$OpenBSD: README,v 2016/11/01 16:51:30 jasper Exp $

| Running ${FULLPKGNAME} on OpenBSD

Multiple instances

By definition consul-template is meant to be ran with multiple instances. The
default `consul_template` uses ${SYSCONFDIR}/consul-template.d/default.conf .
In order to start multiple instances:

	# ln -s ${RCDIR}/consul_template ${RCDIR}/consul_template_$NAME
	# rcctl set consul_template_$NAME status on
	# rcctl set consul_template_$NAME flags \
		-config ${SYSCONFDIR}/consul-template.d/$NAME.conf
	# rcctl start consul_template_$NAME


A default configuration file has been installed into
${SYSCONFDIR}/consul-template.d/default.conf . Please refer to the
the following https://github.com/hashicorp/consul-template#configuration-files
for more information on the configuration syntax.