// MCADefrag.cpp // Implements the main app entrypoint and the cMCADefrag class representing the entire app #include "Globals.h" #include "MCADefrag.h" #include "MCLogger.h" int main(int argc, char ** argv) { new cMCLogger(Printf("Defrag_%08x.log", time(NULL))); cMCADefrag Defrag; if (!Defrag.Init(argc, argv)) { return 1; } Defrag.Run(); return 0; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cMCADefrag: cMCADefrag::cMCADefrag(void) : m_NumThreads(1) { } bool cMCADefrag::Init(int argc, char ** argv) { // Nothing needed yet return true; } void cMCADefrag::Run(void) { // Fill the queue with MCA files m_Queue = cFile::GetFolderContents("."); // Start the processing threads: for (int i = 0; i < m_NumThreads; i++) { StartThread(); } // Wait for all the threads to finish: while (!m_Threads.empty()) { m_Threads.front()->Wait(); delete m_Threads.front(); m_Threads.pop_front(); } } void cMCADefrag::StartThread(void) { cThread * Thread = new cThread(*this); m_Threads.push_back(Thread); Thread->Start(); } AString cMCADefrag::GetNextFileName(void) { cCSLock Lock(m_CS); if (m_Queue.empty()) { return AString(); } AString res = m_Queue.back(); m_Queue.pop_back(); return res; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // cMCADefrag::cThread: cMCADefrag::cThread::cThread(cMCADefrag & a_Parent) : super("MCADefrag thread"), m_Parent(a_Parent) { } void cMCADefrag::cThread::Execute(void) { for (;;) { AString FileName = m_Parent.GetNextFileName(); if (FileName.empty()) { return; } ProcessFile(FileName); } } void cMCADefrag::cThread::ProcessFile(const AString & a_FileName) { // Filter out non-MCA files: if ((a_FileName.length() < 4) || (a_FileName.substr(a_FileName.length() - 4, 4) != ".mca")) { return; } LOGINFO("%s", a_FileName.c_str()); // Open input and output files: AString OutFileName = a_FileName + ".new"; cFile In, Out; if (!In.Open(a_FileName, cFile::fmRead)) { LOGWARNING("Cannot open file %s for reading, skipping file.", a_FileName.c_str()); return; } if (!Out.Open(OutFileName.c_str(), cFile::fmWrite)) { LOGWARNING("Cannot open file %s for writing, skipping file.", OutFileName.c_str()); return; } // Read the Locations and Timestamps from the input file: Byte Locations[4096]; UInt32 Timestamps[1024]; if (In.Read(Locations, sizeof(Locations)) != sizeof(Locations)) { LOGWARNING("Cannot read Locations in file %s, skipping file.", a_FileName.c_str()); return; } if (In.Read(Timestamps, sizeof(Timestamps)) != sizeof(Timestamps)) { LOGWARNING("Cannot read Timestamps in file %s, skipping file.", a_FileName.c_str()); return; } // Write dummy Locations to the Out file (will be overwritten once the correct ones are known) if (Out.Write(Locations, sizeof(Locations)) != sizeof(Locations)) { LOGWARNING("Cannot write Locations to file %s, skipping file.", OutFileName.c_str()); return; } m_CurrentSectorOut = 2; // Write a copy of the Timestamps into the Out file: if (Out.Write(Timestamps, sizeof(Timestamps)) != sizeof(Timestamps)) { LOGWARNING("Cannot write Timestamps to file %s, skipping file.", OutFileName.c_str()); return; } // Process each chunk: for (size_t i = 0; i < 1024; i++) { size_t idx = i * 4; if ( (Locations[idx] == 0) && (Locations[idx + 1] == 0) && (Locations[idx + 2] == 0) && (Locations[idx + 3] == 0) ) { // Chunk not present continue; } if (!ReadChunk(In, Locations + idx)) { LOGWARNING("Cannot read chunk #%d from file %s. Skipping file.", i, a_FileName.c_str()); return; } if (!WriteChunk(Out, Locations + idx)) { LOGWARNING("Cannot write chunk #%d to file %s. Skipping file.", i, OutFileName.c_str()); return; } } // Write the new Locations into the MCA header: Out.Seek(0); if (Out.Write(Locations, sizeof(Locations)) != sizeof(Locations)) { LOGWARNING("Cannot write updated Locations to file %s, skipping file.", OutFileName.c_str()); return; } // Close the files, delete orig, rename new: In.Close(); Out.Close(); cFile::Delete(a_FileName); cFile::Rename(OutFileName, a_FileName); } bool cMCADefrag::cThread::ReadChunk(cFile & a_File, const Byte * a_LocationRaw) { int SectorNum = (a_LocationRaw[0] << 16) | (a_LocationRaw[1] << 8) | a_LocationRaw[2]; int SizeInSectors = a_LocationRaw[3] * (4 KiB); if (a_File.Seek(SectorNum * (4 KiB)) < 0) { LOGWARNING("Failed to seek to chunk data - file pos %llu (%d KiB, %.02f MiB)!", (Int64)SectorNum * (4 KiB), SectorNum * 4, ((double)SectorNum) / 256); return false; } // Read the exact size: Byte Buf[4]; if (a_File.Read(Buf, 4) != 4) { LOGWARNING("Failed to read chunk data length"); return false; } m_CompressedChunkDataSize = (Buf[0] << 24) | (Buf[1] << 16) | (Buf[2] << 8) | Buf[3]; if (m_CompressedChunkDataSize > SizeInSectors) { LOGWARNING("Invalid chunk data - SizeInSectors (%d) smaller that RealSize (%d)", SizeInSectors, m_CompressedChunkDataSize); return false; } // Read the data: if (a_File.Read(m_CompressedChunkData, m_CompressedChunkDataSize) != m_CompressedChunkDataSize) { LOGWARNING("Failed to read chunk data!"); return false; } // TODO: Uncompress the data if recompression is active return true; } bool cMCADefrag::cThread::WriteChunk(cFile & a_File, Byte * a_LocationRaw) { // TODO: Recompress the data if recompression is active a_LocationRaw[0] = m_CurrentSectorOut >> 16; a_LocationRaw[1] = (m_CurrentSectorOut >> 8) & 0xff; a_LocationRaw[2] = m_CurrentSectorOut & 0xff; a_LocationRaw[3] = (m_CompressedChunkDataSize + (4 KiB) - 1) / (4 KiB); // Write the data length: Byte Buf[4]; Buf[0] = m_CompressedChunkDataSize >> 24; Buf[1] = (m_CompressedChunkDataSize >> 16) & 0xff; Buf[2] = (m_CompressedChunkDataSize >> 8) & 0xff; Buf[3] = m_CompressedChunkDataSize & 0xff; if (a_File.Write(Buf, 4) != 4) { LOGWARNING("Failed to write chunk length!"); return false; } // Write the data: if (a_File.Write(m_CompressedChunkData, m_CompressedChunkDataSize) != m_CompressedChunkDataSize) { LOGWARNING("Failed to write chunk data!"); return false; } return true; }