Based on a submission by Thomas Frohwein <frohwein AT ymail DOT com>, who takes MAINTAINER, thanks! ok awolk@ DXX-Rebirth is a Source Port of the Descent and Descent 2 Engines, offering OpenGL graphics and effects, advanced Multiplayer, many improvements and new features. Do you like getting disoriented flying through narrow corridors while getting fired at from 6 degrees of freedom? Enjoy looking at confusing maps that look like yarn after your cats played with it? Love blowing up reactors that shoot red balls at you, only to get lost trying to find the exit afterwards and getting blown up with the entire mine? If this sounds fun to you, you have probably played Descent 1 or 2.
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$OpenBSD: README,v 2017/12/24 19:13:43 bcallah Exp $
| Running ${FULLPKGNAME} on OpenBSD
dxx-rebirth requires the original game files from Descent I and/or
Descent II to work properly. These can come from an original CD or from
If using the version of Descent I, you must extract the files
from setup_descent_1.4a_(16596).exe using the innoextract package.
The files will be in a directory named app. You must move the contents
of this directory to a directory named ~/.d1x-rebirth/Data
The eaisest way to do this is to follow these steps:
$ mkdir -p ~/.d1x-rebirth/Data
$ cp -R app/* ~/.d1x-rebirth/Data
You can then delete everything extracted from the exe.
If you own the version of Descent II, follow the above steps
with the setup_descent_2_1.1_(16596).exe file and using
~/.d2x-rebirth/Data as the directory name.