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2016-01-01 10:42:22 -05:00
// HTTPMessageParser.h
// Declares the cHTTPMessageParser class that parses HTTP messages (request or response) being pushed into the parser,
// and reports the individual parts via callbacks
2016-01-01 10:42:22 -05:00
#pragma once
#include "EnvelopeParser.h"
2016-01-01 10:42:22 -05:00
#include "TransferEncodingParser.h"
class cHTTPMessageParser:
2016-01-01 10:42:22 -05:00
protected cEnvelopeParser::cCallbacks,
protected cTransferEncodingParser::cCallbacks
class cCallbacks
// Force a virtual destructor in descendants:
virtual ~cCallbacks() {}
/** Called when an error has occured while parsing. */
virtual void OnError(const AString & a_ErrorDescription) = 0;
2016-08-22 13:49:33 -04:00
/** Called when the first line of the request or response is fully parsed.
Doesn't check the validity of the line, only extracts the first complete line. */
virtual void OnFirstLine(const AString & a_FirstLine) = 0;
2016-01-01 10:42:22 -05:00
/** Called when a single header line is parsed. */
virtual void OnHeaderLine(const AString & a_Key, const AString & a_Value) = 0;
/** Called when all the headers have been parsed. */
virtual void OnHeadersFinished(void) = 0;
/** Called for each chunk of the incoming body data. */
virtual void OnBodyData(const void * a_Data, size_t a_Size) = 0;
/** Called when the entire body has been reported by OnBodyData(). */
virtual void OnBodyFinished(void) = 0;
/** Creates a new parser instance that will use the specified callbacks for reporting. */
cHTTPMessageParser(cCallbacks & a_Callbacks);
2016-01-01 10:42:22 -05:00
/** Parses the incoming data and calls the appropriate callbacks.
Returns the number of bytes consumed or AString::npos number for error. */
2016-01-01 10:42:22 -05:00
size_t Parse(const char * a_Data, size_t a_Size);
/** Called when the server indicates no more data will be sent (HTTP 1.0 socket closed).
Finishes all parsing and calls apropriate callbacks (error if incomplete response). */
void Finish(void);
/** Returns true if the entire response has been already parsed. */
bool IsFinished(void) const { return m_IsFinished; }
/** Resets the parser to the initial state, so that a new request can be parsed. */
void Reset(void);
2016-01-01 10:42:22 -05:00
/** The callbacks used for reporting. */
cCallbacks & m_Callbacks;
/** Set to true if an error has been encountered by the parser. */
bool m_HasHadError;
/** True if the response has been fully parsed. */
bool m_IsFinished;
/** The complete first line of the response. Empty if not parsed yet. */
AString m_FirstLine;
2016-01-01 10:42:22 -05:00
/** Buffer for the incoming data until the status line is parsed. */
AString m_Buffer;
/** Parser for the envelope data (headers) */
cEnvelopeParser m_EnvelopeParser;
/** The specific parser for the transfer encoding used by this response. */
cTransferEncodingParserPtr m_TransferEncodingParser;
/** The transfer encoding to be used by the parser.
Filled while parsing headers, used when headers are finished. */
AString m_TransferEncoding;
/** The content length, parsed from the headers, if available.
Unused for chunked encoding.
Filled while parsing headers, used when headers are finished. */
size_t m_ContentLength;
2016-01-01 10:42:22 -05:00
/** Parses the first line out of m_Buffer.
Removes the first line from m_Buffer, if appropriate.
Returns the number of bytes consumed out of m_Buffer, or AString::npos number for error. */
size_t ParseFirstLine(void);
2016-01-01 10:42:22 -05:00
/** Parses the message body.
Processes transfer encoding and calls the callbacks for body data.
Returns the number of bytes consumed or AString::npos number for error. */
2016-01-01 10:42:22 -05:00
size_t ParseBody(const char * a_Data, size_t a_Size);
/** Called internally when the headers-parsing has just finished. */
void HeadersFinished(void);
// cEnvelopeParser::cCallbacks overrides:
virtual void OnHeaderLine(const AString & a_Key, const AString & a_Value) override;
// cTransferEncodingParser::cCallbacks overrides:
virtual void OnError(const AString & a_ErrorDescription) override;
virtual void OnBodyData(const void * a_Data, size_t a_Size) override;
virtual void OnBodyFinished(void) override;