; ++itr) { // Check if such the group name is already used: { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PermGroup WHERE Name = ?"); stmt.bind(1, *itr); if (stmt.executeStep()) { if (stmt.getColumn(0).getInt() > 0) { // Group already exists, do nothing: return; } } } // Insert a new group: SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "INSERT INTO PermGroup (Name) VALUES (?)"); stmt.bind(1, *itr); if (stmt.exec() <= 0) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to add a new group \"%s\".", __FUNCTION__, itr->c_str()); return; } } // for itr - a_GroupNames[] } catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to add new groups: %s", __FUNCTION__, ex.what()); } } bool cRankManager::AddGroupToRank(const AString & a_GroupName, const AString & a_RankName) { ASSERT(m_IsInitialized); cCSLock Lock(m_CS); try { // Get the group's ID: int GroupID; { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT PermGroupID FROM PermGroup WHERE Name = ?"); stmt.bind(1, a_GroupName); if (!stmt.executeStep()) { LOGWARNING("%s: No such group (%s), aborting.", __FUNCTION__, a_GroupName.c_str()); return false; } GroupID = stmt.getColumn(0); } // Get the rank's ID: int RankID; { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT RankID FROM Rank WHERE Name = ?"); stmt.bind(1, a_RankName); if (!stmt.executeStep()) { LOGWARNING("%s: No such rank (%s), aborting.", __FUNCTION__, a_RankName.c_str()); return false; } RankID = stmt.getColumn(0); } // Check if the group is already there: { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM RankPermGroup WHERE RankID = ? AND PermGroupID = ?"); stmt.bind(1, RankID); stmt.bind(2, GroupID); if (!stmt.executeStep()) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to check binding between rank %s and group %s, aborting.", __FUNCTION__, a_RankName.c_str(), a_GroupName.c_str()); return false; } if (stmt.getColumn(0).getInt() > 0) { LOGD("%s: Group %s already present in rank %s, skipping and returning success.", __FUNCTION__, a_GroupName.c_str(), a_RankName.c_str() ); return true; } } // Add the group: { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "INSERT INTO RankPermGroup (RankID, PermGroupID) VALUES (?, ?)"); stmt.bind(1, RankID); stmt.bind(2, GroupID); if (stmt.exec() <= 0) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to add group %s to rank %s, aborting.", __FUNCTION__, a_GroupName.c_str(), a_RankName.c_str()); return false; } } // Adding succeeded: return true; } catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to add group %s to rank %s: %s", __FUNCTION__, a_GroupName.c_str(), a_RankName.c_str(), ex.what()); } return false; } bool cRankManager::AddPermissionToGroup(const AString & a_Permission, const AString & a_GroupName) { ASSERT(m_IsInitialized); cCSLock Lock(m_CS); try { // Get the group's ID: int GroupID; { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT PermGroupID FROM PermGroup WHERE Name = ?"); stmt.bind(1, a_GroupName); if (!stmt.executeStep()) { LOGWARNING("%s: No such group (%s), aborting.", __FUNCTION__, a_GroupName.c_str()); return false; } GroupID = stmt.getColumn(0).getInt(); } // Check if the permission is already present: { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PermissionItem WHERE PermGroupID = ? AND Permission = ?"); stmt.bind(1, GroupID); stmt.bind(2, a_Permission); if (!stmt.executeStep()) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to check binding between permission %s and group %s, aborting.", __FUNCTION__, a_Permission.c_str(), a_GroupName.c_str()); return false; } if (stmt.getColumn(0).getInt() > 0) { LOGD("%s: Permission %s is already present in group %s, skipping and returning success.", __FUNCTION__, a_Permission.c_str(), a_GroupName.c_str() ); return true; } } // Add the permission: { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "INSERT INTO PermissionItem (Permission, PermGroupID) VALUES (?, ?)"); stmt.bind(1, a_Permission); stmt.bind(2, GroupID); if (stmt.exec() <= 0) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to add permission %s to group %s, aborting.", __FUNCTION__, a_Permission.c_str(), a_GroupName.c_str()); return false; } } // Adding succeeded: return true; } catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to add permission %s to group %s: %s", __FUNCTION__, a_Permission.c_str(), a_GroupName.c_str(), ex.what() ); } return false; } bool cRankManager::AddPermissionsToGroup(const AStringVector & a_Permissions, const AString & a_GroupName) { ASSERT(m_IsInitialized); cCSLock Lock(m_CS); try { // Get the group's ID: int GroupID; { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT PermGroupID FROM PermGroup WHERE Name = ?"); stmt.bind(1, a_GroupName); if (!stmt.executeStep()) { LOGWARNING("%s: No such group (%s), aborting.", __FUNCTION__, a_GroupName.c_str()); return false; } GroupID = stmt.getColumn(0).getInt(); } for (AStringVector::const_iterator itr = a_Permissions.begin(), end = a_Permissions.end(); itr != end; ++itr) { // Check if the permission is already present: { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM PermissionItem WHERE PermGroupID = ? AND Permission = ?"); stmt.bind(1, GroupID); stmt.bind(2, *itr); if (!stmt.executeStep()) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to check binding between permission %s and group %s, aborting.", __FUNCTION__, itr->c_str(), a_GroupName.c_str()); return false; } if (stmt.getColumn(0).getInt() > 0) { LOGD("%s: Permission %s is already present in group %s, skipping and returning success.", __FUNCTION__, itr->c_str(), a_GroupName.c_str() ); continue; } } // Add the permission: { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "INSERT INTO PermissionItem (Permission, PermGroupID) VALUES (?, ?)"); stmt.bind(1, *itr); stmt.bind(2, GroupID); if (stmt.exec() <= 0) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to add permission %s to group %s, skipping.", __FUNCTION__, itr->c_str(), a_GroupName.c_str()); continue; } } } // for itr - a_Permissions[] // Adding succeeded: return true; } catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to add permissions to group %s: %s", __FUNCTION__, a_GroupName.c_str(), ex.what() ); } return false; } void cRankManager::RemoveRank(const AString & a_RankName, const AString & a_ReplacementRankName) { ASSERT(m_IsInitialized); cCSLock Lock(m_CS); AStringVector res; try { // Get the RankID for the rank being removed: int RemoveRankID; { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT RankID FROM Rank WHERE Name = ?"); stmt.bind(1, a_RankName); if (!stmt.executeStep()) { LOGINFO("%s: Rank %s was not found. Skipping.", __FUNCTION__, a_RankName.c_str()); return; } RemoveRankID = stmt.getColumn(0).getInt(); } // Get the RankID for the replacement rank: int ReplacementRankID = -1; { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT RankID FROM Rank WHERE Name = ?"); stmt.bind(1, a_ReplacementRankName); if (stmt.executeStep()) { ReplacementRankID = stmt.getColumn(0).getInt(); } } // Remove the rank's bindings to groups: { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "DELETE FROM RankPermGroup WHERE RankID = ?"); stmt.bind(1, RemoveRankID); stmt.exec(); } // Adjust players: if (ReplacementRankID == -1) { // No replacement, just delete all the players that have the rank: SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "DELETE FROM PlayerRank WHERE RankID = ?"); stmt.bind(1, RemoveRankID); stmt.exec(); } else { // Replacement available, change all the player records: SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "UPDATE PlayerRank SET RankID = ? WHERE RankID = ?"); stmt.bind(1, ReplacementRankID); stmt.bind(2, RemoveRankID); stmt.exec(); } // Remove the rank from the DB: { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "DELETE FROM Rank WHERE RankID = ?"); stmt.bind(1, RemoveRankID); stmt.exec(); } } catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to remove rank from DB: %s", __FUNCTION__, ex.what()); } } void cRankManager::RemoveGroup(const AString & a_GroupName) { ASSERT(m_IsInitialized); cCSLock Lock(m_CS); try { // Get the ID of the group: int GroupID; { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT PermGroupID FROM PermGroup WHERE Name = ?"); stmt.bind(1, a_GroupName); if (!stmt.executeStep()) { LOGINFO("%s: Group %s was not found, skipping.", __FUNCTION__, a_GroupName.c_str()); return; } GroupID = stmt.getColumn(0).getInt(); } // Remove all permissions from the group: { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "DELETE FROM PermissionItem WHERE PermGroupID = ?"); stmt.bind(1, GroupID); stmt.exec(); } // Remove the group from all ranks that contain it: { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "DELETE FROM RankPermGroup WHERE PermGroupID = ?"); stmt.bind(1, GroupID); stmt.exec(); } // Remove the group itself: { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "DELETE FROM PermGroup WHERE PermGroupID = ?"); stmt.bind(1, GroupID); stmt.exec(); } } catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to remove group %s from DB: %s", __FUNCTION__, a_GroupName.c_str(), ex.what()); } } void cRankManager::RemoveGroupFromRank(const AString & a_GroupName, const AString & a_RankName) { ASSERT(m_IsInitialized); cCSLock Lock(m_CS); try { // Get the IDs of the group and the rank: int GroupID, RankID; { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT PermGroup.PermGroupID, Rank.RankID FROM PermGroup " "LEFT JOIN RankPermGroup ON RankPermGroup.PermGroupID = PermGroup.PermGroupID " "LEFT JOIN Rank ON Rank.RankID = RankPermGroup.RankID " "WHERE PermGroup.Name = ? AND Rank.Name = ?" ); stmt.bind(1, a_GroupName); stmt.bind(2, a_RankName); if (!stmt.executeStep()) { LOGINFO("%s: Group %s was not found in rank %s, skipping.", __FUNCTION__, a_GroupName.c_str(), a_RankName.c_str()); return; } GroupID = stmt.getColumn(0).getInt(); RankID = stmt.getColumn(1).getInt(); } // Remove the group from all ranks that contain it: { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "DELETE FROM RankPermGroup WHERE PermGroupID = ?"); stmt.bind(1, GroupID); stmt.exec(); } // Remove the group-to-rank binding: { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "DELETE FROM RankPermGroup WHERE PermGroupID = ? AND RankID = ?"); stmt.bind(1, GroupID); stmt.bind(1, RankID); stmt.exec(); } } catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to remove group %s from rank %s in the DB: %s", __FUNCTION__, a_GroupName.c_str(), a_RankName.c_str(), ex.what()); } } void cRankManager::RemovePermissionFromGroup(const AString & a_Permission, const AString & a_GroupName) { ASSERT(m_IsInitialized); cCSLock Lock(m_CS); try { // Get the ID of the group: int GroupID; { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT PermGroupID FROM PermGroup WHERE Name = ?"); stmt.bind(1, a_GroupName); if (!stmt.executeStep()) { LOGINFO("%s: Group %s was not found, skipping.", __FUNCTION__, a_GroupName.c_str()); return; } GroupID = stmt.getColumn(0).getInt(); } // Remove the permission from the group: { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "DELETE FROM PermissionItem WHERE PermGroupID = ? AND Permission = ?"); stmt.bind(1, GroupID); stmt.bind(2, a_Permission); stmt.exec(); } } catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to remove permission %s from group %s in DB: %s", __FUNCTION__, a_Permission.c_str(), a_GroupName.c_str(), ex.what() ); } } bool cRankManager::RenameRank(const AString & a_OldName, const AString & a_NewName) { ASSERT(m_IsInitialized); cCSLock Lock(m_CS); try { // Check that NewName doesn't exist: { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT RankID FROM Rank WHERE Name = ?"); stmt.bind(1, a_NewName); if (stmt.executeStep()) { LOGD("%s: Rank %s is already present, cannot rename %s", __FUNCTION__, a_NewName.c_str(), a_OldName.c_str()); return false; } } // Rename: bool res; { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "UPDATE Rank SET Name = ? WHERE Name = ?"); stmt.bind(1, a_NewName); stmt.bind(2, a_OldName); res = (stmt.exec() > 0); } return res; } catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to rename rank %s to %s in DB: %s", __FUNCTION__, a_OldName.c_str(), a_NewName.c_str(), ex.what()); } return false; } bool cRankManager::RenameGroup(const AString & a_OldName, const AString & a_NewName) { ASSERT(m_IsInitialized); cCSLock Lock(m_CS); try { // Check that NewName doesn't exist: { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT PermGroupID FROM PermGroup WHERE Name = ?"); stmt.bind(1, a_NewName); if (stmt.executeStep()) { LOGD("%s: Group %s is already present, cannot rename %s", __FUNCTION__, a_NewName.c_str(), a_OldName.c_str()); return false; } } // Rename: bool res; { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "UPDATE PermGroup SET Name = ? WHERE Name = ?"); stmt.bind(1, a_NewName); stmt.bind(2, a_OldName); res = (stmt.exec() > 0); } return res; } catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to rename group %s to %s in DB: %s", __FUNCTION__, a_OldName.c_str(), a_NewName.c_str(), ex.what()); } return false; } void cRankManager::SetPlayerRank(const AString & a_PlayerUUID, const AString & a_PlayerName, const AString & a_RankName) { ASSERT(m_IsInitialized); cCSLock Lock(m_CS); try { // Get the rank ID: int RankID; { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT RankID FROM Rank WHERE Name = ?"); stmt.bind(1, a_RankName); if (!stmt.executeStep()) { LOGWARNING("%s: There is no rank %s, aborting.", __FUNCTION__, a_RankName.c_str()); return; } RankID = stmt.getColumn(0).getInt(); } // Update the player's rank, if already in DB: { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "UPDATE PlayerRank SET RankID = ?, PlayerName = ? WHERE PlayerUUID = ?"); stmt.bind(1, RankID); stmt.bind(2, a_PlayerName); stmt.bind(3, a_PlayerUUID); if (stmt.exec() > 0) { // Successfully updated the player's rank return; } } // The player is not yet in the DB, add them: SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "INSERT INTO PlayerRank (RankID, PlayerUUID, PlayerName) VALUES (?, ?, ?)"); stmt.bind(1, RankID); stmt.bind(2, a_PlayerUUID); stmt.bind(3, a_PlayerName); if (stmt.exec() > 0) { // Successfully added the player return; } LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to set player UUID %s to rank %s.", __FUNCTION__, a_PlayerUUID.c_str(), a_RankName.c_str() ); } catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to set player UUID %s to rank %s: %s", __FUNCTION__, a_PlayerUUID.c_str(), a_RankName.c_str(), ex.what() ); } } void cRankManager::RemovePlayerRank(const AString & a_PlayerUUID) { ASSERT(m_IsInitialized); cCSLock Lock(m_CS); try { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "DELETE FROM PlayerRank WHERE PlayerUUID = ?"); stmt.bind(1, a_PlayerUUID); stmt.exec(); } catch(const SQLite::Exception & ex) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to remove rank from player UUID %s: %s", __FUNCTION__, a_PlayerUUID.c_str(), ex.what() ); } } void cRankManager::SetRankVisuals( const AString & a_RankName, const AString & a_MsgPrefix, const AString & a_MsgSuffix, const AString & a_MsgNameColorCode ) { ASSERT(m_IsInitialized); cCSLock Lock(m_CS); try { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "UPDATE Rank SET MsgPrefix = ?, MsgSuffix = ?, MsgNameColorCode = ? WHERE Name = ?"); stmt.bind(1, a_MsgPrefix); stmt.bind(2, a_MsgSuffix); stmt.bind(3, a_MsgNameColorCode); stmt.bind(4, a_RankName); if (!stmt.executeStep()) { LOGINFO("%s: Rank %s not found, visuals not set.", __FUNCTION__, a_RankName.c_str()); } } catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to get ranks from DB: %s", __FUNCTION__, ex.what()); } } bool cRankManager::GetRankVisuals( const AString & a_RankName, AString & a_MsgPrefix, AString & a_MsgSuffix, AString & a_MsgNameColorCode ) { ASSERT(m_IsInitialized); cCSLock Lock(m_CS); try { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT MsgPrefix, MsgSuffix, MsgNameColorCode FROM Rank WHERE Name = ?"); stmt.bind(1, a_RankName); if (!stmt.executeStep()) { // Rank not found return false; } a_MsgPrefix = stmt.getColumn(0).getText(); a_MsgSuffix = stmt.getColumn(1).getText(); a_MsgNameColorCode = stmt.getColumn(2).getText(); return true; } catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to get ranks from DB: %s", __FUNCTION__, ex.what()); } return false; } bool cRankManager::RankExists(const AString & a_RankName) { ASSERT(m_IsInitialized); cCSLock Lock(m_CS); try { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT * FROM Rank WHERE Name = ?"); stmt.bind(1, a_RankName); if (stmt.executeStep()) { // The rank was found return true; } } catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to query DB for rank %s: %s", __FUNCTION__, a_RankName.c_str(), ex.what()); } return false; } bool cRankManager::GroupExists(const AString & a_GroupName) { ASSERT(m_IsInitialized); cCSLock Lock(m_CS); try { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT * FROM PermGroup WHERE Name = ?"); stmt.bind(1, a_GroupName); if (stmt.executeStep()) { // The group was found return true; } } catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to query DB for group %s: %s", __FUNCTION__, a_GroupName.c_str(), ex.what()); } return false; } bool cRankManager::IsPlayerRankSet(const AString & a_PlayerUUID) { ASSERT(m_IsInitialized); cCSLock Lock(m_CS); try { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT * FROM PlayerRank WHERE PlayerUUID = ?"); stmt.bind(1, a_PlayerUUID); if (stmt.executeStep()) { // The player UUID was found, they have a rank return true; } } catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to query DB for player UUID %s: %s", __FUNCTION__, a_PlayerUUID.c_str(), ex.what()); } return false; } bool cRankManager::IsGroupInRank(const AString & a_GroupName, const AString & a_RankName) { ASSERT(m_IsInitialized); cCSLock Lock(m_CS); try { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT * FROM Rank " "LEFT JOIN RankPermGroup ON Rank.RankID = RankPermGroup.RankID " "LEFT JOIN PermGroup ON PermGroup.PermGroupID = RankPermGroup.PermGroupID " "WHERE Rank.Name = ? AND PermGroup.Name = ?" ); stmt.bind(1, a_RankName); stmt.bind(2, a_GroupName); if (stmt.executeStep()) { // The group is in the rank return true; } } catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to query DB: %s", __FUNCTION__, ex.what()); } return false; } bool cRankManager::IsPermissionInGroup(const AString & a_Permission, const AString & a_GroupName) { ASSERT(m_IsInitialized); cCSLock Lock(m_CS); try { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT * FROM PermissionItem " "LEFT JOIN PermGroup ON PermGroup.PermGroupID = PermissionItem.PermGroupID " "WHERE PermissionItem.Permission = ? AND PermGroup.Name = ?" ); stmt.bind(1, a_Permission); stmt.bind(2, a_GroupName); if (stmt.executeStep()) { // The permission is in the group return true; } } catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to query DB: %s", __FUNCTION__, ex.what()); } return false; } bool cRankManager::AreDBTablesEmpty(void) { return ( IsDBTableEmpty("Rank") && IsDBTableEmpty("PlayerRank") && IsDBTableEmpty("PermGroup") && IsDBTableEmpty("RankPermGroup") && IsDBTableEmpty("PermissionItem") ); } bool cRankManager::IsDBTableEmpty(const AString & a_TableName) { try { SQLite::Statement stmt(m_DB, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + a_TableName); return (stmt.executeStep() && (stmt.getColumn(0).getInt() == 0)); } catch (const SQLite::Exception & ex) { LOGWARNING("%s: Failed to query DB: %s", __FUNCTION__, ex.what()); } return false; }