
$OpenBSD: README,v 2020/09/08 22:32:42 abieber Exp $

| Running ${PKGSTEM} on OpenBSD

Initial Setup

The database server will need to have the hstore extension. This means
installing postgresql-contrib on OpenBSD.

Configure ${SYSCONFDIR}/miniflux.conf to your liking. Create a user and
database as defined in ${SYSCONFDIR}/miniflux.conf:

# su - _postgresql

Create a database user for Miniflux

$ createuser -U postgres -P miniflux

Create a database for miniflux that belongs to our user

$ createdb -U postgres -O miniflux miniflux

Create the extension hstore as superuser

$ psql -U postgres miniflux -c 'create extension hstore'

Run the database migrations.

# su -s/bin/sh - _miniflux
$ . /etc/miniflux.conf
$ miniflux -migrate

Create the initial admin account.

$ miniflux -create-admin

Miniflux is now ready to be started via rcctl.