$OpenBSD: README,v 1.3 2014/09/19 16:08:26 rpe Exp $ +----------------------------------------------------------------------- | Running ${FULLPKGNAME} on OpenBSD +----------------------------------------------------------------------- selfoss is installed under: ${INSTDIR} It can be accessed by pointing you browser to: http://<hostname>/selfoss/ Post-installation instructions ============================== For nginx configuration examples see: https://github.com/SSilence/selfoss/wiki/nginx-configuration With Apache, AllowOverride settings on the ${INSTDIR} directory, the headers_module and the rewrite_module are required. You can configure this as follows: # ln -sf ${PREFIX}/conf/modules.sample/selfoss.conf \ ${PREFIX}/conf/modules "allow_url_fopen" needs to be enabled in PHP using _one_ of the following methods: 1. ${SYSCONFDIR}/php-${MODPHP_VERSION}.ini allow_url_fopen = On 2. /var/www/conf/httpd.conf (main server or VirtualHost) php_admin_value allow_url_fopen 1 3. ${PREFIX}/conf/modules.sample/selfoss.conf php_admin_value allow_url_fopen 1 4. ${SYSCONFDIR}/nginx/nginx.conf fastcgi_param PHP_VALUE "allow_url_fopen=on"; Activate user/password login ============================ 1. To ensure proper salting of passwords generate a reasonable complex saltvalue and set 'salt=' in the configuration file ${PREFIX}/selfoss/config.ini. You can use this command: tr -cd '#_[:alnum:]' < /dev/urandom | fold -w 60 | head -1 2. Use the http://<hostname>/selfoss/password page to generate the password hash. 3. Set a 'username=' and use the hash for 'password=' in the ${PREFIX}/selfoss/config.ini configuration file. Update feeds ============ You need to choose an update method for the feeds as explained in the installation part of the documentation on http://selfoss.aditu.de/. You can run the update process from a cronjob: */5 * * * * ftp -Vo /dev/null http://<hostname>/selfoss/update If you use authentication, you might set "allow_public_update_access=1" and limit access to that url to localhost in your webserver config.